
tóng wèi xuán
  • isospin;isotopic spin;isobaric spin;i-spin
同位旋[tóng wèi xuán]
  1. 他认为原子核作为玻色子的系统时的有效哈密尔顿量是同位旋SU(2)不变的。

    They advocated that the effective Hamiltonian is isospin SU ( 2 ) invariant .

  2. 重离子碰撞中的同位旋和近阈K产生均为当今核反应研究的前沿内容和热点问题。

    The isospin effect and K production in intermediate and high energy Heavy Ion Collisions ( HICs ) are hot topics in the nuclear physics .

  3. 从Paris势和电磁相互作用出发,应用格林函数方法推导了同位旋三重态sd壳等效粒子粒子相互作用。

    The sd-shell effective particle interactions are derived from the Paris potential and electric magnetic interactions using Green 's function method .

  4. 同位旋相关的Boltzmann-Langevin方程及新核素~(19)Na产生截面的研究

    Isospin Dependent Boltzmann-Langevin Equation and the Production Cross Section of ~ ( 19 ) Na

  5. 同位旋非对称核物质性质与扩展的BHF方法(Ⅳ)单粒子势与有效质量

    Properties of Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter and Extended BHF Approach (ⅳ) Single-Particle Potential and Effective Mass

  6. 由于在轻核中质子与中子处于同一壳,当用相互作用玻色子模型(IBM)描述轻核时,必须引入同位旋。

    Because protons and neutrons in light nuclei fill the same shell , it is necessary to introduce isospin when the light nuclei are described by the interacting boson model ( IBM ) .

  7. 用SkyrmeHartreeFock模型系统地研究了40Ca到70Ca到Ca同位素偶偶核的基态性质及其同位旋依赖性。

    The ground state properties of Ca isotopes far from stability line were systematically studied using the Skyrme Hartree Fock model .

  8. 采用同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型,研究了在轰击能量为40MeVu和100MeVu时,112Sn+112Sn和124Sn+124Sn反应产物的同位素分布。

    Within the framework of isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model , isotopic distributions in the reactions of 112 Sn + 112 Sn and 124 Sn + 124 Sn at 40 and 100 MeV / u are investigated .

  9. 在描述核子(反核子)与介子(π~±,π~0)强相互作用的各种模型理论中,基于强相互作用满足同位旋对称性建立的SU(2)不变耦合模型取得很大的成功。

    SU ( 2 ) invariant coupling model which based on the invariance of isotopic spin symmetry in strong interaction has been a great success in vicarious kinds of model theories that describing the strong reaction between nucleon and meson .

  10. 在半经典近似框架下,利用Scaling变换,讨论了静态形变及动力学形变对同位旋标量巨四极共振(GQR)及同位旋矢量巨偶极共振(GDR)的影响。

    The effects of static and dynamical deformation on isoscalar GQR and isovector GDR are discussed in the framework of semiclassical approximation with scaling ansatz .

  11. 本工作将相对论DiracBrueckner-Hartree-Fock得到的核子有效相互作用G矩阵应用于散射问题,研究了同位旋相关的相对论微观光学势(RMOP)。

    In this work , the new decomposition of the Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock ( DBHF ) G-matrix is adopted to investigate the isospin-dependent relativistic microscopic optical potential ( RMOP ) .

  12. 研究的结果表明,Dirac海负能核子态和矢量介子空间分量对同位旋标量激发有贡献,特别是对重核,而对轻核它的贡献减弱,对于同位旋矢量激发的贡献可忽略。

    The results show that the effects of the Dirac sea states on the isoscalar giant modes are pronounced , but become weaker for light nuclei , while the contributions of the isovector modes are negligible .

  13. 本文从分析实验出发,对SU3羣八重态理论提出了两个补充假定:(1)同位旋T和超荷Y对质量分裂的非线性贡献与多重态的自旋宇称无关;

    Two additional postulates of the eightfold way are suggested on the basis of the analysis of experiments : ( 1 ) The nonlinear contribution of the isospin T and the hyper-charge Y to the mass-splitting is independent of the spin-parity of multiplets ;

  14. 改进的QMD模型研究不同入射道条件对同位旋分馏强度的影响

    Influence of incidence channel condition on isospin fractionation ratio based on the revised isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics

  15. 本文讨论了同位旋I自旋1/2费米子在SU(2)磁单极场中的运动,利用活动坐标架的方法,得到径向波函数所满足的一般方程;

    This paper discusses the motion of the half spin fermions with iso (?) pin ⅰ in the field of SU ( 2 ) monopole . By means of the moving coordinate frame , finds a general equation that is satisfied to radial wave-function .

