
  1. 但是你还是有资格出现场的,没错吧?

    But you 're still qualified to process a scene , right ?

  2. 很容易就忘了出现场的感觉。

    It 's easy to forget how to be in the field .

  3. 案件发生后,惊慌失措的学生及家长被护送出现场。

    Panicked children and parents were seen being escorted from the site .

  4. 通过数字地形,可以帮助工程师在实地施工之前,在计算机中精确的虚拟出现场,防止工程在开工后再被反复修改。

    Digital terrain can help engineers in the field of construction , prevent the project repeatedly revised .

  5. 采用现场实际数据验证了仿真系统的精度与有效性,并通过仿真实验分析出现场故障产生的原因。

    Simulation experiments were carried out using the actual data , and experimental results illustrate the efficiency of the simulation system .

  6. 一个投诉电话:市软环境治理办公室投诉电话24小时开通,确保及时出现场,处理投诉不过夜。

    A phone call for appeal : City soft environmental improvement office has24-hour hotline , guarantee appear in time and cope with accidents quickly .

  7. 席琳在五岁时便开始与她的兄弟姐妹同台演出,并很快地培养出现场演出的实力。

    Celine began to appear on stage with her sisters and brothers at 5 . This helped her with her ability of live performance .

  8. 耦合过程中仍然出现场增强现象、腔体调制现象、频谱分离现象和脉宽展开现象。

    The phenomena of field enhancement , cavity modulation , spectrum separation effect , and pulse width stretch are also observed in the computer simulations .

  9. 在枪击发生后,总统卡尔扎伊、内阁成员、议会议员、外国外交官和军队指挥官被转移出现场。

    President Hamid Karzai , cabinet ministers , parliamentarians , foreign diplomats as well as military commanders were evacuated from the scene after the gunfire broke out .

  10. 结果表明增大失谐量和光子平均数都会出现场熵的崩塌、回复现象,场熵的周期也会发生变化。

    The results show that increasing the detuning and the photon , we will have the field entropy of collapse , recovery phenomenon , the field entropy cycle will change .

  11. 有人殴斗男子柔道和埃利斯唤醒,我不知道发生了什麽出现场,但男子柔道不下去,到下一阶段,他应该做的事。

    There was an altercation between the Judo man and Sensei ellis , I am not sure what happened out of site but the Judo man did not go on stage next as he should have .

  12. 针对以上问题,需要对井底节流机理及应用工艺进行研究,设计出现场需要的气井井下节流工艺,从而更好的对水合物的生成条件进行研究。

    In view of the above problems , the need for down-hole throttling mechanism and application technology research , design a field need gas well down-hole throttling technology , thereby better on the hydrate formation conditions of .

  13. 结果表明:该故障诊断系统不仅能检测出现场操作人员易发现的故障(如温度计失灵等),同时也可为现场操作人员检测如自动阀门卡死等难以察觉的执行器故障提供重要的参考。

    We can concludes that it can detect not only the faults which is easily found by workers , such as thermometer 's failure , but the actuator faults difficultly found by the operators in site , such as the damper sticking , when applied in quench air conditioning system .

  14. 采用结构化分析的方法画出电站现场人员工作管理系统的控制流图(CFG)。

    Using structural analysis method of draw power station site personnel management system control flow graph ( CFG ) .

  15. 本文作者根据目前中小型纺织厂的现状,利用现场总线技术、串行通信技术和高级语言编程技术对现有的纺织企业进行改造,设计出基于现场总线的PLC网络监控系统。

    This paper mainly use the CC-Link Field Bus technology , the serial communication technology and the VB language to reconstruct the common weave enterprise We have designed the network supervise system which based on the PLC and CC-Link Field Bus .

  16. 那次出犯罪现场我没去,知道吧?

    You know I flicked out on the crime scene night ?

  17. 本文还给出了现场爆破效率和炮位的关系。

    Relation between cleavage efficiency and the shooting-hole position is also given .

  18. 通过柱式动态模拟试验摸索出适合现场试验的吸附条件及吸附容量。

    Through column experiment we grope the proper condition and adsorption capacity .

  19. 来到这座充满活力的城市,勾勒出犯罪现场,尸体解剖,审问嫌疑犯。

    Move through the vibrant city to scope out crime scenes , perform autopsies and interrogate suspects .

  20. 文中还给出了现场运行曲线。

    The performance curve of the loop control system on site is also given in this paper .

  21. 目的对筛出毒饵现场应用效果评价,安全性评价;

    Objective To evaluate the field trial efficacy and safety of chain killing bait which had been filtered through .

  22. 针对工业现场对高可靠性低压配电系统的迫切需求,开发出基于现场总线与组态技术的工业配电监控系统。

    According to the requirement of high reliability in the industrial low tension field , an industrial electricity allocating and monitoring system is developed .

  23. 然后,将品位仪应用于工业现场进行标定,得到大量的基础数据,对数据进行深入分析,找出规律,总结出适合现场应用的标定方法。

    Then , the grade instrument is applied in industrial field to carry out calibration . The calibration method suitable for field application is found by a lot of collected data and depth analysis .

  24. 现场实际运行结果表明,该系统可快速准确收集生产实绩数据,完成生产过程在线监视,编制出符合现场情况、满足工艺要求的高效生产调度计划。

    The system was used in industrial practice . The results showed that the system can collect production data quickly and correctly , perform online monitoring and organize effective production scheduling plan in accordance with local situation and technological requirements .

  25. 提出了紫外与微光双通道彩色立体融合系统方案,据此设计出了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和SDRAM的紫外与微光双通道彩色立体融合硬件实时处理平台。

    The UV and LLL dual channel color stereoscopic fusion system 's project is put forward , and the UV and LLL dual channel color stereoscopic fusion system 's FPGA + SDRAM real-time processor is designed .

  26. 描述了污水处理及采出液处理现场实验工艺流程及主要试验内容。

    The test technical programs and the main test contents of sewage disposal and produced fluid disposal are described .

  27. 从博客和社交网站上贴出的碰撞现场照片显示,一些人在流血,伤情严重。

    Images from the crash site posted on blogs and social networking sites showed some people bloodied and badly injured .

  28. 叙述了《施工现场安全保证体系》在燃气施工企业的推行过程,所起作用以及需完善之处,并列出了施工现场安全控制重点。

    On - site safety controlling keys are set out with the depiction of implement procedure , function and deficiencies of " Construction Site Safety Support System " .

  29. 方法首先排查出致伤现场,进行卫生学调查,模拟检测眼部接受紫外线的强度并与国家标准对比。

    Methods At first tried to find the scene that results in eye injury , carry on hygiene investigation , measure ultraviolet intensity at eye level and compare with national standard .

  30. 本研究开发出根据事故现场实测数据解析再现碰撞车速及事故车辆举动的计算机模拟系统。

    In this paper , a computer simulation system is developed to estimate the velocity at the impact and the trajectory of vehicles based on the data at the accident site .