
  • 网络solidification shrinkage;solidification contraction
  1. 熔体温度处理后无凝固收缩铝硅合金的耐磨性远高于45钢,其耐磨性在铸态和T6处理下分别为45钢的1.79倍和4.25倍。

    The abrasion resistance of the aluminum-silicon alloy without solidification shrinkage is higher than that of 45 steel . The values of the abrasion resistance for the as-cast sample and the sample via T6 heat treatment are ( 1.79 ) and 4.25 times of 45 steel , respectively .

  2. 对音箱面板镁合金压铸件出现的收缩缺陷进行了检测分析,认为表面裂痕和内部裂纹产生的原因是由于压铸喷射填充状态下的分层充填以及凝固收缩的不同时性所引起的;

    The shrinkage defects in Mg alloy die casting were examined . Occurrence of surface and internal fissure was attributed to delamination filling during the ejection of diecasting with the asynchronism of the solidification shrinkage .

  3. 机械振动对纯Al晶粒细化及凝固收缩的影响

    Effect of Mechanical Vibration on Grain Refinement and Solidification Shrinkage of Aluminum

  4. 用均衡凝固收缩模数法设计计算冒口,直径70mm,高100mm。

    The size of riser was designed using moduli calculation method and the calculated result is that the riser has a diameter of 70 mm and 100 mm in height .

  5. 双试棒合金凝固收缩力试验机的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Tester with Twin Bar for Alloy Solidification

  6. 修复粘接材料的凝固收缩与吸水后的尺寸改变

    Curing Shrinkage and Volumetric Changes in Water of Luting Cements

  7. 用均衡凝固收缩模数法改进飞轮铸件浇冒口系统

    Riser System of Flywheel Casting Modified by Proportional Solidification Contraction Modulus Method

  8. 凝固收缩补偿与合金的热裂倾向

    Compensation of solidification contraction and hot cracking tendency of alloys

  9. 无凝固收缩铝硅合金的研制

    Preparation of Aluminum-silicon Alloy without Shrinkage in the Solidification Process

  10. 在解决摇枕、侧架等零件凝固收缩后铸件/铸型气隙热阻问题,再次创造性提出将铸件与铸型之间界面分解为紧密接触区和气隙区的热阻模型。

    The parting face between casting and mould is divided as contact region and air gap region .

  11. 为提高预测铸件凝固收缩缺陷的准确度,提出了频率因子的概念。

    A conception of " frequency factor " is suggested for improving the accuracy to forecast the shrinkage defects .

  12. 实践证明采用均衡凝固收缩模数法设计液压试验平台浇冒口系统是可行的。

    The practice shows that it is feasible to design kiss gating-feeder of hydraulic test platform by applying moduli calculation method .

  13. 探讨了镇静钢钢锭的质量与凝固收缩、结构、偏析相互间的关系。

    The relationship between quality and properties including contraction , structure and segregation in killed steel ingots is discussed in this paper .

  14. 裂纹源萌生后,在离心铸造系统长时间工作环境下,轧辊不能自由凝固收缩,促进裂纹的扩展。

    In the common centrifugal casting condition , the free solidification constriction of HSS roll was difficult , that accelerated the crack source expanding .

  15. 带孔零件间接挤压铸造时,液态金属在压力下凝固收缩对型芯产生的包紧力。

    Enclosed strength on spindle when liquid metal condensation in pressure when indirect liquid forging parts with holes were shaped has been investigated in this paper .

  16. 证明采用大孔出流设计浇注系统,均衡凝固收缩模数法设计耐热球铁箱体类铸件的补缩系统是可靠的。

    The practice proves that it is feasible to design gating system of heat resistant nodular cast iron casting by using large orifice discharge and moduli calculation method .

  17. 钢液因液态收缩和凝固收缩引起的体积缩减(可以被认为是坯壳收缩量)应等于因结晶器外形尺寸缩小所造成的体积缩减。

    The total contraction of volume of molten steel in liquidation and solidification processes should be equal to the contraction of volume produced by the reduction of mould external sizes .

