
pí xuē
  • leather boots
皮靴 [pí xuē]
  • [leather boots] 用皮革做的靴子

  1. 他的皮靴踩在冻雪上嘎吱作响。

    His leather boots crunched on the frozen snow .

  2. 一双黑皮靴

    a pair of black leather boots

  3. 他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。

    He was smartly dressed in a shirt , dark trousers and boots

  4. 在挑选长筒靴的时候,购买上等的好皮靴将是明智的选择。

    When selecting boots , fine , quality leather will be a wise investment

  5. 我们穿着笨重的皮靴在滑溜溜的冰上很难走。

    It was hard walking on the slippery ice in our heavy boots .

  6. 这家皮革工厂生产皮靴。

    Boots are being made in this tannery .

  7. 名词,流行于19世纪50年代的尖头皮鞋或尖头皮靴。

    winklepicker n. style of shoe or boot in the 1950s with a sharp and long pointed toe v.

  8. 在通过USB的闪光访问后,你到完全无限的BSOD不那样做长筒皮靴的PSP得到。

    After flash access through USB , you either get an infinite BSOD or a PSP that doesn 't boot at all .

  9. 2天后将迎来28岁生日的LadyGaga走出纽约公寓时,身着一件超大号黑色高领厚毛衣,黑色宽松裤子和黑色亮面尖头皮靴。

    The mother monster - who will turn 28 in two days - wore a thick oversized polo neck sweater as she emerged from her apartment and black trousers with boots .

  10. Shawty.shawty穿这些,金苹果包臀牛仔裤,裘皮靴。

    Shawty . Shawty had them , Apple Bottom jeans , boots with the fur .

  11. 他心目中的英雄大都是20世纪初期的登山家,有乔治·马洛里(GeorgeMallory)、汤姆·隆斯塔夫(TomLongstaff)、弗雷迪·查普曼(FreddieChapman)等人,他们都是仅靠一身花呢上装和一双皮靴就征服了众多世界高峰的人。

    His heroes were the alpinists of the early 20th century , George Mallory , Tom Longstaff , Freddie Chapman and the rest , who had climbed the world 's greatest peaks in tweed jackets and leather boots .

  12. Cyndie故意打扮的很惹人注意,一双棕色毛边皮靴,牛仔裤,一件浅色夹克还带着一条白色围脖。

    Cyndie is dressed to attract attention , in boots topped with brown fur , jeans , a light jacket and a white boa .

  13. 同时,网上几十位时尚人士都指责说,都是因为她在怀特岛上穿了体操短裤、背心和皱巴巴的皮靴,他们以前的至爱西耶娜米勒(siennamiller)也开始穿黑色了。

    Meanwhile , the number of online fashionistas accusing erstwhile favourite Sienna Miller of getting dressed in the dark thanks to her Wight outfit of gym shorts , vest and crushed suede boots was in the double digits .

  14. 他和几个伙伴一起办了一家自己的工厂,为盖世威(K-Swiss)和杜兰戈(Durango)等品牌生产鞋子和皮靴。

    He and several partners went out on their own , setting up a plant making shoes and leather boots for brands like K-Swiss and Durango .

  15. 你也配和我讲成熟,皮靴男孩?

    You going to lecture me on maturity , leather-boot boy ?

  16. 过道里有一阵沉重的皮靴声。

    There was a heavy tramp of boots in the passage .

  17. 肥大的脚塞在一双软皮靴里。

    He had large fat feet cased in soft calfskin boots .

  18. 夏多勒诺只是用他那根富于弹性的手杖拍打他的皮靴。

    Chateau-Renaud contented himself with tapping his boot with his flexible cane .

  19. 我想要一双黑色义大利制造的皮靴。

    I want a pair of black Italian leather boots .

  20. 另外一些工厂开始生产儿童皮靴。

    Other factories have taken to making children 's boots .

  21. 你就会有钱,够你给自己买手套和皮靴。

    You 'll have enough to supply yourself with gloves and boots .

  22. 好吧,那穿乔治汉密尔顿皮靴的男人呢?

    Okay , how about the guy with the George Hamilton tan ?

  23. 我穿上外套和新皮靴。

    I put on my coat and new leather boots .

  24. 她正在穿一双红色长筒皮靴。

    She is putting on a pair of long red leather boots .

  25. 再过一会儿,他就会听到牢房外面的皮靴声。

    In another moment he would hear the tramp of boots outside .

  26. 接着外面又是一阵皮靴声。

    Once more there was a sound of boots outside .

  27. 楼梯上也有一阵皮靴声。

    There was a stampede of boots up the stairs .

  28. 此外,一时尚不能与牛仔裤这些皮靴。

    Plus , one can never fashion these leather boots with jeans ever .

  29. 他的皮靴擦得亮光光的,他那年轻而健康的脸容光焕发。

    His shoes were immaculately polished and his young , healthy face glistened .

  30. 这双红色的皮靴将与你的白色的裙子是相配的。

    This pair of red boots will be suitable for your white skirt .