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  • coagulation disorder
  1. 急性肝炎合并凝血障碍的患者入院和随访期V因子与VII因子水平的预测价值

    The predictive value of admission and follow up factor V and VII levels in patients with acute hepatitis and coagulopathy

  2. 孕妇高龄、非洲美洲血统、高血压疾病、凝血障碍和烟草滥用均是妊娠相关性ICH的独立危险因素。

    Advanced maternal age , African American race , hypertensive diseases , coagulopathy , and tobacco abuse were all independent risk factors for pregnancy-related ICH .

  3. APL患者血浆三指标明显高于其它类型AL,说明APL易发生凝血障碍和继发性纤溶亢进与高水平的TF、TFPI和D-聚体密切相关;

    The three index were much higher in APL that in other AL , which showed that there were relationship between disorder of coagulation and high level of TF , TFPI and D-D.

  4. 认为SDH呈等密度,是由于新生血肿膜的出血状态和局部的凝血障碍,以及血肿外壁的毛细血管持续出血所致。

    The isodense that appear-ed in SDH is due to the hemorrhagic status of the hematoma-tous membrane newly formed , to local coagulative obstruction and continuous bleeding from the sinusoidal capillaries of its outer neoformative membrane .

  5. 上述结果提示AOSC伴有休克的病人多有凝血障碍(DIC),随着病情好转,上述结果可恢复正常。

    It suggests that coagulation disturbance ( DIC ) was present in the patients with AOSC complicated by shock and could return to normal during recovery .

  6. 重型颅脑损伤患者凝血障碍研究中血栓弹力图的意义

    Significance of Thromboelastogram in Coagulation of Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

  7. 外科危重病患者凝血障碍的动态变化

    Dynamic change in blood coagulation in critically ill surgical patients

  8. 精氨酸改善大鼠急性胰腺炎早期凝血障碍的实验观察

    Role of arginine in hematologic disorders of rats acute pancreatitis

  9. 所有受检者均无凝血障碍病史,无全身性与凝血相关疾病。

    The history of coagulation impairment , and general and coagulation-related diseases were excluded in all the subjects .

  10. 结果:产道血肿的形成与医源性损伤、技术操作不当、凝血障碍等有关。

    Results The hematoma of the birth canal was relative with medical injury , improper operation and coagulation impediment .

  11. 大多数种类的响尾蛇分泌的毒液含有溶血毒素,会破坏血液组织功能,减弱器官功能,导致凝血障碍(中断血液凝结)。

    Most species of rattlesnakes have hemotoxic venom , destroying tissue , degenerating organs and causing coagulopathy ( disrupted blood clotting ) .

  12. 我们评价了血流动力学和组织灌注参数,免疫紊乱、凝血障碍的相关参数以及前降钙素等指标在临床上的价值。

    We evaluate the effectivity of parameters such as hemodynamics and organ perfusion , immunological derangement , coagulopathy and procalcitionin in diagnosing severe sepsis .

  13. 他们说如患者存在凝血障碍、呼吸暂听、气道或脊柱解剖结构不清晰,该方法未采用。

    They said would not use this approach in anyone with a bleeding disorder , sleep apnea , or unfavorable airway or spinal anatomy .

  14. 结果139个疗程中44个疗程产生如下毒副作用:凝血障碍、过敏、急性胰腺炎、消化道反应、糖尿病、低蛋白血症、高脂血症。

    Results 44 out of 139 courses of chemotherapy presented several degree of the side effects , like coagulopathy , allergy , acue pancreatitis , gastrointestinal reaction , diabetes , hypoproteinemia and hyperlipidemia .

  15. 美国的负责人表示,血友病患者或有相关凝血障碍的潜在献血者仍禁止献血,这样做的原因是“出于对他们自身的保护,因为献血过程中使用的针头会对他们造成潜在的伤害”。

    People with hemophilia or related clotting disorders are also still deferred from donating blood . The rationale , however , has changed " from preventing HIV transmission to ensuring that such donors are not harmed by the use of large bore needles during the donation process , " said the U.S. regulator .

