
  1. 一直以来我都了解,我必须努力前进在社会里力争上游。

    Tim : I have always known that I had to work my way up in society .

  2. 从渡江到追击最远的地方,即福建的北部、江西的东北部,前进一千五百里。

    They had advanced 750 kilometers from where they crossed the Yangtze , to northern Fujian and northeastern Jiangxi .

  3. 在时光匍匐前进的岁月里,在这个热闹又寂寞的空间里,我依然微笑,虽然,有时会笑的满眼泪水。

    Time to crawl in the years ahead , and lonely in this crowded space , I am still smiling , though , sometimes in tears of laughter .

  4. 汽车在进城的路上陷入泥沼,无法前进。井里没有水,只有淤泥;耶利米就陷在淤泥中。

    The car got bogged down on the way to town . And in the dungeon there was no water , but mire : so Jeremiah sunk in the mire .

  5. 我们原本北风航向二百七十度罗盘航向,风力突然把我们推向北偏西方向,力道迅猛,这个小时就前进了6里。

    We are still running before the wind along a course of270 degrees , veering to North North West , making way briskly , about two leagues , each of three miles this hour .

  6. 我们前进了一千里,直达长江,面对着武汉、南京、上海,扩大了四千五百万人口的新解放区。

    And we did that . We marched five hundred kilometres until we reached the banks of the Yangtze , with Wuhan , Nanjing and Shanghai before us . The areas we had liberated had a population of 45 million .

  7. 但是,现在我就在另,已经是在这个正以惊人的速度前进的文明国度里的第二年了。我可以真诚地说,对于在中国教书的决定,我从不曾后悔过。

    But here I am in China , in my second year of living in this amazingly progressive civilization , and I can honestly say that I have never once regretted my decision to teach in China .