
qián qǐ luò jià
  • nose gear;nose landing gear
前起落架[qián qǐ luò jià]
  1. 研究了舰载机前起落架的突伸运动。

    The fast-extension motion of the nose gear of the carrier-based aircraft is studied .

  2. 针对一体化设计目标,对前起落架弹射系统结构细节进行了研究。

    In order to realize the target of incorporation design , the structure details of nose gear ejection systems are studied .

  3. K8飞机前起落架载荷谱空测数据处理分析

    Analysis of Test Data Processing for K8 A / C Nose Gear G - load Spectrum

  4. K8前起落架两数据处理中,在分析了力学与数理方法的基础上,采用数理统计中线性回归的方法进行处理,其数学模型为多元线性回归方程。

    The linear regression of mathematical statistics is used to deal with the two data of landing gear of K8 aircraft after the dynamics and mathematics are analyzed .

  5. 某型飞机前起落架收放作动筒耳环螺栓断裂故障分析

    Failure Analysis on Aircraft Nose Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Eyelet Bolt Fracture

  6. 歼击机前起落架水平载荷动荷系数的试验研究

    Test Investigation of Horizontal Load Magnification Factor The Nose Undercarriage of Fighter

  7. 某歼击机前起落架着陆瞬间有关参数的试验研究

    Parameters Study at Touchdown Instant of the Nose Undercarriage of Fighter Airplane

  8. 我们失去了前起落架和右侧主起落架的应答信号。

    We 've also lost the nose-gear down talkback , and right-main-gear down talkback .

  9. 单门式的前起落架舱门也是第一架原型机所独有的。

    The single door on the front landing gear bay is unique to the first F-35 .

  10. 文章中还分析了分级甲板会增大前起落架载荷等问题。

    Some important issues such as the increase of the load of the nose landing-gear are analyzed .

  11. 基于固定界面模态综合法建立了前起落架系统柔性体模型。

    Based on the fixed interface modal synthesis method , the flexible nose landing gear models had been built .

  12. 对以铰链连接为主的某型飞机前起落架收放机构的磨损可靠性进行了全面的计算。

    The wear reliability on extending-retracting mechanism of nose landing gear of a military aircraft is analysesed and calculated .

  13. 前起落架顺利通过试验,主起落架在试验中发生破坏。

    The nose landing gear passed the test successfully and the main landing gear was damaged in the test .

  14. 并对今后编制前起落架载荷谱和确定前起落架疲劳试验加载方法提出了改进意见。

    Suggestion is given for improvement of future nose gear load spectra compilation and its fatigue test loading method determination .

  15. 航后发现前起落架镜面太低,结果发现是充气活门锁不死漏气所致。

    Postflight found nose gear mirror too low , check found due charging valve csn 't lock , leak air .

  16. 对飞机前起落架旋转臂试件进行的多次实验,证明此方法对金属表面和近表面下垂直闭合裂纹的检测是有效的。

    The results of a series of experiments on airplane nose gear rotating arm prove that this technology is an effective method .

  17. 以某歼击飞机前起落架为例,用落震试验的方法,通过分析起落架有关参数随机轮转速变化的情况,来研究飞机着陆瞬间起落架的状况。

    The status of an undercarriage at the touchdown instant is studied by analyzing the undercarriage parameters which change with the wheel rotational speed in the drop test .

  18. 将数字样机技术应用到某型号飞机的前起落架机构的可靠性设计分析中,成功解决了其中的关键技术,取得良好的效果。

    This paper succeed in applying virtual prototype technology to design and analyze relia - bility of airplane retractable nose-gear mechanisms , and solve the key technologies in applications .

  19. 结合前起落架突伸技术对缓冲器设计进行了研究。确定了缓冲器的组合突伸模式,基于常规型双腔油气式缓冲器提出了改进的缓冲器构型。

    Buffer design is researched based on nose gear extension technology . The combine extension mode is determined and the oleo-pneumatic buffer with two-stage chambers is improved for better take-off performance .

  20. 在适配值集合内,随着弹射能量的增加,升降舵预置偏角的适配范围增大,前起落架突伸力的影响减小。

    Within the boundary of the match value set , as the catapult energy increases , the match range of the presetting elevator angle enlarges and the influence of the nose gear fast-extension weakens .

  21. 为了确定飞机地面滑行过程中的最短滑跑距离,本文通过优化的方式给出发动机的最佳安装角和飞机地面滑跑的最佳迎角,以及前起落架的最佳凸伸量;

    A study to minimize the takeoff / landing distances was accomplished by the optimization of parameters , such as engine installation angle , aircraft running angle of attack and nose landing gear protrusion .

  22. 通过落震试验,测量出飞机着陆时起落架机轮轮轴的水平变形值,与静标定所得到机轮轮轴水平静位移相比较,就可以得到歼击机前起落架水平载荷的动荷系数。

    By the drop test , the horizontal distortion of wheel axle of undercarriage is been measured , and can get the magnification factor of fighter nose undercarriage comparing with the static wheel axle displacement of static calibration .

  23. 前三点起落架最大的缺点是,较重的重量及较大的阻力。(意译)

    The greatest drawback to tricycle gear is the greater weight and drag incurred by adding the large nosewheel strut .

  24. 前三点起落架的另一个不利因素,设计时需要较精确的分配主轮与前轮的负荷。

    Another critical factor when designing tricycle gear is to properly balance the load carried by the main gear versus the nosewheel .

  25. 直升飞机液压-操作可收放前三点轮式起落架。

    The helicopter has hydraulically-operated retractable tricycle type landing gear .

  26. TB飞机前起支架是飞机前起落架系统的重要部件,在飞机起飞着陆过称中,前起支架将承受复杂交变载荷。

    The TB aircraft nose gear support is a important component of the aircraft nose gear system . In the process of aircraft take off and land , The nose gear support bears complicated load .