
  • 网络Washington Metro
  1. 我在旧金山和华盛顿地铁区域对这款新的iPhone版谷歌地图进行了大约一周的测试,我真的很喜欢它。

    I 've been testing the new Google Maps on iPhone for a week or so in the San Francisco and Washington metro areas , and I really like it .

  2. 华盛顿地铁福特&图特站的仿真反分析

    The Simulation Back Analysis of Washington Subway 's Fort-Totten Station

  3. 它还准确地给出了华盛顿地铁的路线信息。

    It provided accurate directions for Washington 's subway 。

  4. 华盛顿地铁官员们表示美国联邦调查局正在调查如果广告投放可能引起的暴力威胁。

    Washington Metro officials say the FBI is investigating a threat of violence if the ads ran .

  5. 据控诉书称,他监控并计划对华盛顿地铁系统实施多次袭击。

    According to the indictment which we read , he was involved in doing surveillance and planning for multiple attacks on Washington 's Metro system .

  6. 在华盛顿地铁的修建过程中,应用了昂贵的实测系统,对浅埋隧道在分期开挖、支护的各个不同阶段进行了全面细致的实测。

    In the course of Washington Subway construction , an expensive measurement systemis employed to carry out an overall and detailed field measurement of excavation in stages , support and protection in different sections in shallow buried tunnel .

  7. 华盛顿的地铁系统面临着巨大的交通压力,尤其是数千人在总统演讲结束后便离开了。

    Traffic was heavy on the city 's metro rail system , especially as thousands left the mall right after the president 's speech .

  8. 我从华盛顿的地铁车站上来,乘的是在北京已是司空见惯的传送带式电梯。

    When I rode the subway in Washington D.C. , I took the escalator to go up to ground level , like I always do in Beijing .

  9. 所以现在我们看到发生在华盛顿特区地铁运输系统的是人们开始投放不同的广告来反对那个恶意的言论。”斯坦德利说道。

    So what we see happening now in the Washington , D.C. , Metro transit system is people are starting to put up different advertisements that counter the hateful speech , " Standly said .

  10. 一位推特用户开玩笑说,华盛顿特区的地铁系统肯定是骑车上班日的赞助商或支持者。

    One Twitter user joked that DC 's metro system must just be a proud sponsor - or supporter - of Bike to Work Day .