
jiā miǎn
  • crown;coronation;crowing
加冕 [jiā miǎn]
  • [crown;coronation] 把皇冠加在君主头上,是君主即位时所举行的仪式

  • 给某人加冕为王

加冕[jiā miǎn]
  1. 加冕典礼是极尽奢华和怀旧的仪式。

    The coronation was an occasion for extravagant myth and sentiment .

  2. 加冕典礼的转播标志着电视时代的到来。

    The coronation broadcast marked the arrival of television .

  3. 伊丽莎白女王于1952年加冕。

    Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1952 .

  4. 伊丽莎白于1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕。

    Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953

  5. 两天后,胡安·卡洛斯被加冕为国王。

    Two days later , Juan Carlos was crowned king .

  6. 在他的加冕典礼上,威尔士、诺森布里亚和苏格兰的国王向他宣誓效忠。

    At his coronation he received the homage of kings from Wales , Northumbria and Scotland .

  7. 国王走进大教堂去加冕。

    The king walked into the abbey to be crowned .

  8. 女王以传统仪式举行加冕礼。

    The queen was crowned with proper ceremony .

  9. F男爵穿着国王佛兰西斯一世加冕时代的全套衣服。

    Baron F was wearing his whole wardrobe dating from the coronation of the Emperor Francis the First .

  10. n.壮观;华饰新王的加冕典礼非常壮观。

    pageant The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant .

  11. 其他获奖者有:在《X音素》上获胜出道并转型成演员的肖恩·沃德,他凭借在《加冕街》中饰演的爱丹·康纳一角被评为最佳新人奖。

    Other winners included X Factor winner-turned actor Shayne Ward , who was voted best newcomer for his role as Aidan Connor in Coronation Street .

  12. Blair不用被加冕为真正的公主因为她已经是公主了。

    Blair doesnt have to be officially titled a princess to actually be a princess .

  13. 那名骑士为了爱人而背叛国家。n.皇冠vt.为……加冕

    That knight betrayed his country for his lover .

  14. 名列第五的是英国电视问答节目TheChase的主持人、曾出演电视剧《加冕街》的布拉德利•沃尔什。他今年56岁,比抖森大21岁。

    In fifth place was The Chase presenter and former Coronation Street star Bradley Walsh , who at 56 is 21 years older than Hiddleston .

  15. 伊丽莎白王太后出席1937年丈夫乔治六世国王(KingGeorgeVI)和1953年女儿伊丽莎白女王(QueenElizabeth)的加冕礼时,头上佩戴的王冠就镶嵌了光之山钻石。

    The diamond was in the crown worn by the Queen Mother at the coronation of her husband King George VI in 1937 and again at Queen Elizabeth 's coronation in 1953 .

  16. 战斗胜利后,派塔贝斯特斯三世继续征服更多的埃及领地并且在孟斐斯(Memphis)首都为自己加冕。

    From his victory , Petubastis went on to reconquer much of Egypt and crown himself Pharaoh in the capital of Memphis .

  17. 为了纪念女王65周年的加冕礼,现年91岁高龄的女王接受了皇室评论员AlastairBruce的采访,制作了时长为一个小时的特别节目。

    The 91-year-old was speaking with royal commentator Alastair Bruce for a special one-hour programme to mark the 65th anniversary of her coronation .

  18. 她的战术让我想起上世纪80年代的加冕礼理论(coronationtheory):德国央行(Bundesbank)过去常说,可以接受货币联盟,但必须等到建立起全面的政治联盟以后。

    Her tactics remind me of the coronation theory of the 1980s : the Bundesbank used to say that monetary union was acceptable but only after full political union was completed .

  19. 国王称呼他的这位朋友为亲爱的Logue,并且在早期信件中的署名为Albert,这是国王在加冕前的名字。

    George VI addressed his friend as Dear Logue , and signed the early letters Albert his name before he was crowned king .

  20. 在1937年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。

    At the Coronation in1937 , Logue is seated in the royal box , with his wife , Myrtle .

  21. 上周他第三次加冕美洲杯MVP桂冠,为缺兵少将的阿根廷赢得了一张北京奥运会入场券。

    He added a third MVP designation at the FIBA Americas Tournament last week , helping to lead short-handed Argentina to qualify for the Olympics .

  22. 就餐的餐厅恰好也在宏伟的哥特式大教堂兰斯主教座堂(Notre-DamedeReims)附近,大多数的法国国王都是在这座教堂里加冕登基的。

    The restaurant also happens to be just around the corner from the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Reims , where most of the kings of France were coronated .

  23. 以模拟酶生物功能性的环糊精为材料,研究了包络物的包络方法、工艺条件与影响包络率的因素,还用加冕βCD来提高包络率。

    Cyclodextrin , a substance imitating enzymic biology function , was used as a material for plastic rubber essence preparation . Methods of enveloping substances , technology conditions , factors of influencing enveloping rate and improved enveloping rate by using β _CD capping were studied .

  24. 最为盛大的展览将在白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)举行。这场展览将完整地展出女王一生的服装剪裁变迁,从幼年着装到婚礼礼服,从加冕时所穿的礼服到为专门为国事访问设计的套装。

    The flagship exhibition at Buckingham Palace will display the full the sartorial spectrum of the Queen 's life , from early childhood to her wedding and coronation clothes and special ensembles put together for State Visits .

  25. 女王的反应,让观看BBC加冕仪式的群众纷纷点赞。其中有评论说,要让女王相信,好歹也编个像样点的故事,珠宝藏饼干盒这个也太水了。

    Her reaction was noted by people watching ' The Coronation ' on BBC and one viewer said : ' You need better stories than jewels in a biscuit tin to impress the Queen . '

  26. 它还是一场加冕礼,正式确认35岁的米兰达成为他这一代最卓越的音乐剧创作人,此前由他担任作曲和主演的《高地人生》(IntheHeights)已然获得2008年的托尼奖和格莱美奖。

    It is also a coronation , confirming the 35-year-old Miranda , the acclaimed composer and star of the Tony - and Grammy-winning 2008 show " In the Heights , " " as his generation 's preeminent musical theater auteur . "

  27. 当今之世,还没有出现比乔纳斯o纽鲍尔更好的俄罗斯方块玩家。纽鲍尔四度加冕NES游戏系统俄罗斯方块世界锦标赛冠军。

    One man who 's been able to do that better than anyone else in the world is Jonas Neubauer , the four-time Tetris world champion on the NES gaming system .

  28. 在最佳剧情片方面,有哪部剧或者演员,会阻挠AMC的《绝命毒师》最后一季及主演布莱恩·克兰斯顿(BryanCranston)的加冕吗?

    On the drama side , can any show or actor upset the expected coronation of the final season of AMC 's " Breaking Bad " and its star , Bryan Cranston ?

  29. 虽然体格迷你,Jyoti却憧憬着开始自己的宝莱坞电影事业,以此庆祝加冕世界最矮女性的头衔。

    And despite her miniature stature , Jyoti hopes to celebrate being crowned the world 's shortest woman by launching a Bollywood movie career .

  30. 推特用户MattW补充评论道,“当女王听说珠宝在战争期间被藏到饼干盒中,她回答,那他有没有告诉别人?如果他已经死了呢?”在加冕礼采访中她表现的思维缜密,非常机智。

    Twitter user Matt W added : ' Queen being told of the jewels being hidden in a biscuit tin during the war ' oh ... did he tell anyone ? What if he 'd died ? ' She is genuinely wonderful in The Coronation . '