
  1. 华中抗日根据地大反攻

    Great Counter Offensive in Anti-Japanese Base Area in Central China

  2. 华中抗日根据地文化取得的巨大成就,与适时、适地的抗日文化政策分不开。

    The enormous culture achievement that The New Fourth Army got is connected right culture policy .

  3. 研究华中抗日根据地文化就是要获得它对当代文化发展的启示。

    Studying the anti-Japanese base area culture in Central China is to get its enlightenment of contemporary cultural development .

  4. 论华中抗日根据地鄂豫边区的工商税及关税鄂东部分地区方言中日母字发音规律调查

    Survey on the Fax of Hubei-Henan Border Region in Central China ; Investigation on the Pronunciation Rules of Rimu Characters in Eastern Hubei Dialect

  5. 第五章,主要从文化政策角度出发,挖掘华中抗日根据地文化建设的现实意义。

    In chapter five , from cultural policy angle , I mainly excavate the realistic meaning in the anti-Japanese base area cultural construction of Central China .

  6. 第四章,基于前三章的史料内容,概括出了华中抗日根据地文化的特点。

    In chapter four , based the basis of the historical data , I have summarized the characteristic of the anti-Japanese base area culture in Central China .

  7. 抗日战争时期,新四军在建立华中抗日根据地的同时,及时开发江苏盐区,发展盐业经济,为根据地的巩固和建设发挥了巨大作用。

    The New Fourth Army ′ s establishment of central China ′ s anti Japanese base , timely development of salt areas and salt industry economy in jiangsu had tremendously effected the consolidation and construction of the base .

  8. 第一章,从华中抗日根据地的自然历史条件入手,结合新四军与华中抗日根据地的发展,概述了华中抗日根据地文化建设的背景。

    In chapter one , Form historical terms and naturally condition of Central China anti-Japanese base area and the development of the New Fourth Army and Central China anti-Japanese base area , I has summed up the natural , humane environment of cultural .

  9. 这些研究有助搜集更广泛的科学数据,以助制订合适的环保政策。在华北华中各抗日根据地内,都应该在群众自愿的基础上,广泛组织这种集体互助的生产合作社。

    These studies should culminate in a broader range of scientific data to facilitate the development of sound environmental policies . Such collective mutual-aid producers ' co-operatives should be extensively and voluntarily organized in all the anti-Japanese base areas in northern and central China .

  10. 在华北华中各抗日根据地内,都应该在群众自愿的基础上,广泛组织这种集体互助的生产合作社。解放后又实行了土改,然后就是互助组、合作社。

    Such collective mutual-aid producers ' co-operatives should be extensively and voluntarily organized in all the anti-Japanese base areas in northern and central China . After liberation came the land reform , then the mutual - aid teams and then the producers ` co - operatives .

  11. 〔4〕这是指当时陕甘宁边区和华北、华中、华南各抗日根据地所拥有的人口的总数。

    [ 4 ] This was the total population of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and all other Liberated Areas in northern , central and southern China .