
  • 网络zoochory;zoochore;animal dispersal;Vector transmission
  1. 我们都熟悉“动物传播病(zoonosis)”这个词,指的是从动物向人类传播一种传染病,例如狂犬病。

    We 're all familiar with the word " zoonosis ," the transmission of an infectious disease from an animal to a human being , for example , rabies .

  2. 该物种主要通过重力和动物传播种子,居群间的基因流有限,形成了典型的集合种群(metapopulation)结构。

    Oryza granulata scatters seeds mainly by gravity and animals , causing limited scale of gene flow between local populations and attaining a typical metapopulation structure of the distributional pattern .

  3. 而现在我们有了一个“新”词:“人畜共患传染病(anthropozoonosis)”,指的是从人向动物传播一种传染病。

    And now we have a " new " word ," anthropozoonosis ," the transmission of an infectious disease from a person to an animal .

  4. 兽医流行病学家DeliaGrace是一名研究动物传播疾病的专家,她还是食品安全专家,就职于肯尼亚内罗毕的国际家畜研究所。

    Delia Grace is a epidemiologist -- an expert in the spread of diseases involving animals . She is also a food safety expert . She works at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi , Kenya . She explains that diseases transmitted between animals and people are called zoonoses .

  5. 啮齿目动物传播疾病,常被当作害虫对待。

    Rodents carry diseases and are generally regarded as pests .

  6. 食果动物传播种子的跟踪技术

    How to trace seeds and fruits dispersed by frugivorous animals : a review

  7. 因明胶而传染疯牛病等通过动物传播疾病的风险也消除了。

    The risk of gelatin transmitting animal-borne diseases such as BSE would be eliminated .

  8. 动物传播是定向传播,微生境多适合种子萌发。

    Many of the cache microhabitat are beneficial to seed germination , a directed dispersal .

  9. 这种细菌一般通过动物传播,然后在动物之间传播。

    The bacteria generally spread through the waste products of animals and from animal to animal .

  10. 绵羊无浆体病是绵羊和山羊红细胞内专性寄生的由节肢动物传播的立克氏体疾病。

    Anaplasma ovis is an arthropod-borne rickettsial obligate parasite of sheep and goat . The disease caused by A.

  11. 黄病毒属包括70多种病毒,其中绝大多数是节肢动物传播的人类病原。

    The Flavivirus genus consists of more than 70 viruses , many of which are arthropod-borne human pathogens .

  12. 这在大规模,古老的盘古大陆动物传播后二叠纪灭绝结束。

    This animal spread across the massive , ancient continent of Pangea after the end of the Permian Extinction .

  13. 社会动员的目的在于降低通过无保护的畜牧业和屠宰行为从动物传播给人的风险。

    Social mobilization is aimed at reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission via unprotected animal husbandry and slaughter practices .

  14. 一种传染病从被屠宰的动物传播给人类,导致了人类死亡和生存的危机。

    An infection spreads from slaughtered animals to humans , which causes the dead to rise and feed on the living .

  15. 中国遭受的偶发性的瘟疫,是一种典型的啮齿目动物传播导致的,并且很容易在人际间传播。

    China experiences sporadic outbreaks of the plague , which is typically spread by rodents and fleas and can pass easily between people .

  16. 猴痘病毒由各类野生动物传播给人类,病毒通过人与人传播方式在人群中蔓延。

    The monkeypox virus is transmitted to people from a variety of wild animals and it spreads in human population through human-to-human transmission .

  17. 狂犬病是一种人畜共患疾病(由动物传播到人类的疾病),由一种病毒引起。

    Rabies is a zoonotic disease ( a disease that is transmitted to humans from animals ) that is caused by a virus .

  18. 外果皮和中果皮色泽鲜艳,用来吸引动物传播果实的如西红柿。

    The epicarp and mesocarp may be brightly colored thus attracting animals , which disperse the fruit , as also pericarp . tomato .

  19. 研究人员估计,每年有超过20亿人感染上动物传播的疾病,超过200万人因此死亡。

    Researchers estimate that more than two billion people a year get diseases spread by animals . More than two million of them die .

  20. 松属植物约110种,根据种子传播方式可分为风传播松和动物传播松。

    In genus Pinus , there are approximately 110 species which can be classified into two groups according to the modes of their seed dispersal , i.

  21. 筐犬病是一种属于中枢神经系统方面的传染病,由病毒引起并主要由家犬和野生的食肉动物传播。

    Rabies is an infectious disease of the central nervous system , caused by a virus and spread chiefly by domestic dogs and wild flesh-eating animals .

  22. 生境破碎化对依赖动物传播的植物影响有差异,多数植物受到负面影响,但也有一些植物不受影响,甚至受益。

    Habitat fragmentation has negative effects on most of the plants depending on frugivore to disperse their seeds , but some plants are not , and even , benefited .

  23. 1987年5月云南省部分地区发生狂犬病流行,首先在狗、马、牛之间,随后由动物传播给人。

    An outbreak of rabies took place in may 1987 . At the begining , rabies disseminated among dogs , horses and oxen , then it passed to the human beings .

  24. 这个影象显示了已知在禽流感病毒到哺动物传播过程中起重要作用的突变株存在或接近发生这种相互作用的地方。

    The image reealed that mutations known to play a role in the transmission of aian influenza irus to mammals were located within , or close to , this site of interaction .

  25. 其他病毒,如甲病毒属、黄病毒属和布尼亚病毒属病毒可通过节肢动物传播给蝙蝠,但还不确定蝙蝠是不是这类病毒所致疾病的播散宿主。

    Other viruses such as certain alphaviruses , flaviviruses , and bunyaviruses , may infect bats via arthropods , but it is not clear whether bats are important reservoir hosts for these viruses .

  26. APP通过飞沫传播或感染动物接触传播,定植于猪下呼吸道表皮细胞。

    The A. pleuropneumoniae organism is transmitted via respiratory droplets or through direct contact with infected animals . It colonizes the epithelial cells of the lower respiratory tract of pigs .

  27. [方法]用病原学、血清学、RT-PCR、序列测定技术对我省出血热的宿主动物、传播途径、地理流行病学、疫区类型及新型新亚型进行分析。

    [ Methods ] Kinds of reservoir hosts of EHF , transmission route , geographic epidemiology , types of pestilential area of EHF and new-type EHF virus were studied by etiological methods , serological , RT-PCR and sequencial determinations .

  28. 肯尼亚野生生物局(KWS)说气候变化是造成东非人类和野生生物冲突不断增加的原因,而且它增加了动物疾病传播的风险。

    The Kenya Wildlife Service ( KWS ) says climate change is to blame for increasing conflicts between humans and wildlife across East Africa , and is heightening the risk that animal diseases will spread .

  29. 密云地区莱姆病螺旋体宿主动物和传播媒介感染状况调查

    Investigation on reservoir hosts and vectors infected by Borrelia burgdorferi in Miyun area

  30. 流行性出血热病毒气溶胶在实验动物中传播的研究

    Study on EHFV Spreading among Experimental Animals by Aerosol