
xínɡ shì pàn jué
  • sentence;penal sentence
  1. 论对外国刑事判决的承认与执行论外国对华反倾销及我国的对策

    Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Penal Sentence Antidumping Cases Against China and China 's Countermeasures

  2. 刑事判决书研究

    A Study of Paper of Sentence

  3. 外国刑事判决和执行问题的理论探讨

    A Theoretical Discussion of the Acknowledgement Pertaining to Foreign Criminal Court Sentences

  4. 刑事判决理由问题研究

    A Study on the Judging Reason in Criminal Cases

  5. 刑事判决合法化的手段解读&在政治社会学视野中的分析

    The Means of Legality of Criminal Judgment

  6. 在客观真实与法律真实之间&对刑事判决证明标准的再思考

    Between Objective Certainty and Legal Certainty : Rethink about the Proof Standard of Criminal Verdict

  7. 刑事判决的合法性研究

    On the Legitimacy of Criminal Judgement

  8. 认知理论在刑事判决书说理中的应用&以许霆案为例

    Application of Cognitive Theory in Criminal Judgment Reasoning : Taking Xu Ting Case As an Example

  9. 刑事判决的合法性诉求

    On the Legitimacy of Criminal Judgment

  10. 刑事判决理由的功能分析

    Function analysis of criminal judgement reason

  11. 刑事判决程序初探

    On the Procedure of Criminal Adjudication

  12. 但可以在刑事判决生效后另行提起民事诉讼。

    However , he may separately file a civil action after the criminal judgment comes into force .

  13. 在司法实践中,有的刑事判决推定适用民法中的宣告死亡结果。

    The declaration of death in civil law have been presumed as a criminal judgement in judiciary praction .

  14. 应修改刑法第10条,有条件地积极承认外国刑事判决。

    Accordingly , we should modify the 10th criminal law rule and conditionally and actively confess foreign criminal judgment .

  15. 刑事判决书既具有司法文书的一般特征,又有刑事司法性这一独特特性。

    It not only has the common characteristics of judicial documents , but also the unique characteristics of criminal justice .

  16. 对认为确有错误的刑事判决、裁定,依法提出抗诉2405件。

    Procuratorial bodies also protested 2,405 court decisions and rulings according to law , which they regarded as really wrong .

  17. 建国60年刑事判决说理制度的回溯与展望

    The back and prospects of the system of the criminal judgmental arguments in the last 60 years of our country

  18. 建议在我国刑事判决中,应增加包括免诉判决、驳回起诉判决等几种新的判决形式。

    It is suggested in our criminal sentences some new kinds like sentence of exemption from prosecution and sentence of rejecting .

  19. 基于刑事判决较高的证明标准,其既判事实预决力有特殊的效力范围和效力程度。

    The prepotency of criminal definitive fact has a special scope and extent , based on the higher standard of proof .

  20. 刑事判决作为刑事程序的重要环节和结果表现形式也必然要遵从无罪推定原则的基本要求。

    The criminal verdict must abide by the principle , which is the important element and form of result of criminal procedure .

  21. 刑事判决的合法化必须依赖一定的手段,以唤起并维持人们对其合法性的信仰。

    The legality of criminal judgment should rely on some certain means to arouse and sustain the public 's trust in it .

  22. 刑事判决理由是裁判过程的显现,应在提升法官素质和量化判决书结构两方面进行规范。

    The reasons for criminal sentences are vital , we should enhance the quality of judges and reform the structure of the judgment .

  23. 承认和执行外国的刑事判决,是第二次世界大战以后在欧洲发展起来的国际刑事司法合作形式。

    Recognition and enforcement of foreign criminal judgment is a type of internationally criminal judicial cooperation which develops from Europe after the world war II .

  24. (本文所提及的法院判决单指民商事判决,而不包括刑事判决和行政判决)。

    ( The judgments referred to in this paper refers to court civil and commercial judgments only , not including criminal judgments and administrative judgments ) .

  25. 刑事判决形成的实践/制度逻辑:以某基层法院无罪辩护案件为起点的调查与分析

    The Practical / Institutional Logic of Criminal Judgments ' Formation : the Investigation and Analysis Based on the Cases Defended for Innocence in Certain District Court

  26. 有权对刑事判决、裁定的执行和监狱、看守所的执行刑罚的活动是否合法进行法律监督;

    Have the right to criminal judgment , execution and prison of adjudication , execution of detention house activity of penalty legal to go on legal supervision ;

  27. 当然,在现代社会中,理性化是刑事判决合法化的基本手段,而神圣化和社会化则处于补充地位。

    Of course , in the modern society , rationalization is the basic means of the legality of criminal judgment , while sacrilization and socialization are supplemental means .

  28. 对于中国的刑事判决的形成,理论上尽管讨论很多,但是从目前的研究现状来看,尚无一个具有充足说服力的解释与说明。

    Though the Chinese criminal judgments ' formation is theoretically discussed so much , however , there is still no any theory with adequately persuasive explanation and narration yet .

  29. 长期以来,我国学术界把刑事判决理由归为刑事判决书中所展示的理由部分的论式,限制了对刑事判决理由功能的分析。

    For a long time , the statement that criminal judgement reason is reason section in the criminal judgement paper restricts the analysis for function of criminal judgement reason .

  30. 本文首先对刑事判决书风格释义,分析其构成要素及其决定和影响因素;

    This text makes an interpretation of the color of criminal judgement , and analyzes the elements that form the judgement 's color and the factors that influence the color .