
  • 网络Preflush;pad fluid;preflush fluid
  1. 清洗液+稠隔离液+清洗液+紊流清扫水泥浆组成的前置液能有效提高钻井液顶替效率,取得了固井质量SBT电测结果优良的效果。

    In addition , the pad fluid composed of cleaning fluid , thick spacer and turbulent slurry improved the drilling fluid displacement efficiency , and the cementing quality was excellent .

  2. 因此,在设计前置液时合理使用润湿反转剂很有必要。

    Consequently , it is very necessary to use wettability reversal agent when designing pad fluid .

  3. JJ-9用量为0.2%就可以将蒸汽凝析液的pH降低到9以下;现场应用时将JJ-8作为前置液,JJ-9伴蒸汽注入的优化注入方式,可持续降低蒸汽凝析液的碱性,效果良好。

    PH of steam condensed liquid could be decreased to below 9 . The field test showed JJ - 8 and JJ - 9 could increase steam injection efficiency by reducing the alkalinity of liquid and damage to formation caused by liquid .

  4. 施工设计中预前置液中加入纯CO2,能增加溶解气驱的能量,CO2可以起到冷却作用,达到降低储层温度的目的;

    In operation design , the energy of dissolved gas drive could be increased through adding pure CO 2 to the prepad fluid ; and the CO 2 might play the role of cooling so as to attain the goal of reducing reservoir temperature .

  5. 乳化酸酸化酸液由前置液、乳化酸、后置液、KFT反应液和顶替液组成。

    Acidizing fluid of emulsified acid consists of preflush , emulsion , after-pad , KFT reaction fluid and displacement fluid .

  6. 针对提高第二界面固井质量的问题,研究出了多功能钻井液和SF-1冲洗前置液。

    Aiming at improving the cementing quality of the second contact surface , multifunction drilling fluid and SF-1 preflush have been developed and evaluated .

  7. ZY-9601低损害压裂预前置液的研究与应用

    Research of Low Damage Fracturing Preflush ZY-9601

  8. 加有活性组分的SF-1前置液具有较强的稀释钻井液、降低粘度和切力的作用,提高了钻井液和水泥浆的相容性。

    Since SF-1 preflush has the abilities of thinning , visbreaking and reducing shear rate , compatibility of drilling fluid with cement slurry can be improved .

  9. 新型固井前置液HQ&1的应用

    New type cementing front fluid HQ-1 and Its Applications

  10. 前置液酸压技术在石炭系油藏改造中的应用

    The application of prepositive acid fracture technique in the reform of Carboniferous oil reservior

  11. 高渗透水泥防砂暂堵型前置液体系研究

    Research on temporary ahead fluid system used in high permeability cement sand control technology

  12. 生物驱油剂用于固井前置液的研究与应用

    Study and application of biological oil dis - placement agent in cementing pad fluid

  13. 一种新型压裂预前置液的研制

    Development of a New Kind of Prepad

  14. 提高第二界面固井质量的钻井液与前置液研究

    Study on drilling fluid and preflush for improving cementing quality of the second contact surface

  15. 前置液酸压缝中酸液浓度分布的全隐式数值计算方法

    Fully Implicit Numerical Calculation Method for Acid Solution Concentration Distribution in Acidized and Fractured Fissures in Case of Using Prepad

  16. 氟化钙沉淀,用盐酸作前置液除去钙质。

    Precipitation of calcium fluorine , and by using the hydrochloride acid as flushing fluid , the calcium may be removed .

  17. 通过实际施工资料的统计,对施工排量和前置液量的确定等施工中需要改进的技术问题,提出了建议。

    Then it gives some suggestion on the determination of operation discharge and preflush rate and some technical problems in operation .

  18. 介绍了用于高温碳酸盐储层深度酸化压裂工艺的前置液和酸化液的选择标准,并结合大港油田板深7井储层特征对酸化压裂液体系进行了研究和优化。

    This paper presents the selection standards of preflush and acidizing fluid used in deep acid-fracturing for high temperature carbonate reservoir .

  19. 文章针对不同储层类型系统开展了前置液酸压、变粘酸酸压两项深度酸压改造工艺技术的深化与发展研究。

    According to different reservoir type , the paper researched depth acid fracturing technology of ahead acid and acid with variable viscosity .

  20. 采用了基岩酸化、前置液酸压裂、胶凝酸酸压裂和加砂压裂等工艺措施。

    The technology measures of bed rock aciding , preflush and gelling acid fracturing , as well as sand fracturing etc. are used .

  21. 提出了整体注汽调整方案,其中对注汽工艺管柱、注汽参数及注汽前置液进行了设计和优选。

    After that , the steam injection scheme including the design and optimization of steaming column , parameter , and ahead fluid is produced .

  22. 水泥浆前置液(冲洗液、隔离液)所应具有的性能好坏直接关系到固井作业的成功与否。

    The capacity of the prepad fluid ( spacer fluid , washing fluid ) of slurry is directly related to whether the cement job will succeed or not .

  23. 针对在气藏压裂改造中要求入井液低伤害、加砂规模大、压裂液返排速度快等特点,研制了压裂预前置液。

    The fracturing pre-preflush was developed in light of the demands for well-in fluid , such as low damage , strong sand-carried capacity and rapid reverse drainage velocity , etc.

  24. 前置液量的设计,主要依据储层的地质条件即孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等物性参数和施工的规模而定。

    The design of the quantity of ahead fluid is based on reservoir geologic conditions mainly including porosity , permeability and saturation etc. , and the scale of the treatment .

  25. 这表明深井小间隙尾管固井采用高强低密度水泥浆、非渗透抗高温常规密度水泥浆和复合前置液能提高重叠段的固井质量。

    Field applications indicate that cementing quality can be improved considerably for intercross sections and narrow annulus via high-strength low density , non-permeable normal density slurry , and compositive lead fluids .

  26. 应用常规的地面压裂施工压力资料和前置液阶段的瞬时停泵压力测试等资料,初步探讨了求取储层原位岩石力学参数的新方法。

    The rock mechanics parameters , such as Yangs modulus and Poisson 's ratio , are determined on the basis of surface fracturing treatment pressure and instantaneous shut-in pressure during PAD stage .

  27. 本研究以稳定性较好的油溶性树脂A为主要原料,率先研制出适合高渗透水泥防砂的屏蔽暂堵型前置液。

    Taking an oil soluble resin A with good stability as the main material , a temporary-bridge ahead fluid used in high permeability cement sand control technology was developed in the paper .

  28. 该方法稳定性好,计算方便、实用,可用于前置液酸压设计和参数优选。

    This method has a good stability , is practical and easy to calculate and can be used for acidizing and fracturing design and optimizing the parameters in ease of using prepad .

  29. 压裂设计中,前置液用量是一个重要施工参数,它直接影响着裂缝形态、压裂改造效果,甚至决定压裂施工的成败。

    For fracturing design , ahead fluid volume is an important operation parameter , which directly influences fracture morphology , fracture results or even results the success or failure of the operation .

  30. 文章提出了前置液中加入变砂比的段塞式砂团充填技术,依次堵住不同缝宽的多支裂缝,以保证形成具有一定缝宽的主裂缝。

    The article first proposes the slug sand-group pack technique by the ahead fluid with variable sand proportion to plug the branch fractures with different width and form the main fractures with enough width .