
  1. PBQ-C型光缆接续盒及塑料双壁波纹管

    Model PBQ-C Optical Cable Junction Box and Plastic Double-wall Bellow

  2. 用一台光时域反射仪实现光缆接续的双向监测

    Use a ray-reflecting instrument to realize bidirectional test of cable connection

  3. 光缆接续的方法和技巧

    The Method and the Skill of Optical Fiber Cable Connector

  4. 蚂蚁蛀蚀光缆接续盒密封胶的现象及防护

    Phenomenon of Corroded Sealant for Optical Cable Joint-case by Ants and Protection Method

  5. 光缆接续损耗标准的探讨

    Discussion on the Standard of Optical Cable Spicing Loss

  6. 对提高施工中光缆接续质量的探讨

    Discussion on Improving Splicing Quality of the Optical-fiber

  7. 光缆接续损耗的工程控制

    Engineering Control of Optical Cable Spicing Loss

  8. 本文介绍了光缆接续过程中光纤端面制备、熔接和盘纤环节上的操作方法以及关键技术。

    This paper introduces the operation methods and key technologies for end preparation , splicing and fiber coiling during optical fiber splicing .

  9. 本文通过对一起接头盒中光纤涂覆层脱落的案例进行分析,提出了避免问题出现的方法和光缆接续时的注意事项。

    Through analysising a case of optical fiber coating peeling in joint closure , a method to avoid and Attentiveness when optical fiber splice are proposed .

  10. 本文主要分析在光缆实际接续中引起光纤接头损耗过大的原因和处理方法,以及对整个中继段损耗的影响。

    This paper mainly analyses the causes of exceeding fiber splice loss , describes the processing method for it and it 's affection to relay section losses .

  11. OPGW复合光缆熔接接续施工工艺

    Construction Process of Fusion Joining for OPGW Compound Optical Cable

  12. 取消油膏大大方便光缆端头的制备和光缆的接续,并有利于环境保护。

    The elimination of jelly substantially facilitates the preparation of cable terminals and cable splicing , and is particularly helpful to environment protection .

  13. 主要介绍了光缆敷设前的单盘检验测量、光缆接续的光纤损耗测量以及工程完工时的中继段光纤衰减的测量等。

    The paper introduces mainly single plate test measurements before laying optical cable , the optical loss measurements and optical decay measurements for relay length following the completion of the optical attenuation .

  14. 对光缆故障的修复,只要能够选择最佳的抢修工艺,就可最大限度地减少光缆中断时间,保证光缆接续的可靠性。

    Only by selecting optimal rush-repaired technics in restoring cable , can interrupt time of cable be decreased farthest so as to ensure the jointed reliability of cable .