  16. 因为介子涨落效应,在平均场近似存在的Sarma相被排除掉,在低同位旋化学势时的π超流的Bose-Einstein凝聚区间也被明显地缩小。

    Due to the meson fluctuations , the Sarma phase which exists at mean field level is washed away , and the Bose-Einstein condensation region at low isospin density is highly suppressed .

  17. 简要介绍了中子晕和质子晕研究的最新实验进展,同时,讨论了近年来发展的同位旋,能量有关的具有晕核结构的Glauber理论及它在描述晕核与核散射时的重要性。

    The development of new experiments for neutron ( or proton ) halo is briefly described , while the isospin and energy dependence of Glauber theory and its importance in describing halo nuclei-nucleus scattering are discussed .

  18. 同位旋三重态1s-0d等效相互作用与~(18)Ne-~(18)O库仑移位能

    1s-0d effective interactions of isospin triplet and ~ ( 18 ) ne - ~ ( 18 ) o Coulomb displacement energies

  19. 同位旋相关的量子分子动力学计算表明,随着反应时间的增加,类弹产物的平均出射动能逐渐减小而平均NZ值则逐渐增大。

    It is shown from the isospin dependent quantum mechanics ( IQMD ) that with the increasing of reaction time , the average kinetic energy of the projectile-like products decreases , while the N / Z ratio increases gradually .

  20. 随着同位旋相关的高阶修正项系数的变化,208Pb的中子皮厚度和中子星半径的变化趋势相同。

    The coupling constants of the isospin dependent high order correction terms tend to change , the thickness of neutron-skin and the radius of neutron stars change simultaneously .

  21. 从Adler-bardeen关系出发,并考虑到同位旋破缺的高阶修正和π-η-η′混合,推出了夸克对质子自旋的公式。

    Start from the Adler-Bardeen relation and have derived a formula of the quark content of the proton spin , when the π - η - η′ mixing and the higher order correction of the isospin breaking is considered .

  22. 结果表明:在SkyrmeHartreeFock框架内,同位旋非对称核物质会发生从非极化态到极化态的相变,而且发生相变的临界密度随同位旋非对称度增大而降低。

    It is shown within the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock framework that there is the ferromagnetic phase transition in the isospin asymmetric nuclear matter at some density , above which the nuclear matter becomes stable against spin fluctuation , and the critical density for the ferromagnetic transition decreases with increasing the asymmetry parameter .

  23. 在相对论平均场的框架下,对208Pb中子皮对新的同位旋依赖的高阶核子-ω-ρ介子耦合项的敏感性进行了研究。

    The sensitivity of the neutron skin thickness S in ~ ( 208 ) Pb to the new addition of the high order isospin-dependent nucleon - ω - ρ coupling term in the relativistic mean field model is studied .

  24. 计算表明,高阶同位旋依赖的核子-ω-ρ介子耦合能够进一步软化对称能,因而能够在不影响其它基态可观测量的情况下,进一步减小208Pb的中子半径。

    Calculations show that the high order isospin-dependent nucleon - ω - ρ coupling term can further soften the symmetry energy , and thus further decrease the neutron radius of ~ ( 208 ) Pb without affecting other ground-state observables .

  25. 在Brueckner-Hartree-Fock理论框架内,研究了同位旋非对称核物质中质子和中子单粒子势的动量相关性及其随同位旋非对称度的变化,在此基础上计算了同位旋对称势,并讨论了三体核力的影响。

    Within the isospin dependent Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework , the proton and neutron single particle potentials in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter as well as their isospin denpendence have been investigated . The symmetry potential is extracted from the proton and neutron single nucleon potentials .

  26. 本文用Racah代数理论和Talmi变换方法计算了~(14)C&~(14)O这对镜核的8个同位旋相似态的库仑能差,结果与实验值基本符合。

    In this paper , the Coulomb-energy Differences of eight Isobaric Analogue States for ~ ( 14 ) C & ~ ( 14 ) O are calculated with Racah Algebra and Talmi Transformation . The results are basically in agreement with the experiment .

  27. 同位旋标量四极振荡四元数矩阵实表示的基本性质及应用

    The Principle Property and Application of Real Presentation of Quaternion Matrix

  28. 轻粒子产额及其关联的同位旋效应

    Isospin Effect on the Yield of Light Particles and Their Correlations

  29. 同位旋相关的核子&核子散射截面的介质修正研究

    The Study of the Isospin Dependence of In-medium NN Cross Section

  30. 中能重离子碰撞中平衡能的同位旋效应

    Isospin Effects on Balance Energy in HIC at Intermediate Energies