
qū hào
  • area code;dialling code
  1. 打电话的人如果拨错区号,就无法接通。

    Callers dialing the wrong area code will not get through .

  2. 宾夕法尼亚西部的电话区号是412。

    The area code for western Pennsylvania is 412 .

  3. 伦敦有两个电话区号。

    There are two codes for London .

  4. 机器嘟嘟地响着,再一次问道:“邮政区号?”

    The machine beeps , then asks again ," zip code ?"

  5. B我想知道这些国际区号是怎样指定的。

    How do they decide codes , I wonder .

  6. in-placealter不会改变表分区号。

    An in-place alter does not change the table partition numbers .

  7. 关于OD调查中交通小区区号的程序匹配研究

    Researching on Computer Program about Chang-ing Traffic Zone Code in OD Survey

  8. 可以进行更深入的处理,并根据区号919推断出这三位数来自NorthCarolina州。

    More processing can be done to infer that the three numbers are from North Carolina due to the919 area code .

  9. 一名Twitter用户回复了皮克的帖子,询问空间站的区号。

    Responding to Mr. Peake 's tweet , one Twitter user wanted to know what the space station 's area code was .

  10. 重放位置的推进是必需的,因为slowalter、alterfragment和集群索引创建操作会改变表分区号。

    The replay position advancement is necessary because the slow alter , alter fragment , and clustered index creation operations change the table partition numbers .

  11. 英国糖尿病协会需要主要的保健组织停止那种好比邮政区号抽奖的低几率使用胰岛素泵的现状,同时NICE需要重新审视他们的限制使用指南。

    Diabetes UK wants primary care organisations to end this postcode lottery and for the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence ( NICE ) to review their restrictive guidance .

  12. 要使用它,假设我移动电话上的“MissedCalls”列表显示一个区号为“407”的人试图呼叫我。

    To use it , suppose that the " Missed Calls " list on my mobile phone shows that someone with an area code of407 tried to call me .

  13. 既然这样,这里可能就需要一个随同servletinvocation一起发送的请求参数,可能是要获取的天气预报的城市名或是邮编区号。

    In this case , there is probably a request parameter that is sent along with the servlet invocation that has the city name or zip code for the forecast .

  14. 可以指定分区号(partnum),那样的话,仅对该partnum进行碎片整理。

    You may specify a partition number ( partnum ), in which case , only that partnum will be defragmented .

  15. 我下载了索尼的TVSideView软件,它能够让我通过输入区号来连接有线电视供应商,并在平板电脑上面显示所提供的内容,而不会干扰电视的播放。

    I downloaded Sony 's TV SideView app , which let me enter my ZIP Code to pull up my cable provider 's channel guide to browse currently playing content from my tablet without disturbing the TV screen .

  16. 如今,我们使用的磁盘更大,这迫使LBA推出了称为LBA48的扩展,最多可保留48个位供扇区号使用。

    The larger disks in use today have forced an extension to LBA known as LBA48 , which reserves up to48 bits for sector numbers .

  17. 我应该写另一个地方的区号。

    I should have used the other district 's zip code .

  18. 请在此处提供国家(地区)和区号信息。

    Provide the information here about your country and area code .

  19. 邮递区号这张地图清楚标示佛罗里达的邮递区号。

    zip code The map clearly shows zip codes of Florida .

  20. 我可以在电话簿上找到邮递区号。

    I can find the zip code in the phone book .

  21. 加拿大和美国的国际区号是一样的。

    The code for Canada is the same as the states !

  22. 请告诉我区号和对方的电话号码。

    Please tell me the area code and the phone number .

  23. 这区号是哪里啊约克县

    Where is this area code , anyways ? York county .

  24. 为什么我们的邮政区号和电话区号不同呢?

    Why should our zip code be different from our area code ?

  25. 见鬼,没人知道乌拉圭的区号么?

    Damn it , does anyone know the country code for uruguay ?

  26. 没错,他大得有专用的邮政区号。

    Yes , he won a special postal area code .

  27. 请单击该文本框并输入您的区号。

    Click this text box and type your area code .

  28. 你们名字中的号码代表了区号。

    The number in your name is a regional code .

  29. 北京地区的电话区号是01。

    The dialling code for the Beijing area is 01 .

  30. 区号和这个的区号是一样的

    The area code and the prefix are the same .