
  • 网络Libido;libidinal;Lybrido;object-libido
  1. 他的观点是力比多是一种立场,他也承认是从Sorbent,Howard获得的这种观点。

    His idea is that the libido is a field of force , which he gets from Sorbent Howard , as he admits .

  2. 在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。

    In this sense , the antonym of libido is destrudo .

  3. 尽管“坏牙强尼”(JohnnyRotten)雪貂般的外表和咆哮般的歌声与约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)平静温和的职业主义相去甚远,但他们吸引歌迷——乃至我们的力比多——的力量是一样的。

    And though Johnny Rotten 's ferrety features and snarling delivery might have seemed a long way from John Lennon 's placid professionalism , their grip on a room - and on our libidos - was identical .

  4. 这些都构成了现代文学的力比多(libido)&一种宏大欲望的满足与现代历史的无意识彰显。

    These all constituted modern literature force ratio multi - ( libido ) & one kind of great desire satisfying clear to reveal with modern history unconsciousness .

  5. 睾丸素是人体中控制力比多的一种荷尔蒙。

    Testosterone is one of the hormones controlling libido in human beings .

  6. 力比多的缺失与不育症以及阳痿的联系也并非绝对。

    Absence of libido may or may not correlate with infertility or impotence .

  7. ,因为人们因为力比多,而互相被吸引,这是非理性的。

    Because people are libidinally attracted to each other .

  8. 力比多的是兽性的那部分。

    The libidinal is the animal part .

  9. 他认为力比多是单纯的能量,它解释了,激情的本质,为什么?

    It explains the nature of passion .

  10. [citationneeded]相反,雄激素(如睾丸素)在两性中普遍都与力比多有确定的关联。

    Conversely , increased androgen steroids ( e.g.testosterone ) generally have a positive correlation with libido in both sexes .

  11. 人类原罪与力比多的反抗&论荣格集体无意识思想与生态问题他总是抗拒新思想。

    Original Sin and Libido & On Collective Unconscious and Ecological Problems He 's always antagonistic towards new ideas .

  12. 别的类型的爱会,像力比多一样有其负面么?

    Can the other types of love have this kind of negative side to them as the libidinal does ?

  13. 美女经济、力比多经济诱发的官能快感代替了审美的愉悦。

    The excitement in sense , stimulated by beauty economy and " Libido " economy , replaces the pleasure in aesthetic activities .

  14. 弗洛伊德提出性本能的快乐原则,把人在力比多释放的过程分为本我、自我和超我。

    S · Freud put forward " sex instinct " gay principle , cut human spirit into ego 、 self and super-ego .

  15. 他指出这些力比多驱力可能与现有的文明行为规范相抵触,这些规范在精神结构当中表现为超我。

    Freud pointed out that these libidinal drives can conflict with the conventions of civilized behavior , represented in the psyche by the superego .

  16. 主人翁裘德强大的力比多、淑的自恋情结、艾拉白拉的快乐原则决定了他们各自的性格特征和人生道路。

    Jude 's excessive powerful libido , Sue 's narcissism , Arabella 's pleasure principle give birth to their respective characteristic and outlook on life .

  17. 体重过轻,过度肥胖或者是营养不良,由于正常荷尔蒙水平的失调,也会导致力比多低下。

    Being very underweight , severely obese , [ 4 ] or malnourished can cause a low libido due to disruptions in normal hormonal levels .

  18. 弗洛伊德借鉴了斯宾诺莎假说的核心,他写道,创造性工作是力比多力量的升华。

    Freud borrowed the heart of Spinoza 's hypothesis when he wrote that creative work was a sublimation of the sexualized energy of the libido .

  19. 因此,我们说先有本源性自恋,然后是力比多对客体的投注,最后才转化为继发性自恋。

    So , we have a primary narcissism that is followed by objectual investments and these are later newly converted into narcissism , a secondary one .

  20. 大学生活很精彩,荷尔蒙汹涌,比起你的方便,室友有时(或常常)更多考虑他的力比多。

    College is an exciting , hormonal time and your roommate will sometimes ( or very often ) put his / her libido ahead of your convenience .

  21. 而弗洛伊德则从精神分析的角度,认为肉体就是一种力比多的满足与渴望,是内在欲望的平衡和释放。

    And the spirit of Freud from the perspective that the body is a force of more than eager to meet and is an inherent desire to balance and release .

  22. 弗洛伊德将力比多定义为包含于所谓的本我精神内部主要的无意识结构中的本能能量或动力。

    Sigmund Freud popularized the term and defined libido as the instinct energy or force , contained in what Freud called the id , the largely unconscious structure of the psyche .

  23. 因此,它的基本含义是一个人对自己的爱和兴趣,说的更专业一点,就是力比多投注到自我的结果。

    So , basically it is the love and interest that a person can have for himself or , a little more technically , the result of the influx of the libido on the Ego .

  24. 弗洛伊德认为,人的性本能即“力比多”是一切本能中最基本的内容,这也是我们解读《金锁记》人物心理因素的最佳注脚。

    According to Freud , Libido is the most basic of all human instincts . This paper points out that Libido is also the best footnote for us to analyzing psychological factors of the characters in Golden Lock .

  25. 过于忧虑金钱而会带来的另外一点后果是,它会剥夺你生命其他部分的色彩,其中包括你的力比多。而让我们正视你的力比多,它目前正处于高涨的状态!

    The other thing about worrying too much about money is that it takes the gloss off the rest of your life , including your libido , which let 's face it , right now is on a high !

  26. 她对父亲和马斯登有恋父情结,对情人达雷尔有着很强烈的力比多,对儿子有恋子情节,还有自身的生死本能。如此强大的本我使她在现实生活中反复失去并得到幸福。

    Containing Electra complex towards her father and Marsden , strong libido towards her lover Darrell , Jocasta complex towards her son , and life and death instincts , her powerful id leads her to repeatedly lose and regain happiness in her real life .

  27. 施蛰存接受弗洛伊德思想,认为人的本能分为生的本能和死的本能,生的本能主要是指性本能,它是人类行为的动力源泉,性本能也称作力比多。

    Accept Freud respectively thoughts , think the instinct of the divided into raw instinct and the dead instinct , raw instinct is mainly refers to sexual instinct , it is the drive source of human behavior , sexual instinct is called force than many .

  28. 同时,不断得重复自己和他人,依靠青春的力比多维持创作激情,啃噬青春这一有限资源,都成为80后不能回避的缺失。

    At the same time , constantly have to repeat themselves and others , rely on the " youth " and more to maintain than the creative passion , biting " youth " of the limited resources , have become 80 after the deletion can not be avoided .