
bàn zhěng shù
  • half-integer;semi-integer
半整数[bàn zhěng shù]
  1. 基于FPGA的半整数及整数分频器的参数化设计

    Parameterized Design of Half-Integer and Integer Frequency Dividers Based on FPGA

  2. 其中,△Nμ(m)可为零、可为整数、也可为半整数。

    Therein , Δ N μ( m ) may be zero , may be an integer and may also be a half-integer .

  3. 基于CPLD的任意整数半整数分频器设计

    Arbitrary Integral or Half-integral Frequency Division Designed with CPLD

  4. 半整数分频器的VHDL设计

    The design of half integer frequency divider with VHDL

  5. 半整数法测定和计算弱酸的电离常数

    Half n Method for the Calculation of Ionization Constants of Weak Acid

  6. 弯曲时空的半整数自旋场方程

    The field equation of half-integer spin in curved space-time

  7. 调制指数为整数和半整数的连续相位调制信号的盲检测

    Blind Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation Signals with Integer and Half Integer Modulation Index

  8. 粉末样品中半整数四极核中心线的自旋锁定现象

    Central line spin - locking phenomenon of half - integer quadrupole nuclei in powder samples

  9. 偶次和半整数次谐波的产生

    Even Harmonic and Semi-Integer Harmonic Generation

  10. 我们从低自旋情形出发,一步一步地给出自旋为任意整数和半整数的粒子的波函数的一般形式。

    Starting from low spins , the general wave functions for arbitrary integral and half-integral spins are deduced in a step-by-step way .

  11. 对于半整数带位的情况,文中给出了采样速率的选取及种类个数优化策略。

    For the bands which have half band positions , an optimized scheme is put forward to select the band-pass sampling rates .

  12. 发现由于双色场的相干效应,在其谐波谱中不仅产生了奇次谐波,还产生了偶次谐波和半整数次谐波。

    It is found that there exist odd harmonics , even harmonics and semi-integer harmonics due to the coherent interaction between two colors .

  13. 详细讨论了低能强流质子圆形加速器中质子穿越整数及半整数共振点的现象。

    The phenomena that proton passes through the integer and half-integer resonance points in low energy proton circular accelerator with intense beams are discussed .

  14. 将这些结果综合起来,就表明作者以前所建立的一类半整数自由度级的非线性共振的理论是可以用于移动电站的。

    Combining these results , the theory of the nonlinear resonance of a class of half-integer degree of freedom , which was established before by the author , can be applied to the movable power systems .

  15. 其频率为在束缚轨道上电子旋转的经典频率之半的整数倍。

    Its frequency is an integral multiple of one-half the classical frequency of revolution of the electron in the bound orbit .

  16. 该技术很好地解决了双传声器&传递函数技术存在的两传声器间距不能为半波长整数倍的问题;

    The problem due to the distance between the two microphones being not an integer multiple of the half-wavelength of sound in the two-microphone-transfer function technique can thus be solved in our new method .

  17. 当两板的间距为小振幅入射波半波长的整数倍时,将发生驻波现象,而与透水板的透水性能无关。

    It is found that when the distance between the two plates is a integral multiple of the half-wavelength of the incident waves , the " tanding wave " phenomenon will occur , in spite of the permeability of the porous plates .