
  • 网络semiconductor cell
  1. 对不起,我们没有半导体电池出售。

    Sorry , we don 't keep batteries for transistor sets .

  2. facebook和twitter或许掀起了突破性的社会变革,但是,最有价值的创新仍然来自于半导体、电池和机器人等产品的制造。

    Facebook and twitter may bring disruptive social change . But the most valuable innovation still comes from making products such as semiconductors , batteries and robotics .

  3. 金属-绝缘体-半导体太阳电池基于对半组合法的导弹绝缘电阻测试

    Metal-isolator-semiconductor solar cel The Insulation Resistance Testing of Missile Based on Half Combined Method

  4. CdS/CdTe多晶薄膜及其化合物半导体太阳电池的研究

    Study on CdS / CdTe Polycrystalline Thin Films and Related Compound Semiconductive Solar Cells

  5. 开展新型Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体太阳能电池的理论研究工作。

    The theoretical study on the novel III-V compound semiconductor solar cells was carried out .

  6. 量子阱半导体太阳能电池的研究

    Development of Quantum Well Semiconductor Solar Cell

  7. 化合物半导体太阳电池

    Compound semiconductor solar cell

  8. 利用太阳能就是将太阳能转化为电能,这主要是通过半导体太阳能电池来实现的。

    Using solar energy is to convert solar energy into electric energy . This is mainly done by solar cells .

  9. 1954年美国贝尔实验室研制出世界上第一片实用型半导体太阳能电池,开辟了太阳能利用的新纪元。

    The first solar cell fabricated in American Bell Lab in1954 opens a new era of the applications of solar cell .

  10. 介绍了绿色新兴能源燃料电池、晶体硅太阳能电池、化合物半导体太阳能电池制造技术中的精密网版印刷技术;

    This article introduces the precise screen printing technology for fuel battery , crystal silicon solar battery and semiconductor solar battery .

  11. 半导体太阳能电池近年来引起了越来越多研究者的浓厚兴趣,科学家对此进行了大量的研究。

    Semiconductor solar cell has aroused wide interest from more and more investigators and is devoted numerous research studies in the last decades .

  12. 聚合物太阳能电池的潜在应用领域很宽,从柔性太阳能模块和半导体太阳能电池到建筑应用等等。

    The potential applications of polymer solar cells are broad , ranging from flexible solar modules and semitransparent solar cells , to building applications .

  13. 导出半导体太阳电池串联电阻计算公式,凭据串联电阻值判别电池背接触电阻的大小。

    A formula for calculation of the series resistance of semiconductor solar cell is deduced , and the magnitude of the rear contact resistance of the cell is distinguished by means of the series resistance .

  14. 聚光型多结化合物半导体太阳能电池是聚光发电技术的核心器件,具有目前最高的光电转换效率,良好的温度特性,抗辐射性能好,以及寿命长等优点。

    Concentrator multijunction solar cell is the key of concentrator photovoltaic , and has the highest photoelectric conversion efficiency , good temperature characteristic , superior radiation-resistant property , and long lasting lifetime span , and so on .

  15. 与传统的无机半导体太阳能电池相比,染料敏化太阳电池对材料和工艺的要求低,成本低廉,光电转化效率高(目前最高已达到13%),因而作为新一代太阳能电池受到人们广泛的关注。

    Dye-sensitized solar cells ( DSCs ), as a new generation of solar cells , have attracted significant attentions due to their low cost , simple process and high photoelectric conversion efficiency , compared with traditional inorganic semiconductor solar cells .

  16. 纤维态电解二氧化锰的半导体性质与电池活性的关系

    Relationship between Semiconductor Properties and Cathodic Behavior of Fibrous Manganese Dioxide

  17. 化学二氧化锰的半导体性质与电池活性关系的研究

    Studies on Semiconductor Properties of CMD and Its Activity in the Alkali Battery

  18. 内置充放电控制与保护电路的半导体照明锂电池矿用帽灯

    Miner 's lamp using semiconductor lighting including charge - dis charge control and protection circuit

  19. 在制作半导体和太阳能电池中用到的最主要的材料都是单晶硅和多晶硅。

    The monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon wafers are the main materials for the production of semiconductors and solar cells .

  20. 公司主要产品包括手机、基站、半导体、手机电池、汽车电子等电子产品。

    Its main products include mobile phones , base stations , semiconductors , mobile phone batteries , automotive electronics and other electronic products .

  21. 如今该公司已是全球最大的半导体、太阳能电池板和平面显示器生产设备供应商。

    Today , it is the world 's biggest supplier of the equipment used to make semiconductors , solar panels and flat-panel displays .

  22. 半导体聚合物太阳能电池能够使用溶液技术进行制备,其具有生产低成本太阳能电池的独特优势,原因在于其材料和工艺的优点。

    Based on semiconducting polymers , these solar cells are fabricated from solution-processing techniques and have unique prospects for achieving low-cost solar energy harvesting , owing to their material and manufacturing advantages .

  23. 用有机半导体制作太阳能电池,工艺简单,成本低廉,虽然目前转换效率较低,但具有发展的潜在优势。

    Organic semiconductor solar cells have been shown to have the advantages of comparatively simple procedure and low cost , so it has the potential superiority even though the conversion efficiency being Slow .

  24. 在此,我们提出了采用半导体二极管屏蔽电池缺气产生的负压的方法,通过抑制负压以达到保护电池的作用。

    Here , we present a method of the semiconductor diode shielding the negative voltage that starvation produces , by inhibiting the negative voltage to achieve the function of protecting the fuel cell .

  25. 在发光二极管、半导体激光器以及太阳能电池等领域,ZnO具有广阔的应用前景。

    It has extensive application in the field of light-emitting diode ( LEDs ), semiconductor laser , and solar cell .

  26. 同时,ZnO在空气中也有较好的热稳定性和化学稳定性,这些性质使其在发光二极管、半导体激光器和太阳能电池等光电器件制备方面引起了人们的广泛关注。

    ZnO has good thermal stability and chemical stability in the air ambient , these properties make it very popular in the fabrication of light-emitting diodes , laser diodes and solar cells and other optoelectronic devices .

  27. 纳米半导体材料在光伏电池、光电传感器、光谱发射和光催化等方面有着重要的潜在应用价值,因此近几年来得到了广泛的研究。

    Nanometer scale semiconductor materials have been studied extensively in recent years because of their important applications in photovoltaic cell , sensing , optical emission and photocatalysis .

  28. 尽管基于无机半导体的无机太阳能电池能有效的捕获太阳光,但是其成本过高而且环境不友好,正是这些原因大大推动了有机太阳能电池的研究。

    Although there are solar cell devices based on inorganic semiconductor to efficiently harvest solar energy , the cost of these conventional devices is too high to be economically viable .

  29. 近年来,由于硅系太阳能电池的高纯硅原料价格昂贵,将低成本的有机半导体材料用于太阳能电池的研究越来越引起学术界的高度重视。

    Recently , as a result of the high-cost of high-pure silica used in solar cells , more and more focuses have been put on the application of the organic semiconductors in solar cells , due to its potential low cost , low weight , and flexibility .

  30. MOCVD(Metalorganicchemicalvapordeposition)是生长高质量半导体薄膜材料的技术,在LED、半导体激光器、太阳能电池等多个领域都有应用。

    MOCVD ( Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition ) is the technology to grow high quality semiconductor material films . It can be applied in many fields such as LED , semiconductor laser device and solar cell .