
fù lǐ
  • Associate Manager;vice director
  1. 您如需帮助,请直接与大堂副理联系。

    If you need help , please contact with assistant manager directly .

  2. 如果您需要延迟退房,帮您联系我们大堂副理,请您稍等!

    If you want alate check out , please contact our AM , hold on please !

  3. 假如我一直卖力工作,我到年底时应该能升副理。

    If I keep working hard , I should get promoted to assistant manager by the end of the year .

  4. 对不起,我不明白,我帮你转到大堂副理处可以吗?

    I am sorry , sir . I can 't understand , can I transfer your phone to the assistant manger ?

  5. 在您下榻本酒店期间,如有任何问题,请随时与大堂副理联系。

    During your stay at this hotel , if you have any questions , please feel free to contact Assistant Manager .

  6. 先生,对不起,我会通知大堂副理就此事和您联络。

    I 'm sorry , sir . I will inform the Assistant Manager , so he will contact you as soon as possible .

  7. 员工当发现同事受伤或者发病时应立即向值班大堂副理报告。

    Employees witnessing an injury incident or finding another employee ill should promptly report the problem to the Duty Assistant Manager – Front Office .

  8. 如果换房时客人不在场,行李生要和大堂副理及保安员一起到指定的房间将行李搬至前台指定的新的房间。

    For room change without guest present , Bellman should accompany with the Assistant Manager and Security Officer for transferring baggage to the new room assigned by the Front Desk .

  9. 如果房间反锁且没有人接听电话,大堂副理和保安和楼层主管一起进入房间。

    If the room is double locked and there is no reply to the phone , the Assistant Manager , Security Staff and the Floor Supervisor should enter the room together .

  10. 橘群副检查官理察连恩来电。

    Orange County deputy district attorney Richard lane is on the phone for you .

  11. 在这些表情中,兔斯基要么在晃动着他的臀部,要么摆出一副“懒得理你”的姿势,要么边哭边挥手告别,要么将他的两只耳朵变作摇曳的生日蜡烛,要么打个飞吻,要么一跃上床。

    Tuzki swings his hips , makes a " talk to the hand " motion , weeps as he waves goodbye , turns his ears into flickering birthday candles , blows kisses and hops into bed .

  12. 一副典型的麻省理工学生形象,和他父母期望他的样子相去甚远。

    The classic MIT stereotype , right out of his parents ' dreams .