
āo duō biān xíng
  • concave polygon;reentrant polygon
凹多边形[āo duō biān xíng]
  1. 文中提出了一种对凹多边形进行递归三角剖分的分割算法,较好地解决了这个问题,并成功地用于基于OpenGL的建筑物三维重建。

    This paper presents a simple algorithm of triangulation of concave polygon and obtains good result on the reconstruction of buildings based on OpenGL .

  2. 适用于凹多边形的Cyrus-Beck改进算法

    An Improved Algorithm of Cyrus-Beck Segment Clipping to Process Concave Polygon

  3. 然后,基于图形库OpenGL完成了包括凹多边形的分割、多边形的布尔运算、圆的多边形转化、模型上表面获取等基础算法;

    Secondly , some foundational arithmetic such as the division of concave polygon , the polygon 's boolean operation , the transform from circle to polygon , the pick-up of model top surface were designed particularly based on OpenGL .

  4. 凹多边形的矢量&三角形法自动识别与剖分

    Vector - triangle for Automatic Recognition and Triangulation of Concave Polygon

  5. 基于直线斜率的凸多边形线裁剪算法凹多边形裁剪

    Line clipping algorithm on convex polygon based on line 's slope

  6. 面向快速制造扫描分区的凹多边形凸分解算法

    New concave polygon convex decomposition algorithm for rapid prototyping subarea scanning

  7. 基于局部可见点进行的凹多边形凸分解算法

    A polygon convex decomposition algorithm based on partial visible point

  8. 的、封闭的、一个或多个多边形。这就是凹多边形裁剪的主要困难。

    It is the major difficulty of reentrant polygon clipping .

  9. 三维模型重建中的凹多边形三角剖分

    Triangulation of Concave-Polygon Used in Reconstruction of 3 D Models

  10. 小面积多边形对凹多边形的快速投影填充算法

    An Algorithm with Rapid Projection to Fill in Concave Polygon with Small-Area Polygon

  11. 一个快速有效的凹多边形分解算法

    A Rapid and Valid Algorithm for Decomposing Concave Polygon

  12. 然后提出了一个任意多边形窗口(包括凹多边形窗口)的线裁剪算法;

    Next , put forward a line clipping algorithm against a general polygon .

  13. 最后提出了把凹多边形快速而有效地分解为凸多边形的算法。

    At last , present a rapid and valid algorithm for decomposing concave polygon .

  14. 在参考基于顶点可见性的凹多边形凸分解算法的基础上,提出了改进的方法。

    An improved algorithm is proposed based on the polygon convex decomposition algorithm based on point visibility .

  15. 一种基于加减法求交和顶点类型的凹多边形水平扫描填色算法

    A horizontal scan color filling algorithm based on finding crossing with addition and subtraction and vertex type for concave polygons

  16. 本文正是基于这种分层的思想,定义了凹多边形的模式分解方法和分层加权测度模型。

    Exactly based on this idea , sub-model decomposition approach to concave polygon and hierarchical model weighted measure are presented .

  17. 对于一般的多边形窗口(包括凹多边形)的线裁剪,目前尚无有效的算法。

    No algorithm for line clipping based on a generalized polygon ( or concave polygon ) is available in the literature .

  18. 凹多边形经裁剪后的输出应仍然是多边形。但这种多边形应消除退化边界,并且是成(?)

    The output of a reentrant polygon clipping is also polygons , that should be eliminated degenerate boundary and closed blocking ones .

  19. 但由于它只提供绘制填充凸多边形图元的函数,因而难以处理很多具有凹多边形外形的三维实体。

    Because it can only draw the convex_ polygon elements , it is hard to describe the objects with concave polygon surfaces .

  20. 凹多边形的三角剖分及其后续填充处理,在计算机图形学及地学问题三维建模领域有着广泛地应用。

    The triangulating and filling of concave polygon could be widely applied in computer graphics and the field of3D modeling in geosciences problems .

  21. 在传统的三角形网格生成和剖分算法基础上,提出了适合服装衣片三角形网格划分的凹多边形网格剖分算法。

    Based on the traditional methods of generating triangular meshes , this paper presents and algorithm for generating polygons suitable for garment simulation .

  22. 提出了一个多边形裁剪多边形的有效算法.其中的多边形都可以是一般多边形,既可以是凹多边形,也可以是有内孔的多边形。

    An efficient algorithm for polygon clipping which processes general polygons including concave polygons and polygons with holes inside is presented in this paper .

  23. 提出了一种基于三角形边长比约束的离散点边界追踪算法,实现了对带洞凹多边形边界的有效追踪。

    An edge length ratio based algorithm for complex shape tracing using irregular point is proposed , which can adaptively trace boundary with concave shape and hole .

  24. 本文提出了一个有效的多边形裁剪算法,它不仅适用于凹多边形而且适用于带孔洞的多边形。

    This paper puts forward an efficient algorithm for polygon clipping , and it is suitable for not only concave polygon but also the polygon with hole in it .

  25. 对于简单凹多边形或有内孔的复杂平面多边形,需要将它们剖分成三角面片的集合或任意凸多边形的集合。

    As to simple concave polygons or complicated planar polygons with holes , they must be decomposed to the collection of triangular facets or arbitrary convex polygons to satisfy the requirement of succeeding graphic operations .

  26. 平面形状为凹多边形的基坑,阳角处排桩(本文简称角桩)承受复杂土压力作用,发生双向弯曲,设计不当时易发生安全事故。

    Planar shape of the foundation for the concave polygon , Yang corner piles ( pile angle referred to in this article ) bear the complexity of the role of earth pressure , the occurrence of two-way curved design was prone to security incidents .

  27. 对基于顶点可见性的凹多边形快速凸分解算法中所涉及的多边形中给定点的可见多边形的求解、给定顶点间的最短链路的求解等关键问题进行修改和完善。

    The improvements for both the computation of visible polygon for given point in a simple polygon and the minimum link distance path between given vertex pair in a simple polygon have been made , which are used in the fast polygon decomposition algorithm based on point visibility .

  28. 有些平面部分是凹型多边形的多面体。

    A polyhedron some of whose plane sections are concave polygons .

  29. 此方法可有效地求解障碍物为凸多边形或凹、凸多边形并存环境中的无碰、局部最优路径规划问题。

    This method is aimed at the solution of collision-free , local optimization path planning problems in an environment where obstacles are simplified into some convex or concave-convex polygons .

  30. 对不规则件的多边形近似表示、多边形凸、凹点、多边形方向、多边形面积和多边形单排、对排、双排以及联排的预先处理进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the approximate polygon for irregular shapes , the protruding and concave point of polygon , the direction of polygon , the area of polygon , the single , face to face , frock , combinable packing are talked .