
  • 网络Dynamic friction coefficient;dynamic friction factor;coefficient of kinetic friction;kinetic friction factor
  1. 重点讨论了相对稳定期动摩擦因数的平均值μAV、标准偏差σ以及过渡期时间t和初始值μ0对法向压强pn的变化规律。

    Discussions are focused on laws with respected to pressure Pn of the mean Uav > the normal deviation a of friction coefficient in relatively steady period , as well as the time of transition period t and the initial value Uo .

  2. 涂层显微维氏硬度HV(0.5N)∶680~850,动摩擦因数小于0.15,具有干膜润滑性能,耐5%中性盐雾试验500h,综合性能优异。

    The hardness of the coating reaches 680 ~ 850HV0.5N , the dynamic coefficient of friction of the coating is less than 0.15 , and having the permanent dry lubrication . It can endure 5 % neutral salt spraying test for 500 hours . The synthesis performances are excellent .

  3. 提出了一个描述行波超声波电动机定子和转子接触的简化模型,用有限元法计算了摩擦材料的弹性模量和动摩擦因数对定子和转子接触状态的影响。

    : A simple contact model for describing the contact mechanics between stator and rotor of a traveling wave ultrasonic motor is presented . Using finite element method , effects of elastic modulus and friction factor of friction material on the contact state of stator and rotor are simulated numerically .

  4. 用该法拟合了Colebrook方程解的数据,得到一个计算管内湍动流体摩擦因数的显式新方程。

    Fitting the data calculated by Colebrook equation with the above method , a new explicit equation for calculating the friction factor for the turbulent flow in pipes was obtained .

  5. 管内湍动流体摩擦因数是雷诺数和相对粗糙度的二元非线性函数,由Colebrook隐式方程计算摩擦因数要用迭代的方法求解,很不方便。

    The friction factor for the turbulent flow in pipes is the binary nonlinear function of Reynolds number and relative roughness . Calculating friction factor by implicit Colebrook equation have to use iterative algorithm , which is discommodious .

  6. 计算管内湍动流体摩擦因数的显式新方程

    A New Explicit Equation for Calculating the Friction Factor for the Turbulent Flow in Pipes

  7. 圆形直管内湍动流体的摩擦因数计算

    Calculation of friction factor for the turbulent flow in straight and circular pipe

  8. 然后测试了试样的水接触角、干摩擦和在有润滑介质水的条件下的静动摩擦力及摩擦因数,分析比较了不同类型、不同浓度的亲水单体对试样表面摩擦性能的影响。

    Ultimately , the contact angle of water , the friction and the fiction coefficient with / without lubrication medium water is tested , effect of monomer type and concentration on sample surface friction properties is analyzed and compared .