
lì xiàn
  • line of force;flux (or force) line
  1. 合适的软组织平衡是获得良好的假体位置和力线的前提。

    Appropriate soft tissue balance is the basis to obtain good prosthesis location and line of force .

  2. 复位差:在正、侧位X线片上显示骨折力线差,骨折块分离明显,内后侧骨皮质严重缺损。

    Good-it is showed that line of force of fracture is good but bad paratope in inboard bone cortex from x-ray .

  3. CT扫描确定全膝关节置换股骨假体旋转力线的研究

    Determining the femoral prothesis rotational certification by CT in total knee arthroplasty

  4. 股骨远端轴位X射线片对全膝关节假体置换术中股骨假体旋转力线的评估价值

    Axial radiography of the distal femur to access rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty

  5. 结论:股骨远端轴位X射线片可用于全膝关节置换术前确定股骨假体旋转力线,具有同CT相当的准确性。

    CONCLUSION : The axial radiography of distal femur is acceptable for evaluating femoral component rotation with comparable accuracy as CT .

  6. GY型短应力线轧机的应用及配套改造

    The Application and Mating Reformation of The GY ShortRange Stress Mill

  7. GY型短应力线轧机轴承座应力分析

    Analysis of stock stress of Gy type short-stress path mill

  8. GY型短应力线轧机立柱载荷分布的规律

    Load Distribution Pattern of the Supporting Posts of GY Type Short Stress Path Mill

  9. 以立位胫股角(femorotibialangle,FTA)作为本研究中下肢力线的参数。

    As a parameter of limb alignment , the standing FTA was employed in this study .

  10. SY短应力线轧机自位机构改造探讨

    Discussion of Reform of Self-aligning Structure for SY Short Stress Path Mill

  11. GW型短应力线轧机的特点分析

    The Feature of Type GW Short Stress Ring Rolling Mill

  12. 近十年来,GY型短应力线轧机在我国获得了广泛的应用。

    In the last ten years , the GY type short-stress path mill had been widely used in China .

  13. 为探讨膝关节相关力线改变与膝关节退行性骨关节病(OA)间的相关性。

    The objective of the paper is to explore the relationship between the knee force line change and the knee degenerative osteoarthritis ( OA ) .

  14. 结果X线平片显示病变沿应力线分布,CT显示病灶区骨质呈绒毛样改变,间有斑片状磨玻璃样改变。

    Results On X-ray plain film , the lesions were distributed along the stress line of long bone , while on CT images , bony tissue in lesion areas or lesion spacings presented villous-like and / or ground glasslike change .

  15. 即股四头肌力线和髌韧带力线的夹角,临床上把髂前上嵴与髌骨中点的连线和髌骨中点与胫骨结节夹角称为Q角。

    That is the included angle of the line of quadriceps and patellar ligament angle of the line . Clinically on the anterior superior iliac crest with the midpoint of the patella and patellar connection with the midpoint of the angle between the tibial tubercle known as the Q angle .

  16. 文章通过对SY短应力线轧机自位机构的分析,指出了轧机自位效果差的原因,并提出了SY短应力线轧机自位机构的改造设计方案。

    By analyzing the self-aligning structure of SY short stress path mill , the reason of bad self-aligning effect is pointed out , the reforming design schedule of self-aligning structure for SY short stress path mill put forth .

  17. 从短应力线轧机轴承672730K的结构、安装、轧制条件、润滑、密封、维护等方面分析入手,提出了降低轴承烧熔次数的方法。

    Based on the analysis of 672730K bearing in short stress line rolling mill from its various aspects such as : structure , mounting , rolling condition , lubrication , sealing , maintenace and etc. , a method to reduce probability to be melted for bearing is proposed .

  18. 短应力线轧机轴承的使用和维护

    Use and maintenance of bearing in short stress line rolling mill

  19. 无差级病例。结论关节镜下清理术可以改善关节内环境,不能改变异常的负重力线。

    Conclusion Arthroscopic debridement can improve the inner-environment of arthritis knee ;

  20. 短应力线轧机结构参数优化

    Structural Parameters ' Optimization of Short Stress Path Rolling Mill

  21. 短应力线轧机经济效益分析

    Analysis of economic benefits on short stress wire rolling mill

  22. 半无限大均匀介质中置一自由点电荷激发的场&一幅在介质内场分布的正误力线图及有关解

    Field of a Free Point Charge Located in a Semi-infinite Homogeneous Dielectric

  23. 350短应力线轧机机架强度计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis of the Frame Strength of 350 Short-stress Path Rolling Mill

  24. 全膝关节置换术的假体旋转力线不良与髌股关节并发症

    Rotational malalignment causing patellofemoral complications after total knee replacement

  25. 等值应力线及位移的显示算法研究

    Research on the Algorithm of Displaying Curves with Equal Stress or Displacement Values

  26. 任意阶次磁多极子场力线方程的解析表示

    The equation for field lines of a magnetic multipole with any order and degree

  27. 膝关节屈曲挛缩对下肢力线影响的研究及其临床意义

    Influence of flexion contracture of the knee on limb alignment and its clinical significance

  28. 新型短应力线预应力辊模特点及刚度计算

    Character and stiffness calculation of new type of short-stress line and prestressed roller die

  29. 浅析短应力线轧机的改进

    Discussion of Improvement of Short Stress Path Mill

  30. 短应力线轧机是近些年来使用很广泛的一种新机型。

    Short-stress path mill is a widely used new type of machine in these years .