- 名labor and personnel management

Analysis and Forecast of Developing CIMS in China Information Integration of Technological Data with Labor and Personnel Management in Machine Shops
Information Integration of Technological Data with Labor and Personnel Management in Machine Shops
Design of the CAI System of Modern Labor Personnel Administration
To Discuss the Reform of Personnel Management System of State owned Enterprises
On the Transformation of Laboring Personnel Management to Manpower Resources Management in Geological Exploration Units
A Preliminary Study on Reform Patterns of Personnel Administration System in Geological & Prospecting Units
This will certainly turn the traditional personnel management system to the modern human resource management alternatives .
The management of human resources differs from that of material resources and traditional labors & personal .
The Design and Implementation of Labor and Personnel Administrative System in Weifang High and New-tech Development Zone
A Comperative Study on the Management of Enterprise Labour and Personnel in the United States , Japan and China
However , human resource management in the most of hospitals in China is still personnel management , and its disadvantages are more and more .
Enterprise Management includes many aspects . There are management of goods and materials , production , technology , business and sale , personnel and so on .
The advantage of the firm also appears in : real estate and construction , management of human resources , corporate governance , criminal defense and so on .
As a giant state-owened enterprise in China , electric power enterprise is an important and meaningful example in the transform from traditional personnel management to modern HRM .
It also introduced a few ways of turning the traditional labor personnel management to the electronic human resource management and furthermore designed a dynamic person-position matching model .
How to develop , collocate , utilize and maintain human resource in systematic and scientific ways has become important standards of weighing enterprise 's modernized management level .
The development of the management of human resources has gone through three stages : management of employee , management of laboring personnel , and the exploitation and development of human resources .
The human resource is also changing gradually from the traditional work human engineering to the modern manpower resource management and has a positive promotion effect on the development of the forestry bureau .
The traditional human resource management is just personnel management . In this mode , effort is devoted to check on work attendance , files and contract management just this kind of businesslike things , which is oriented as logistics and service section .
In this article , the author makes it clear that the management of resources under modern market economy is quite different from the traditional personnel one . Consequently , in modern business management , efforts should be made to transfer traditional personnel management into the tapping of human resources .
It is not only connected to personnel management , but also a key component of corporate financial management .
Under the condition of socialism market-economic system , the professional credentials were put into effect to strengthen the management of human resources , to protect public benefit , to safeguard normal profession order , to train and raise laborers , qualification , and to promote national economic development .
Coordination of Labor Relation is the Expansion Orientation for Personnel Management Function in Colleges and Universities