
wēi shēnɡ
  • microliter
  1. 进一步研究提示:血小板浓度每微升高达四百八十万也能被精确测量。

    Further studies suggested that accurate measurements could be made at platelet concentrations up to4.8 million per microliter .

  2. 在外部磁场的辅助中,将此装置运输到1微升含有酶底物的水滴中。

    The assembly can be transported to a microliter water droplet containing the enzyme substrate with the aid of an external magnetic field .

  3. 普利沙星引起了DNA的热变性温度略微升高(≤7℃)和DNA粘度略微下降,表明普利沙星与DNA之间不存在插入作用,只是在DNA的外部发生沟槽作用。

    The outer groove binding is suggested by denaturation temperature of DNA increasing ( no more than 7 ℃) and viscosity slightly decreasing .

  4. 焦耳汤姆逊效应会导致井筒温度略微升高,但由于CO2的焦耳汤姆逊系数很小,这种影响也很小。

    However temperature change caused by Joule-Thomson effect is really small due to a very small Joule-Thomson coefficient .

  5. 上周六公布的中国官方采购经理人指数微升至55.7,尽管汇丰/MarkitEconomics中国指数降至55.4的6个月低点。

    China 's official PMI , released on Saturday , edged up to 55.7 , although the HSBC / Markit Economics index fell to a six-month low of 55.4 .

  6. 联合国世界旅游组织(UNWorldTourismOrganisation)表示,2015年赴中国旅游的外国游客数量微升至5690万人,两年仅增长了2.2%。

    The number of foreign tourists visiting China inched up to 56.9m in 2015 , a rise of only 2.2 per cent in two years , said the UN World Tourism Organisation .

  7. 这一分析仪能够测量的血小板值每微升最高两百万――这是非常高的,而PRP制剂中所含的血小板值在所测的高值以下。

    The analyzer was capable of measuring platelet counts of up to2 million platelets per microliter-relatively high , but below the very high counts contained in PRP preparations .

  8. 2,对空开放式介质谐振腔和磁化等离子体填充的开放式介质谐振腔的冷腔研究表明,等离子体的填充使谐振频率略微升高,使绕射Q值增大,使场幅值提高。

    The cold-cavity research on the vacuum open-cavity and the dielectric open-cavity filled with plasma with finite additional axial magnetic field shows that , the filling of the plasma makes the resonance frequency a little rise , makes the diffraction Q value increase , and makes the field amplitude increase .

  9. 典型的法语转调,句尾略微升高。

    The typical French inflection , rising slightly at the end .

  10. 分析师本来预计该指数将微升至91.5。

    Analysts had expected the index to reach a level of 91.5 .

  11. 富时指数下跌,而欧洲股市微升。

    The FTSE slipped while European equities edged ahead .

  12. 进样量为100微升。

    The quantity of sampling was 100 microlitre .

  13. 一次取样仅需样品10微升左右,一次操作周期约为一个小时。

    10 μ 1 of sample and one hour were required for each run .

  14. 虽然总体失业率下降了,季节性调整数字略微升高。

    Although total unemployment has decreased , the seasonally adjusted figure has risen slightly .

  15. 它们抬高了电脑的后缘,进而略微升高了显示器。

    They raise the monitor slightly by elevating the back edge of the computer .

  16. “这就像服了温和的兴奋剂……它能够让你的心率和血压略微升高。”

    It 's like taking a mild stimulant .... It will increase your heart rate and blood pressure slightly . '

  17. 不过,如果与7月份比较,饮食业指数则微升了1.4%。

    However , if compared with july , there has been a slight increase of1.4 % in the food and beverage sector .

  18. 市场就此作出温和而有秩序的调整,隔夜拆息在二月十九日微升至6.25厘。

    The market adjustment was mild and orderly . Overnight interest rates firmed up moderately to 6.25 per cent on February 19 .

  19. 从价格上来看,位于市区地理位置好的高档公寓售价将出现小幅微升。

    In terms of selling price , the prices of high-end apartments with good locations are going to be increased a little bit .

  20. 从总体看,今年新疆房地产市场相对稳定,价格涨幅稳中微升,不会大起大落。

    Overall , Xinjiang this year , the real estate market is relatively stable , price stability slightly , not ups and downs .

  21. 普通话上声是曲折调,其后半段的调型特征为微升,台湾国语上声是低降调;

    Tone 3 was flectional tone in Putonghua , and its character in second half was slight-rising , while it was low-falling in Taiwan mandarin .

  22. 以全周而言,道指微升0.3%,将今年来的升幅扩大到5.8%。

    For the whole week , the Dow went up by 0.3 % and the accumulated increase since beginning of year has expanded to 5.8 % .

  23. 近年降幅超过许多经济学家预测的劳动参与率,微升至63%。

    The labour force participation rate , which had been falling more than many economists had forecast in recent years , edged up to 63 per cent .

  24. 周二,内地股市的银行类股上涨2%左右,但上海股市大盘仅微升0.2%。

    Bank shares rose 2 per cent or so in the mainland market on Tuesday , but the broader Shanghai index edged up just 0.2 per cent .

  25. 这两个镜头的变种有重点环制成颗粒黑色皮衣是微升分为两个似乎崇高铬环和光圈环成黑色油漆。

    Both lens variants have a focus-ring made of grained black leather which is edged into two chrome rings seeming noble and a aperture-ring into black paintwork .

  26. 雌、雄蛾在整个生活期间的代谢速率(微升O2/毫克鲜重/小时)都呈U型曲线变化,并有明显的昼夜节律。

    Metabolic rates (μ lO2 / mg wet weight / h ) of both females and males throughout their lives exhibited U-shaped curves and showed marked circadian rhythms .

  27. 有些只是交易员,希望在相关债务略微升值之时,或如果能够与其他利益相关者达成交易,就将手中股权脱手。

    Some are mere traders , wanting to flip their stakes on the slightest rise in the value of the debt or if they can cut a deal with other stakeholders .

  28. 随着经合组织编制的英国经济先行性指标总指数开始微升,人们心中燃起了希望:经济衰退最糟糕的时候已经过去了。

    With an index of leading indicators for the British economy compiled by the OECD now starting to edge up , hopes are rising that the worst of the recession may be over .

  29. 当燃料利用率为0.85时,电池效率最高,利用率进一步增大时,电池效率下降,制冷量微升。

    When the fuel utilization ratio is 0.85 , the SOFC is most efficiency , with the fuel utilization ratio increased , the efficiency of SOFC decreased and the cooling power increased slightly .

  30. 但梅茨尔表示,对于大多数耐力运动员而言,比起血压在一两天内略微升高,血液中盐分太少造成的威胁要大得多。

    But Dr Metzl says that for most endurance athletes , having too little salt in the blood poses a far greater risk than having slightly higher blood pressure for a day or two .