  18. 建立了单方向凝固收缩负压数学模型,解决了模型中诸因素的合理确定方法;

    The mathematical model used to calculate the negative pressure in unidirectional solidification contraction is established , and the method for determining the elements in the model is also reasonably presented ;

  19. 最后分别讨论了钢种、结晶器长度、拉坯速度、铸坯断面尺寸与结晶器锥度、凝固收缩系数的关系。

    In the end the relationship of steel grades , mould length , drawing speed and sectional dimensions of the billet with mould taper and solidification and contraction coefficient has been discussed .

  20. 建立了结晶器内腔体积变化的平衡方程和结晶器锥度设计数学模型,分析了钢水凝固收缩和固态相变收缩的规律。

    The volume balance equation for the mould cave and mathematical model for mould taper design are developed and the law of shrinkage resulting from hot metal solidification and solid phase transformation analyzed .

  21. Al11RE3相与α-Mg基体的凝固收缩率不同,容易产生凝固收缩应力,促进热裂纹的萌生。

    Since the shrinkage ratios between Al_ 11RE_3 phases and α - Mg matrix are quite different , it is prone to cause the shrinkage stress and promote the initiation of hot tears .

  22. 在液相线温度下,开始析出初生相,奥氏体或者石墨,产生了除温度下降导致的收缩外的凝固收缩或膨胀;

    Below the liquid line , original phase begin to separate out that is graphite or austenite , it result in shrinkage or expansion besides the shrinkage brought on by the temperature descent ;

  23. 依据计算结果的相似性,利用铸坯表面平均凝固收缩曲线确定结晶器的最优锥度。

    According to the comparability of calculated results for round and square billets with different steels and working conditions , the best taper of mould is determined by average shrinkage curves of billet surface .

  24. 实验结果表明,初晶、共晶期间析出的石墨有助于减少液态收缩与凝固收缩,改善耐热球墨可锻铸铁形成缩孔缩松的倾向。

    The results showed that the graphite deposited during the period of primary and eutectic crystal helped to reduce the contract of liquid state and solidification , to improve the tendency of shrinkage cavity and porosity .

  25. 目的:探讨8种粘接材料的凝固收缩与吸水后的尺寸变化。不同制作方法及不同粘接材料对桩固位力影响的实验研究

    Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate eight kinds of luting cements curing shrinkage and volumetric changes in water . The Effect of Different Fabricating Methods and Luting Cements on Retention of Posts

  26. 在固液两相区中,由于枝晶骨架造成的流动阻力很大,在不考虑凝固收缩的条件下,两相区中的液相流动速度一般较纯液相区的流速小2-3个数量级。

    Moreover , because of the large resistance of the dendritic skeleton to the liquid flow , the liquid velocities in the mushy zone are about 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than those in the bulk liquid without considering the effect of solidification shrinkage .

  27. 连铸结晶器内钢水凝固收缩现象具有特殊性和复杂性,目前对这些现象进行实验研究仍然存在困难,但是利用数值模拟技术可以对结晶器内钢水凝固收缩过程进行有效研究。

    The phenomenon of solidification shrinkage in the mould is particular and complex . There are many difficulties in researching this phenomenon by using experimental method , but numerical simulation technology is a very good method to study solidification shrinkage processing of steel in continuous casting mould .

  28. 分析了焊接构件中熔池变形及凝固收缩对熔池尾部应力应变场的影响,建立了不锈钢焊接凝固裂纹应力应变场的数值模拟模型,并对凝固裂纹的驱动力进行了计算。

    The effects of the deformation in the molten weld pool and the solidification shrinkage on the stress stain fields in the tall of molten weld pool are revealed . As a result , a numerical model for simulation of stress - strain distributions of welding solidification crack is developed .

  29. 它还适合于浇铸凝固过程中收缩过渡的包晶型钢和奥氏体不锈钢。

    It is suitable for the casting of peritectic steel grades as well as austenitic stainless steel grade .

  30. 在温度场计算基础之上,采用广度关联法搜索孤立区,根据铸件凝固的液态收缩和凝固收缩实际计算了收缩体积。

    Real shrinkage volume of casting was calculated according to liquid and solidification shrinkage , which was basing on the temperature computation and by using extent associated method to search isolation .