- 网络regional metamorphism

Regional metamorphism was gold forming foundation during late Jixian period .
The regional metamorphism made the gold activated .
XRD analysis of the Banxi Group slate in the northern Xuefeng Uplift suggest a lower greenschist facies metamorphism .
Territorial metamorphism P-T change focus on T : 180 ~ 200oC , P : 1 ~ 2kbar ( < 0.2 Gpa ) .
The metallogenesis is close related with the Caledonian-Indosinian regional metamorphism .
The role of fluid flow during regional metamorphism
Graphite results from regional metamorphism .
The middle Proterozoic crystalline schist series in the Panzhihua-Xichang region has undergone progressive regional metamorphism .
These characteristics are helpful to researching regional metamorphism , structures and the forming of mountains .
By dehydration of gibbsite during the regional metamorphism ; STUDY ON MULTIPURPOSE UTILIZATION OF GIBBSITE IN CHINA
Mobile fluids play an essential role in rock deformation and metamorphic reactions during the various grades of metamorphism .
Based on its geology , petrochemistry , age , and REE geochemistry , the skarn is the product of regional metamorphism .
The mixed rock occurring in the first formation of the Langshan Group is probably the result of volcanic activity rather than that of faulting or metamorphism .
By means of numerical simulation , the impact of regional metamorphism on the cooling of the Fangshan intrusive body in Western Hill of Beijing is studied .
Process of forming iron deposits in here has been through the sedimentary mineralization period , the reformation period of regional metamorphism , and the reformation period of magmatic hydrothermalism .
The Altai Hercynian orogenic belt in northern Xinjiang has experienced two stages ( regional ) metamorphism . Tectonic Subdivision of Dabie Orogenic Belt , Central China : Evidence from Geochemical Characteristics of Mantle-Derived Rocks Since the Hercynian
The crustal evolution of this region is complex . The tectonic setting is still controversial . The deposit is intensely subjected to the regional metamorphism , which makes the deposit genesis unclear and the prospecting difficult .
Magnetite is formed in the the sedimentary mineralization period . The period of regional metamorphism and magmatic hydrothermalism mainly worked on the superimposed reformation part for the layered magnetite orebodies of deposition , but the influence is also limited . 6 .
The whole process of metamorphism can be divided into three parts : spilitization metamorphism of mid low pressure in extension situation → regional metamorphism of mid high pressure in compressional structure → metamorphism of high pressure glaucophane greenschist facies in partial areas .
The mineralization periods and mineralization stages are classified , and two stages in hydrothermal reformation period is stressed , i.e. the reformation in the early stage of regional metamorphism and the intensive structure - hydrothermal reformation , the latter was the main stage of the deposit enrichment .
The granulite facies were resulted from the regional high-temperature metamorphism with medium pressure . The metamorphism evolution was the retrogressive metamorphism with approximate isobaric cooling ( IBC ) and counter clockwise PTt path .
It was found that the amphibolite facies metamorphism occurred before the remelting type migmatization and that the regional dynamometamorphism arose in the end of the Wutai Luliang Stage metamorphism .
Regional metamorphic rocks and their metamorphism in Jiangxi
And the extremely weak regional metamorphism should be pre-Indosinian diagenic ( burial ) metamorphism .
On the reginal thermometamorphism of coal of Longtan coal series in the middle Hunan Province caused by igneous magma
This is a model of telemagmatic metamorphism and a character of coal metamorphism early-middle Jurassic in northwest of China .
The types of metamorphism are mainly regional dynamometamorphism . Some of strata made a feature of regional dynamothermal metamorphism under the influence of magmatic activity .
During the middle-later Proterozoic , regional dynamothermal metamorphism formed a northward progressive metamorphic zone , such as lower greenschist facies higher greenschist facies lower amphibolite facies .
Xikang Group is widely exposed on the West Sichuan Plateau and was considered to be a low greenschist facies metamorphic rock due to regional low-temperature dynamometamorphism .
Regional magmatic thermal metamorphism of Yanshan stage is main controlled factors of coal metamorphic law , and the vapor - water hydrothermal metamorphism play a leading role .