
  • 网络Washington Square Park
  1. 华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)就在它南边一个街区外;

    Washington Square Park is one block south ;

  2. 吃完晚餐,在华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)散散步,然后穿过格林威治村,来到西3街(West3rdStreet)的蓝调爵士俱乐部(BlueNoteJazzClub)。

    After dinner and a stroll around Washington Square Park and through Greenwich Village , pop in to Blue Note Jazz Club on West 3rd Street .

  3. 音乐节不是在华盛顿广场公园举行吗?

    You : Don 't they hold the festival in Washington square Park ?

  4. 您会找到华盛顿广场公园的。

    You can 't miss Washington Square Park .

  5. 但我认为这车就是去华盛顿广场公园的车。

    But I thought this was the right bus to go to Washington Square Park .

  6. 走到美西百货的时候他断线了,后来在华盛顿广场公园上又被发现了。

    Right before he reached Macy 's , he broke free and was spotted flying over Washington Square Park .

  7. 这是一个温暖宜人的夏日,我正看着窗外的华盛顿广场公园。

    It is a very pleasant , warm summer day and I am looking out of the window at Washington Square Park .

  8. 而坐落于华盛顿广场公园附近的位于第六大道的拥有113间客房的精品酒店是永恒典雅的缩影——包括里面的和外面的。

    Located just off of 6th Avenue , nearWashington Square Park , the 113-bedroom boutique hotel is the epitome oftimeless elegance - both inside and out .

  9. 大道始于纽约市区的华盛顿广场公园,穿过格林威治村、中城、上东区、哈莱姆区,直至北端的布朗克斯区。

    It starts from Washington Square Park in downtown New York , extending through Greenwich Village , Midtown , the Upper East Side , Harlem , and into The Bronx in the north .

  10. 网上贴出的一系列图片里,这组人和其他志愿者在时代广场、华盛顿广场公园等地方摆好造型拍照,电脑装在杆子上,撑开几英尺远。

    In a series of images posted online , the group and a few volunteers pose for pictures , their laptops held out on a pole several feet in front of them , in places like Times Square and Washington Square Park .