
  • 网络subtropical cyclone
  1. 夏季发生于青藏高原东南部上空的副热带气旋的合成分析

    A synthetic analysis on subtropic cyclone over Se part of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in summer

  2. 当这支气流加强之后2候时,西北太平洋副热带反气旋及其西侧(东海附近)的副热带夏季风趋于加强。

    After it increases for two pentads , the subtropic anticyclone over NW Pacific Ocean and its western monsoon tend to intensify .

  3. 基于WRF中尺度气象模式的分析表明深圳地区的空气污染过程主要受副热带高压、热带气旋及变性冷高压脊的影响。

    The analyses based on the WRF mesoscale meteorological model showed that air pollution processes were controlled by weather systems such as subtropical high , tropical cyclone and degraded cold high pressure system .