
  1. 人文主义与中国古代刑制古代的稿费

    On Humanism between the Penal System of Ancient China

  2. 由奴隶制五刑向封建制五刑的过渡是中国古代刑制史上的伟大进步。

    This transition is a great progress in the history of penalty system of ancient China .

  3. 进入封建社会之后,经过刑制的不断改革,最终在《开皇律》中确立了封建制五刑。

    After entrance into feudal society , penalty system experiences constant reforms , finally five penalties of feudalism is established in Kai Huang Lv .

  4. 这种带有一定的人文主义倾向的有关规定,不仅有利于缓和当时的社会矛盾,减轻人们的痛苦,在一定程度上保护了社会生产力,而且促进了中国古代刑制的进步与发展。

    Humanis - tic penal system in ancient China not only decelerated the society conflict and the people 's harm and protected the soci - ety productivity in a way , but also promoted the development and the progress of Chinese penal system .

  5. 汉初的刑罚体系是文景刑制改革的基础,由主刑、辅刑、流刑构成,三种子体系在社会不同层面,对维护西汉统治发挥了极为重要的作用。

    The system of punishment in the early Han dynasty was the foundation of Wen Jing reform on punishment . This system was composed of principal penalty system assist penalty system and banish penalty system , which is very important of domination in western han dynasty .

  6. 其次在立法技术上应当吸收国外的有益经验,实行资格刑分立制并明确各资格刑的适用条件。

    Then , we should absorb the helpful experiences of legislative techniques from abroad so as to establish various punishment of ripping off qualifications and definite their respective applying conditions .

  7. 此外,还应当确立我国资格刑的执行制度,如资格刑的分立制和减刑制度,以期更好地保障资格刑人的权利,更加有利于其再社会化。

    In addition , we still establish the execution system of qualification criminal penalty , for example , the division system and commutation system of qualification criminal penalty , in order to better protect the rights of man , more conducive to its re-socialization .