
  • 网络Subframe;sub frame;Sub-frame
  1. X轿车副车架焊接总成CAE分析

    CAE Analysis of X Car Subframe Weld in g Assembly

  2. 将万向节轴旋转过悬架副车架并安装它。

    Swivel the cardan shaft over the suspension subframe and install it .

  3. 别克副车架人工焊接的焊缝图像除具有一般焊缝图像的特点外,还具有极大的不稳定性,其主要原因在于人工焊接的不规则和CCD获取图像的不稳定。

    Welding seam image of Buick automobile auxiliary frame is very unstable .

  4. 基于ANSYS的搅拌车副车架应力分析

    Study on Stress of Concrete Mixer Sub-frame Based on ANSYS

  5. 别克轿车副车架CCD防漏焊检测系统

    CCD Anti-Missed - Welding Inspection System for Buick Subframe

  6. 基于UG的运输机散装物资装卸车副车架的优化设计与分析建立危险货物装卸作业的安全与防污管理体系

    Design and Analysis of Side Carcase of Airport Cargo Handing Vehicle Based on UG Establishment of Safety and Anti-pollution Management System during Load and Unload DG

  7. 纵向力实验中EPSILONⅡ副车架过早失效原因分析

    An Analysis of Earlier Failure Reason of EPSILON ⅱ Sub-frame in the Test of Longitudinal Force

  8. 对轿车底盘的副车架应用MSC有限元分析软件,进行了耐久性疲劳分析,得到了副车架的应力分布及疲劳计算结果。

    This paper conducts durability fatigue analysis on the sub-frame , a typical part of car chassis , using MSC finite element analysis software , obtaining the stress distribution and fatigue calculation of the sub-frame .

  9. 68m登高平台消防车副车架和支腿结构设计及有限元分析

    Structural Design and Finite Element Analysis of Auxiliary Frame and Outrigger of a 68m Aerial Platform Fire Engine

  10. 所有捷达前副车架有钢铁,而衍生其他PQ35,它的铝合金制成。

    All Jettas have a steel front subframe , while on other PQ35 derivatives , it 's made of aluminum .

  11. 采用FLOW-3D数值模拟软件分析了铝合金后副车架在不同工艺下的压铸充型过程,优化出了合理的浇注系统及排气/溢流系统。

    Die-casting filling process in different techniques is simulated with FLOW-3D numerical simulation software , and optimized a reasonable pouring and overflowing system .

  12. 此外,该系统可结合使用,或没有,新RLF或镀锌钢管副车架地板系统。

    In addition , this system can be used in conjunction with , or without , the new RLF or galvanised steel sub-frame flooring systems .

  13. 基于有限元法的搅拌车主副车架结构拓扑优化设计

    Topology Optimization Design of Mixer Main-frame and Sub-frame Based on FEA

  14. 确保固定卡子卡入副车架。

    Make sure that the fixing clips engage in the sub-frame .

  15. 建立了轿车动力总成-液压悬置-副车架系统的非线性力学模型;

    Non-linear mechanics model of power assembly-hydraulic suspension-subframe system is set up .

  16. 基于车内噪声控制的发动机与副车架悬置优化设计

    Optimal Design of Engine Suspension Based on Control of Vehicle Interior Noise

  17. 用木块将变速箱支撑在底盘副车架上。

    Support the transmission with a wooden block on the chassis subframe .

  18. 轿车动力总成液压悬置及副车架系统隔振性能的研究

    A Study on Vibration Isolation Performance of Hydraulic Engine Mount Sub-frame System

  19. 在这些情况中,悬架副车架可能稍微偏移。

    In such cases , the suspension subframe may be shifted slightly .

  20. 对矿用重型自卸车副车架断裂的静态分析

    Causes Analysis of Secondary Frame Rupture in A Mining Heavy Dump Truck

  21. 轿车副车架模态分析与参数识别

    Modal Analysis and Parameters ldentification of Secondary Car Frame

  22. 别克副车架焊缝图像识别算法研究

    Algorithm Research on Image Recognition about Welding Seam of Buick Automobile Auxiliary Frame

  23. 副车架疲劳台架试验的有限元模拟

    Simulation of Crossmember Durability Test with Finite Element Analysis

  24. 汽车副车架总成的耐久性适应性开发研究

    The Car Subframe Assembly Durability Adapting Rapid Development Research

  25. 网格尺寸对别克轿车副车架总成焊接变形预测精度的影响

    Effect of Mesh Sizes on Welding Deformation Prediction Precision of Buicks Underframe Assembly

  26. 静态分析副车架的结构。

    Static analysis structure of the subframe .

  27. 预测副车架疲劳寿命。

    Fatigue life prediction of the subframe .

  28. 副车架开裂及中横梁焊缝断裂的原因和加固方法

    Causes of Subframe Crack and Middle Cross Beam Welding Seam Breakage and Method of Reinforcement

  29. 此外还对副车架在动力总成隔振系统中的作用进行了拼究;

    In addition , the vibration isolation function of sub-frame for powertrain is also studied ;

  30. 固井水泥车副车架结构分析和上装布局优化思考距离-架车人刹车的

    The Subsidiary Frame Structure Analysis and Upside Parts ' Layout Optimization of Cementing Truck ; thinking distance