
fèn nèi
  • one's duty;one's job
分内 [fèn nèi]
  • [one's job;one's duty] 本人范围之内

  • 不分分内分外

  • 迨至菡萏成花此则在花为分内之事,在人为应得之资者也。--明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》

分内[fèn nèi]
  1. 我不过在做我分内的事。

    I 'm only doing my job .

  2. 军队貌似断然拒绝做他们分内的事情。

    The army apparently refused point blank to do what was required of them

  3. 照顾她姨妈是她分内的事。

    It 's her duty to look after her aunt .

  4. 这是我分内的事。

    It 's sth. within my duty .

  5. 关心学生的学习是教师分内的事。

    It 's a teacher 's duty to be concerned about the students'study .

  6. 这是我分内的工作。

    This is my share of the work .

  7. MR图像每个髌股关节分内、外侧髌骨面、股骨滑车面与关节镜图像逐一对照分析。

    Each patellofemoral articular surface was divided into media and lateral patellar facets , trochlear facets compared with arthroscopy face to face .

  8. 在理想循环分析中,以内燃泵特性系数B区分内燃泵与内燃机的异同,加深对内燃泵的认识。

    In the analysis of the ideal cycle , the ICP characteristic coefficient B is introduced to differentiate between ICP and internal combustion engine , and to get a deeper understanding of the ICP .

  9. 基于IEEE802.16d标准的OFDM帧结构,提出了一种差分内插信道估计算法。

    Advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are analyzed and summarized . 2 . According to the OFDM frame structure prescribed in IEEE 802.16d standard , a channel estimation algorithm using differential interpolation is proposed .

  10. 就像亨利戴维梭罗(HenryDavidThoreau)、马丁路德金(MartinLutherKing)和默尔哈格德(MerleHaggard),或者蝙蝠侠(Batman)、超人(Superman)和原野奇侠(Shane)一样,他们只是做了分内的事。

    Like Henry David Thoreau , Martin Luther King and Merle Haggard , or Batman , Superman and Shane , they just did what they had to do .

  11. 采用改进分析型嵌入原子法(MAEAM)计算了Al-Ni、Cu-Ag、Pb-Ag、Cu-Pb等4种固溶体合金在全成分内的合金层错能;

    The alloy stacking fault energy of four solid solution alloy A1-Nk Cu-Ag > Pb-Ag > Cu-Pb in all compositions have been calculated by using the modified analytical embedded atom method ( MAEAM ) .

  12. 根据全方向的变异函数曲线图分析得知:重度受害林分和轻度受害林分内幼虫种群的空间依赖范围分别为7.3m和87.418m,而局部空间连续性强度分别为0.914和0.178。

    Analysis of the isotropic variogram indicated that the distance of spatial dependence of the carpenterworm larvae was 7.3 m in the heavily-infested woodland and 87.418m in the lightly-infested one , while the intensity of local spatial continuity was 0.914 and 0.178 , respectively .

  13. 我们会找到保罗,我们会把分内事做好

    We 'll find Paul . Let us do our jobs .

  14. 这两件事不在同一个年分内。

    These two events did not occur in the same year .

  15. 担起分内和分外的工作。

    Take on additional responsibilities both inside and outside your department .

  16. 树木细根养分内循环

    Nutrient internal cycling in tree fine root : A review

  17. 中列分内、外两对骨化中心,能转化为顶间骨;

    The upper pair of ossific centers may develop into preinterparietal bone .

  18. 请吩咐她同我作她分内该作的事。

    Tell her then to do her part with me .

  19. 员工应该争取胜任自己分内的工作。

    Employees should strive to be seen as competent in their role .

  20. 布赖恩,我以为买票是你的分内事。

    I thought that buying the tickets was your department , brian .

  21. 帮助大家进行选择是我的分内工作。

    Part of my job is to help you make your choices .

  22. 在做附加给你的工作以前,一定要把自己分内的工作完成。

    Make sure you get yours done before taking on additional work .

  23. 做好你分内的事,事情终将解决。

    Do your own thing and everything will settle down .

  24. 《庄子》现存33篇,分内篇、外篇和杂篇三部分。

    The book bearing his name has 33 chapters survived .

  25. 我只是在做我分内的工作。

    I 'm just trying to do my job .

  26. 以为做好分内事就够了。

    You think doing your job adequately is enough .

  27. 我们现在要做的就是做好每个人分内的事。

    All it takes is for each of us to do our part .

  28. 俄国导弹能在21分内发射出去。

    Russian missiles will have launch capability in21 minutes .

  29. 马尾松木材性状在林分间和林分内个体间的变异

    The variation between stands and among individuals of wood properties in Pinus massoniana Lamb

  30. 那是你分内的事!

    That 's meant to be your department !