
xínɡ fá quán
  • Penalty power;power of punishment
  1. 国家意志、刑罚权、程序正义是决定公诉权确立和发展的根本的法理依据。

    State will , power of punishment , and procedure justice are the fundamental jurisprudence basis which decides the establishment and development of the power of public prosecution .

  2. 行刑权是一种刑罚权,因此行刑权具有与刑罚权相同的正当化根据,即正义与合目的性。

    As a specific type of power of punishment , the power to execute punishment has the same legitimate ground with power of punishment : justice and conformity to ends .

  3. 刑罚权既是权力又是义务,二者的同一指向是权利。

    The penal right is not only power but also obligation .

  4. 第一层关系:刑罚权与权力。

    The first relations : the penalty power and power .

  5. 刑事诉讼以实现国家刑罚权为首要任务。

    Realizing the penal right is the primary task of criminal procedure .

  6. 论刑罚权及其限制

    On Power of Penalty and Its Restriction

  7. 在大陆法系国家,审前羁押属于强制措施的一种,其目的是为了有利于侦查和审判,保证实现国家刑罚权,并防止嫌疑人再犯。

    However in Civil law countries , pretrial custody belongs to one of the coercive measures .

  8. 刑事诉讼法是国家刑罚权具体化、现实化而形之于诉讼程序的法律规范。

    The criminal procedural law is the form of crime litigation that realizes the right of penalty .

  9. 刑罚权的边界:犯罪的定义与被定义的犯罪&对新一轮犯罪定义争鸣的基本态度

    The Boundary of Criminal Penalty Power : the Definition of the Crime and the Crime that be definited

  10. 刑罚权具有相对于统治权的依附性、品格的独立性、共振性等特性。

    The power of punishment is characterized of its attachment to the dominion and the independence , resonance of quality .

  11. 刑罚权作为国家权力的一种,既是对公民权利的保障,也是对公民权利和自由最具侵害性的、是最具杀伤性的,因此必须要对国家刑罚权进行规制。

    The penalty power as a national power , is to protect the civil rights and the freedom of the citizens .

  12. 实行非犯罪化刑事政策,就要在立法上避免基于维护伦理道德和社会管理秩序的理由发动刑罚权;

    To realize decriminalization criminal policy , using penalty rights to protect ethic morality and maintain society order should be avoided in legislation .

  13. 而刑事诉讼程序中的国家权力,属于国家刑罚权的组成部分,因而刑罚消灭制度当然会涉及刑事诉讼程序。

    The state power in criminal procedure is a part of state penalty power so the penalty elimination system certainly refers to criminal procedure .

  14. 国家的建立,国家垄断行使刑罚权结束了以血亲复仇作为防卫形态的历史。

    The establishment of national , state monopoly over the exercise of the right punishment to blood revenge as a defensive form of history .

  15. 刑罚权是刑法规范的内容得以实现,获得确定的社会秩序的外在力量。

    The penalty power is external strength that the norm of the criminal law content can realize and obtain the determination the social order .

  16. 行刑社会化作为刑罚权运作的一种理念和模式,是刑罚发展史的必然结果;

    Execution socialization is regarded as an idea and model of the punishment right function and is the necessary result of development of punishment .

  17. 国家为确认刑罚权实行追诉与审判的职权活动,决定了刑事诉讼对宪法基本权利的公法限制属性。

    The nation executes the power activity of pursue and judge , which decides the character that the crime litigation interferes the basic rights of constitution .

  18. 有的人视之为洪水猛兽,认为该制度是国家刑罚权的不恰当的让渡,会导致法治的夭折;

    Some believe that such system will lead to the unsuitable transfer of the criminal punishment right , resulting in the collapse of Rule of Law .

  19. 为了更好的保护被害人的权益,笔者从国家刑罚权角度分析刑罚权对被害人保护的不足并在此基础上提出解决问题的对策。

    In order to protect the rights of victims better , I will analyze the deficiency of victim protection from the angle of the state penalty power .

  20. 在结论部分,笔者再次指出刑罚权是人类与犯罪做斗争的双刃剑,因此必须要进行限制。

    The concluding section shows that the power of penalty is a double-edged sword for human beings to fight against crime , therefore it must be restricted .

  21. 第三章,从行刑社会化与刑罚权正当化的结合中力求找出两者的突破点。

    The third Chapter , from the execution of social and Penalty justify the combination of the right to seek to find a breakthrough between the two points .

  22. 本文拟通过对行刑社会化和刑罚权正当化进行分析,结合学界的研究成果以及司法实践的要求,找出一些两者的结合点。

    This paper on social and penal execution Legitimation analysis , combined with academic research and the requirements of judicial practice , to find some combination of the two points .

  23. 在这种情形下,国家刑罚权便被无节制的滥用,刑讯也成为犯罪嫌疑人的家常便饭,致使很多疑罪在严刑拷打的之下被屈打成招。

    In that case , the national penalty power is unchecked abuse , torture become common to criminal suspects , which is tortured into making confessions for so many suspects .

  24. 笔者认为赦免制度应是国家依照法定程序变更罪刑进而使刑罚权之部分消灭的一种法律制度。

    I believe that amnesty system should be a system that the country changes the crime and punishment in accordance with legal procedures to eliminate the part of the penalty right .

  25. 手段论则视刑事诉讼为实现国家刑法或刑罚权的工具,或为国家消解刑事冲突的一种手段,实体真实主义、正当程序主义和消解冲突论是其理论代表。

    The theory of means which is represented as substantialism , theory of due process and theory of dispelling conflicts regards the criminal procedure as a means to realize the criminal law .

  26. 基于国家的理性治理思想和刑罚权的特别规制需要,刑法的宪法化原则的形成和发展成为历史发展的必然。

    Based on the idea of rational rule of states and the requirement of special regulation of the power of penalty , the principle of constitutionalizing criminal law has become necessary in history .

  27. 国家依法行使刑罚权与教育法律关系主体在法律规定的限度内对国家承担刑事责任构成教育刑事法律关系的内容;

    The country legally exercises the penalty power and the education legal relationship main body undertakes the legal responsibility constitution education criminal activity legal relationship content in the legal rule limit to the country ;

  28. 以启动刑罚权为保护专利制度的最后防线乃东西方各国现代立法上通例。

    Taking up the power of penal sanction to protect the patent system as the finally defend limit is generally accepted in modern lawmaking by all the countries of the eastern or the western .

  29. 宪法对刑法的限制是全方位的,包括对刑法观念、刑法内容、刑罚权和刑法解释等。

    The criminal law is limited by the constitution entirely , including the criminal law idea , the content of criminal law , the penalty power and the explanation of criminal law and so on .

  30. 但是随着国家刑罚权的出现和逐步扩大,私刑权不断萎缩,在这一过程中,防卫权的活动空间也日益狭窄。

    But , with the emergence of the state 's punitive power and expand gradually , lynch right continued to decline until completely prohibited by law , in the process , defense activities increasingly narrow .