
  • 网络single vision;monovision
  1. 结果人工晶状体术后1月有844%的患者有双眼单视功能,其中80%的患者有融合功能,733%的患者有不同程度的立体视,并且有322%的患者获得了正常的立体视锐值。

    Results 84.4 % patients observed with binocular single vision function one month after operation , in which 80 % patients with fusion function and 73.3 % patients with stereoscopic vision in varying degrees , especially 32.2 % patients obtaining the normal stereoacuity .

  2. 结果所有病例恢复正常眼位,恢复双眼单视功能。

    Result All of the patients had recovered the primary ocular position and binocular single vision .

  3. 高分辨率星载SAR单视图像斑点噪声抑制实现方法

    Speckle Reduction for High Resolution One Look Spaceborne SAR Images

  4. 单视SAR图像的相干斑特征分析与统计

    Analysis and Statistics of the Speckle Characteristics in SAR Images

  5. 模拟退火法在SAR单视图像斑点噪声抑制中的应用研究

    Speckle Removal for SAR Single-look Images by Simulated Annealing

  6. 多分辨率分析在单视SAR图像的Speckle滤波器中的应用

    Application of Multiresolution Analysis in Single - Look SAR Image Speckle Filter

  7. 提出了实现高分辨率星载SAR单视图像斑点噪声抑制的广义形态滤波法。

    Method is developed for speckle reduction of high resolution one-look spaceborne SAR images in this paper .

  8. 成人近视性屈光参差LASIK术后双眼单视功能的建立

    Research on binocular single vision after LASIK treating adult myopic anisometropia

  9. 本文提出了干涉合成孔径雷达(INSAR)从SAR单视复图像到非模糊相位图的一种实用数据处理方法。

    In this paper , an algorithm of generating INSAR unwrapped phase image from SAR single-look complex images is presented .

  10. 采用这种高精度成像处理方法和单视图像斑点噪声抑制方法,可以实现星载SAR高空间分辨率和高辐射分辨率的雷达图像。

    Using the high precise imaging algorithm and the speckle reduction method for one look image , we can make radar images with high spatial resolution and high radiometric resolution .

  11. 最后,给出了包括单视SAR成像、干涉相位条纹、水平相差修正和干涉条纹的降噪滤波在内的处理过程中关键步骤的结果,和最终的三维地貌成像结果。

    Last , results of some key steps such as single look complex image of SAR , phase fringe image of interferogram , flat earth modified phase fringe , noise reduced phase fringe , and the final 3D topography are shown .

  12. 本文提出一种对干涉合成孔径雷达(干涉SAR)处理中单视复图像(SLC)进行地形自适应预滤波的方法,提高从不同入射角获得的SAR图像之间的空间相干性,并同时改进相干性估计。

    A topography adaptive filter is proposed to improve the coherence of single look complex ( SLC ) images obtained from different looking angles for interferometric synthetic aperture radar ( InSAR ) processing , and to improve the coherence estimation as well .

  13. 斜视手术时机选择与双眼单视功能恢复的相关性研究

    Study of relation of binocular vision and selection of strabismus operative opportunity

  14. 一种单视广义极化K-分布纹理参数的估计方法

    A Method for Parameter Estimating of Single-look Generalized Polarimetric K-distribution

  15. 用同视机法测定双眼单视功能。

    Using the synoptophore to examine the binocular function .

  16. 斜视手术前后双眼单视注视野的临床研究

    Clinical study of the field of binocular fixation in strabismus before and after surgery

  17. 翻板式电控单视标视力表及其临床应用

    The Electric Instrument of Turned Visual Acuity Chart with Single Optotype and Its Clinical Application

  18. 结论:角膜塑型术是青少年近视性屈光参差的首选治疗方法,它可以克服屈光参差者戴框架眼镜时出现的物像差现象,能充分矫治屈光参差,达到双眼单视从而获得矫正视力的效果。

    Conclusion : Orthokeratology appears to be a preferred treatment for correction of myopic anisometropia .

  19. 方法追踪观察60例先天性内斜视手术治疗后眼位和双眼单视功能的变化,并进行分析。

    Methods Eye position and binocular vision was analyzed in60 cases of congenital esotropia treated by surgery .

  20. 目的观察先天性内斜视手术治疗后眼位和双眼单视功能的变化。

    Objective To observe the eye position and binocular vision function in congenital esotropia treated with surgery .

  21. 同时施氏鲟仔鱼的视网膜中只有视杆细胞和单视锥细胞,这些结构特征不同于软骨鱼,也与大部分硬骨鱼有差异。

    The eyeball structures of Amur sturgeon larva are different from Chondrichthyes ' , and little disagreement with Teleost ' s.

  22. 其实不然,这仅仅是外观上的缺陷,更重要的是斜视造成了双眼单视功能的丧失。

    Actually otherwise , this is apparent blemish merely , more important is the forfeiture that strabismus caused double eye sheet to look a function .

  23. 双眼单视功能的丧失与斜视发病年龄,弱视治疗效果及双眼视力参差大小有关。

    The recovery of binocular vision depended upon the age of onset , the efficacy of amblyopic therapy and the degree of bilateral visual acuity difference .

  24. 提出了一种单视三维重构方法,该方法是利用用户提供图像点及其对应的三维点之间几何信息。

    In this paper , a method for performing single view 3D reconstruction is present , in which the user provides image points and geometric information about the corresponding 3D points .

  25. 结论(1)先天性内斜视主要危害是双眼单视功能的缺陷和弱视,应早期手术,4岁前手术可能获得双眼单视功能。

    Conclusion The chiefly harm of congenital esotropia is the defect of binocular vision function and amblyopia , should be operated early , to surgery before 4 years old may achieve binocular vision function .

  26. 一种常用的单视测量方法是通过获取图像平面与空间场景平面(参考平面)之间的单应性矩阵实现对该平面上几何量的测量。

    A current method of the plane metrology is to measure the geometrical entities on a scene plane ( referred as the reference plane ) via the homography between the plane and its projected image .

  27. 双眼单视功能术后4例产生同时视,15例获得融合功能,29例产生立体视,3例无同时视,3例放弃视功能训练。

    After the operations concerning the binocular monocular visual functions , 4 cases could produce synchronism , 15 cases got integrative visual functions , 29 cases produced stereopsis and only 3 cases gave up visual training .

  28. 结果先天性内斜视手术治疗后远期眼正位率明显低于术后近期正位率,4岁前手术组患者术后双眼单视功能明显优于4岁后手术组。

    Results Rate of long-term normal position was significantly lower than that of early postoperation , and visual function in group of surgery before 4 years old was significantly better than that of after 4 years old .

  29. 结果表明,人工晶体植入术后3个月大部分患者(80%)有双眼单视功能,其中有72.8682.86%的患者获得不同程度的立体视觉功能,28.5737.14%的患者获得了正常的立体视觉。

    The results were as fellow : 3 months after IOL implantation most cases ( 80 % ) have binocular vision , among them 72.86 82.86 % have stereopsis to a certain extent , 28.57 37.14 % have normal stereopsis .

  30. 仿真方法是利用小面单元模型进行地面场景建模,然后根据系统几何模型和信号模型仿真回波信号,成像处理后,两幅单视复图像进行相干处理得到干涉相位图。

    The simulation method is firstly to model the ground scene using facet model , secondly to simulate backscattered signal according to system geometric model and signal model , and thirdly after imaging to carry out interferometric processing of two complex images .