
Rotational Surface With Given Gauss Curvature Function of the Fourth Order
The Solution of the Continuance Linear Differential Equation that Coefficient Contain Four Number of Times Function
The complete criterion of roots of quartic functions and the positive definite condition of a quartic function
Cone flow field is used here as the generating flow field . The projection of the leading-edge on the base surface is defined using a forth-order function . The lower surface is produced tracing streamlines and isentropic expansion is done in some part of upper surface .
It is proved that the intersecting line of the two curved surface is space curve , and the equation is quartic implicit function with one unknown .
Reducing the continuity of quartic spline interpolation surface to C2 can provide an additional degree of freedom , which can improve the interpolation accuracy and control the shape of the surface .
A class of 4-degree polynomial basis function with two shape parameters , is presented , which is the extension of the cubic Bernstein with one shape parameter , and a cubic B é zier curve with two shape parameters , is defined based on it .
A class of polynomial blending functions of degree four is presented , which is an extension of the cubic non-uniform B-spline curve .
Since the two shortcomings of quartic spline function , its important applications have been ignored . And it is generally agreed that the even spline curves and surfaces are not suitable for curve and surface interpolation problem .
The quartic spline function has two shortcomings : ( 1 ) The continuity equation is not the corresponding tri-diagonal matrix . ( 2 ) The breakpoint of spline function is not in the positions of data points .
In order to discuss the rationality of various warping displacement modes , second-degree parabola , cubic parabola , fourth-degree parabola and cosine function are selected respectively .
Stress function in 4th power polynomial is proposed in the paper for trend analysis of residual stress field according to the measured datum of a few points and boundary conditions of the rock surface .