
Jiā ěr wén zhǔ yì
  • Calvinism
  1. 自从莫勒(R.AlbertMohler)成为美南浸信会神学院的院长之后,当中就出现了一场依据1858年抽象原则的加尔文主义的复兴。

    Since R.Albert Mohler became the president of Southern Seminary , there has been a revival of the Calvinism of the Abstract of Principles .

  2. 这往往是人们对加尔文主义的普遍印象。

    Too frequently this is the popular image of Calvinism .

  3. 时候到了,出现了一位名叫詹姆斯•肯尼迪(JamesKennedy)博士的人,他是一位充满热情的加尔文主义者,一位委身的福音传道人。

    Along comes a man named D.James Kennedy who was a passionate Calvinist who was a committed evangelist .

  4. 基督教长老会所教导的加尔文主义的追随者。

    A follower of Calvinism as taught in the Presbyterian Church .

  5. 尤其是这样的加尔文主义的传统。

    This is particularly true of the Calvinist tradition .

  6. 加尔文主义是自古以来最方便的宗教。

    Calvinism was the most convenient religion since the days of the ancients .

  7. 真正的加尔文主义知道,纯正的教义会改变生命,也必须要改变生命。

    True Calvinism knows that sound doctrine is and must be life changing .

  8. 他驱散了那种认为加尔文主义反对传福音的神话。

    He dispelled the myth that Calvinism was anti-evangelistic .

  9. 在荷兰,占主导地位的思想是信奉永恒罪孽的加尔文主义。

    The dominant Dutch tradition is Calvinist , and Calvinism believes in eternal sin .

  10. 有九个因素促成了这种加尔文主义的复兴

    Nine Factors Contributing to the Resurgence of Calvinism

  11. 19世纪美国社会与文化的主流,由长老会,美国版本的加尔文主义领导!

    American society in 19th century - led by American Calvinism and Presbyterian Church .

  12. 他的父亲是研究中世纪历史的教授,母亲是忠实的加尔文主义者。

    His father was a professor of medieval studies and his mother a strict Calvinist .

  13. 加尔文主义认为,罪人无法拯救他们自身。

    Calvinist sinners cannot save themselves .

  14. 爱默生的历史意义在于他代表着对他祖先们的加尔文主义的一次最大反叛。

    Historically , Emerson marks one of the largest reactions against the Calvinism of his ancestors .

  15. 司布真在本世纪持续不断地把一代又一代的圣经传道人带入加尔文主义。

    Spurgeon has consistently across this century introduced generation after generation of Bible preachers to Calvinism .

  16. 论霍桑的加尔文主义倾向

    On Hawthorne 's Calvinist Inclination

  17. 首先是想什么就说什么的加尔文主义传统。荷兰人看重直率。

    The first is the Calvinist tradition of saying what you think . The Dutch prize frankness .

  18. 加尔文主义教条认为由于原罪人一出生就有罪。

    The Calvinist doctrine that everyone is born in a state of corruption as a result of original sin .

  19. 这与他们在救赎论上是不是加尔文主义无关,而是跟他们的末世论有关。

    This was not an issue as to whether they were Calvinistic in their soteriology , but an issue over their eschatology .

  20. 最近我们也经常看到,加尔文主义的新手们已经开始领悟到这点,就是古典改革宗对“与基督联合”的强调是非常丰富的。

    Just as often these days , neophyte Calvinists have begun to realize the wealth of classical Reformed emphasis on union with Christ .

  21. 加尔文主义者的商人,把他们所赚的钱,重新投入到事业中,透过银行或股票,投资在其他的商业上。

    Calvinist businessmen plowed their profits back into their businesses or , through banks or stock arrangements , invested their money in other businesses .

  22. 因着新派神学人士否认圣经无误,神兴起人与这些自由派对抗,加尔文主义就传播开了。

    Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them .

  23. 然而在20世纪,渐渐可能是因为从第二次大觉醒引发的实用主义的复兴主义,加尔文主义开始变得与传福音分离。

    Somehow in the20th Century , perhaps because of the pragmatic revivalism that resulted from the second great awakening , Calvinism became disassociated with evangelism .

  24. 世俗论的兴起和基督教唯名论的衰落使得一代年轻人起来寻找一些东西,可以在其上坚固他们的生命–他们向加尔文主义者寻求帮助。

    The rise of secularism and the decline of Christian nominalism has caused a generation of young people to rise to find something they can pin their lives on – they have looked to the Calvinists .

  25. 由于以上两种作用的同时并存以及斯多亚主义与加尔文主义的同时存在,导致斯密神学思想的特点:乐观与悲观的对立、理性与天性的矛盾。

    Because of the coexistence not only of these two vital roles but also the Stoicism and the Calvinism , the theological thought has such characteristics as the contradiction of optimism and pessimism , rationality and nature .

  26. 基于以上对种族主义、女性和基督教的阐述,本文说明乔和其他人物的悲剧归咎于种族主义和加尔文主义的教义,但在乔.克里斯莫斯的悲剧生活中依然存在着另外一些根源。

    Based on the above elaboration of racism , women , and Christianity , this paper demonstrates that even though the tragedy of Joe and other characters is due to the doctrines of racism and Calvinism , which makes individuals its victims , there still exists some other origins .

  27. 这种矛盾的实质是霍桑的罪恶观的两大支柱加尔文清教主义神学观与人道主义道德观的对立冲突。

    The essence of the contradiction was the confliction between the Calvinist Puritanism and humanism which were two pillar of Hawthorn 's idea about evil .