
  • 网络single valued correspondence;single-valued correspondence
  1. 小说线索对结构的单值对应关系

    Responsive Relation Between Clues and Construction in Novels

  2. 相对于现有的编码转换系统,此种技术符合单值对应法则。

    Compared with the existing code conversion scheme , the proposed technique was in accordance with the single value correspondence principle .

  3. 研究表明:当原状黄土同时受吸力和净平均应力作用时,土中水量与吸力之间并不存在单值对应的关系;

    Results show : The relationship between water and matric was not single corresponding when undisturbed loess was loading by matric suction and net pressure ;

  4. 经过分析发现,在焊接状态下,熔池温度与传感器输出电压信号具有单值对应性。

    It is found by investigating on the welding that the relationship between the weld pool temperature and output voltage of the sensor is single valued .

  5. 边坡从初始屈曲到后屈曲的变形过程中,模态幅值与载荷间存在着单值的对应关系。

    In the process of side slope deformation from initial buckling to post-buckling , there exists single-valued relation between modality amplitude and load .