
  • 网络split;straddle;legs apart
  1. 纵跳箱分腿腾越是中学体育教学中的难点问题。

    Longitudinal box horse straddle is a difficulty problem in the teaching of physical education in high school .

  2. 众多大型比赛中,屈体分腿跳成俯撑因分值高而被频繁使用。

    At major competition , picked straddle jumping into front support is used frequently because of its ' high score .

  3. 这类围裙的典型代表是StanleySons的长及大腿的皮质围裙(143美元)或者SearchRescue的分腿围裙(约195美元)。

    The model might be the Stanley Sons leather lap apron ( $ 143 ), or the Search Rescue split-leg apron ( about $ 195 ) .

  4. 这类围裙的典型代表是Stanley&Sons的长及大腿的皮质围裙(143美元)或者Search&Rescue的分腿围裙(约195美元)。

    The model might be the Stanley & Sons leather lap apron ( $ 143 ) , or the Search & Rescue split-leg apron ( about $ 195 ) .

  5. 对纵马分腿腾越的教学探讨

    A discussion about skill training for vaulting longitudinal horse Leg Functions in Sex

  6. 向前分腿切环再握&介绍一个吊环动作

    Straddle Forward and Cut Regrasp-An Exercise of Flying Rings

  7. 影响竞技健美操难度转体360度屈体分腿跳成俯撑完成因素的分析

    Analysis of the Factors of Turn Straddle Jump to Push up Movements for Aerobic Gymnastics

  8. 技巧双人高单臂分腿手倒立稳定性的研究

    The Research on the Stability of One Hand-to-hand Handstand with Straddling Leg Movement in Acrosport

  9. 挺举下蹲式上挺与箭步分腿挺的认识与比较

    The Cognition and Comparison of Squatting Downwards , Lifting up wards and Arrow Pace Lifting

  10. 我鼓起勇气,分腿站立,试图在恐惧中记起我知道的那些少得可怜的防身术。

    I braced myself , feet apart , trying to remember through my panic what little self-defense I knew .

  11. 高低杠支撑后摆分腿屈体经手倒立转体180°动作的技术特点与教法

    Technique Features and Teaching Method of Movement Support Overs wing Backward With Legs Apart and Pike to Handstand With Half Turn on High-low Bars

  12. 分腿深蹲:两脚分开站立,距离略宽于双肩,足尖向前。

    Cent leg crouchs greatly : Bipod stands apart , be apart from slightly shoulder of wide Yu Shuang , sufficient needle is forward .

  13. 同时,为进一步发展教学法在体操分腿腾越动作教学中的应用提供新的思路。

    In the meantime , it provides new train of thoughts to make further development on application of teaching methods to this movement teaching .

  14. 不要骑车、下蹲、做过度分腿等动作,防止便秘,以防伤口撕裂。

    Do not ride a bicycle , under to squat , to do divides movements excessively and so on leg , prevents the constipation , by against wound tearing .

  15. 本文将视觉与本体感觉的反馈信息控制应用于横马分腿腾越动作的教学中,对学生的视觉、本体感觉等反馈信息进行动态调控,并进行对比实验研究。

    The subject of this article is to control dynamically feedback information of students ? sense of vision and muscle in the teaching of man ? Horse-ovulating common course .

  16. 他建议采取分腿站立伸展式(Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana),这种姿势是两腿张开站立,抓住双脚,努力把头靠向地面。

    He recommends Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana , a pose in which he stands with legs spread wide and grabs his feet in an effort to pull his head to the floor . '

  17. 从屈体分腿跳到转身360°屈体分腿跳成俯撑,再到难度组合,难度越来越大。

    From picked straddle jump to turns around 360 ° and picked straddle jumping into front support , then to the difficulty combination , the difficulty is greater and greater .

  18. 在过去的3个月里,医生在塞隆的腿部植入了生理盐水袋,以期她在接受分腿手术后皮肤能够正常生长。

    In the last three months , doctors have inserted silicone bags filled with saline solution to stretch the skin so it will be able to cover her legs once they are cut apart .