  16. 结果慢性肝病肝脏CT增强扫描主要存在以下的护理问题:心理问题,交叉感染,血管缺陷和凝血机制障碍。

    Results The typical problems of nursing for patients with chronic liver diseases receiving enhancement CT scanning were psychological problems , cross infection , vascular deficiency , and blood coagulation disturbance .

  17. 方法:将46例CRF合并凝血机制障碍者随机分为2组。

    Method : 46 cases of CRF and disturbance of blood coagulation were devided randomly into two groups .

  18. 结论:老年男性,首次CT检查距受伤时间短,凝血机制障碍的减速性损伤是迟发性外伤性颅内血肿的潜在高危因素。

    Conclusion : Male sex , older age , short time from injury to the first CT scan , injury of deceleration and abnormalities of coagulation appear to be potential factors of DTICH .

  19. 肝移植凝血机理障碍问题的探讨

    An Approach to the Mechanism of Coagulopathy in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

  20. 腹部手术大失血并凝血机制障碍的处理

    Managment of massive bleeding with dysfunction of blood coagulation in abdominal surgery

  21. 其发生机制主要为:凝血机制障碍、损伤局部代谢异常、局部压力的改变等。

    The pathogenesis of the hematoma expansion includes : disability of blood coagulation , abnormality of local metabolism , and the pressure change in lesion sites .

  22. 结论再发脑血肿主要由于手术前后高血压、凝血机制障碍和术后低颅压、脑组织缺血缺氧及医源性因素引起。

    Conclusion The recurrence of cerebral hematoma is chiefly caused by hypertension and disturbance of blood coagulation mechanism before and after operation and postoperative low intracranial pressure , ischemia and hypoxia of brain tissues and iatrogenic factors .

  23. 结论血容量不足、凝血机制障碍、脑灌注压降低、血管痉挛、脑动脉硬化与心脏疾病是慢性硬膜下血肿合并急性脑梗塞的原因。

    Among them , postoperative infarction occurred in 12 . Conclusion Hypovolemia , disturbance of blood coagulation , decrease of cerebral blood irrigation pressure , dysfunction of cerebral flow regulation , vasospasm , cerebral angiosclerosis and cardiopathy are the major causes of chronic subdural hematoma complicated with acute cerebral infarction .

  24. 据此认为温病营血分证的实质是:感染引起弥散性血管内凝血、微循环障碍,多种细胞器损伤和氧自由基的毒害。

    All of these results disclosed that the Yingfen and Xuefen syndromes of epidemic febrile disease was due to DIC induced by infection and microcirculation dysfunction , injury of organelles and poison of oxygen free radicals .

  25. 体外血栓形成试验表明,在凝血机制发生障碍的情况下,S-99和S-100止血纺织材料仍能形成血栓,明显比海藻类止血材料要好。

    The thrombus formation test outside the body showed that S 99 and S 100 hemostatic textile materials could still form thrombus under abnormal conditions of coagulation mechanism , and they are evidently better than kelp hemostatic materials .

  26. 大量临床资料已证实,FSGS与凝血纤溶系统障碍有关。

    Various clinical studies has confirmed that the FSGS has something to do with blood clotting and dissolving systemobstacle .

  27. 播散性血管内凝血(DIC)是一种严重的获得性出凝血障碍,主要是因为病理性激活凝血级联反应导致凝血因子大量消耗而出现矛盾性的出血倾向。

    Disseminated intravascular coagulation ( DIC ) is a complex process in which a pathologic activation of the coagulation cascade results in excessive consumption of coagulation factors and paradoxical hemorrhagic diathesis .

  28. 并且TG与四项凝血指标均无明显相关性。结论2型糖尿病患者存在凝血功能的障碍,且随着血管并发症的出现,患者凝血活性增强。

    Conclusions Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus could cause coagulation disturbance , there were increasement of blood clotting activity in the paitents with micro or macroangiopathy .