- emerge;come out;germinate;sprout;(of seedlings) come out

[(of seedlings) come out] 播的种子长出幼苗
The results show that planted large konjac seed tubers to emerge early , rate of seedlings emergence high , disease-resistant is strong .
Seed treated by water can come out earlier and can have a higher growth than the seed without treatment .
The seedlings come out evenly .
Effects of N ion implantation on the germinating ratio and sprouting ratio in Upland Cotton
Effect of Cu , Ni , As and Cr on Radish Emerging
The degrease contents ( C ) and the coverage after planting ( D ) can also influence the trimness .
Difference of Competition Responses Between Rice and Barnyardgrass with Different Seedling Emergence Time under Elevated Atmosphere CO_2
The successive and differentiation media were MS supplemented with different amounts of hormones for the total of 15 combinations .
Study on increase of clovers burgeon rate by using PAM
Effects of mixed inoculants of Bacillus sp. on crop emergence and Seedling Growth
The main results are as follows : 1 ) The effects of heavy ions ~ 7Li and ~ ( 12 ) C irradiation on the rate of emergence are insignificant ;
Dynamic Effect of 6-BA on Eucalyptus Tissue Culture Seedling Yield
Compared with non-shading culture , the product internal quality , such as content of vitamin C and protein decreased , but nitrate accumulation increased .
The fertility of tea plant has been investigated on 11 tea varieties by determining the pollen viability , fertility rate , emergence rate and growth vigor of F_1 generation .
No-tillage with stubble retention could improve the emergence rate and yield , except RSS , but emergence was late and no order .
Sucrase out only in the cotton seedling and budding showed high activity , and with the applied strain increased with increasing concentration , CK ⅰⅱⅲ .
The growth velocity were speed after 50 days of seedling .
The results indicated that the deviation of seeding stage was 1 day , and those of the other stages were 2 ~ 3 days .
The average daily CO2 flux at different growing stages followed the order of : jointing and booting > reviving > erecting > heading > ripening > grain-filling > seedling and tillering > wintering period .
The seedlings with black film mulch came up a bit latter , so the growth and yield got a certain influence , but the yield was still higher than that of control significantly .
Emergence and Genetic Variation of Vegetable Soybean Treated with Plasma Implantation Mutation Method SCREENING OF A Lactobacillus plantarum MUTANT WITH HIGH CLA PRODUCTIVITY INDUCED BY N ~ + IMPLANTATION
The pot experiments showed , Trichoderma harzianum T7 could not affect on rate of germination of maize , but promote seeding growth of maize subsequently .
In the seedling stage , bud stage , flowering and boll and boll opening of the four periods of the applied strain is not generally show the soil fungi are lower than CK bacteria ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ soil fungi .
The second test : The effect of different thickness of soil on seedling emergence percentage of cotton seed dealt with seed coating agents ;
Except for Viburnum odoratissimum and Exbucklandia tonkinensis , seedling rates of the other 12 species were ≥ 60 % .
The emergence of offspring of irradiation is gradual recovery as cultivation of generations increases . The average germination rate was 92.5 % in irradiation generation M3 , and no significant difference between the control material . 2 .
0.5 cm soil covering thickness could obtain 50 % above emergence rate whatever soil types were covered .
The result showed that PEG could increase germination capacity and seed vitality , shorten germination time . The electric conductivity rate of seed drench was reduced obviously . The activities of peroxidase , dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase were increased clearly .
Pretreatments of hawthorn seeds with 2 % NaOH 、 98 % H_2SO_4 and alternation of drying-wetting could improve seed germination rate and seedling rate and could sprout well in the next spring .
The experiment indicated that this material did not produce much influence on the germinating rate of rape 40 days after planting .