
  • 网络Sulfonylurea;SUs
  1. 磺酰脲类除草剂对玉米敏感性研究

    The Study on Sensitivity of Sulfonylurea Herbicides to maize Varieties

  2. 试验前,每个患者均服用了二甲双胍和一种磺酰脲类降糖药。

    At baseline , each patient was taking metformin and a sulfonylurea .

  3. 抗DM药物的ADR以代谢和营养障碍、神经系统损害、精神紊乱、胃肠系统损害为主,其中除胃肠系统损害主要由阿卡波糖引起外,其余以磺酰脲类占绝大多数;

    Except acarbose causing stomach and intestinal system injured , the rest ADR was mainly caused by sulfonylureas ( SUs ) .

  4. 磺酰脲类复合物(SUs)抑制KATP通道,钾通道开放剂(KCOs)激活KATP通道;

    K ATP channels are inhibited by sulfonylurea complexes ( SUs ) and activated by K + channel opening drugs .

  5. 因此,嘧啶苄胺类化合物的除草作用方式不同于磺酰脲类和嘧啶水杨酸类等典型的ALS抑制剂,它是通过植物体内的代谢活化来发挥除草作用。

    It is Concluded that the mode of action of pyrimidine benzylamine differs from the other typically commercial ALS inhibitors , such as sulfonylurea and pyrimidine salicylic acid herbicides .

  6. 利用DFT方法计算的量子化学参数进行了Hansch-FujitaQSAR分析,同时采用CoMFA和CoMSIA等方法对磺酰脲类化合物的结构活性关系进行了探讨。

    Then , DFT-based quantum chemical descriptors are used to carry out Hansch-Fujita QSAR analysis , and at the same time , comparative molecular field analysis ( CoMFA ) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis ( CoMSIA ), are performed to explore the structure-activity relationship of sulfonylurea compounds .

  7. 3-溴香豆素磺酰脲类化合物降血糖活性的定量构效关系研究

    Study on QSAR of Its Hypoglycemic Activity of 3-Bromine Coumarin Sulfonylureas

  8. 同位素示踪法在磺酰脲类除草剂残留分析中的应用

    Applications of isotopic tracer in analysis of residual sulfonylurea herbicide

  9. 大豆中6种磺酰脲类除草剂残留量的高效液相色谱-质谱法测定

    Determination of Six Sulfonylurea Herbicide Residues in Soybeans by HPLC-MS

  10. 长残效磺酰脲类除草剂土壤残留危害的综合治理技术研究

    Integrated Control on Residual Damage of Persistent Sulfonylureas in Soil

  11. 磺酰脲类除草剂生物活性鉴定法的研究

    Study on bioassay methods for determining activities of sulfonylurea herbicides

  12. 土壤微生物降解磺酰脲类除草剂的研究进展

    Progress on Degradation of Sulfonylurea Herbicides by Soil Microorganism

  13. 磺酰脲类除草剂对禾谷类作物的安全性及药害研究

    A study on the safety and injury of sulfonylureas herbicides to cereal crops

  14. 磺酰脲类除草剂及其主要降解产物分配系数的测定与预测

    Determination and prediction of partition coefficient for sulfonylureas and their main degradation products

  15. 磺酰脲类除草剂残留检测技术及其研究进展

    Determination and Research Progress of Sulfonylurea Herbicides Residues

  16. 目的合成新的香豆素磺酰脲类化合物供药理筛选。

    AIM To prepare a serious new coumarin-6-sulfonylureas .

  17. 磺酰脲类除草剂的化学作用方式选择及降解特性

    The Chemistry Mode of Action , Crop Selectivity Characteristics of Degradation of Sulfonylurea Herbicides

  18. 微生物降解是磺酰脲类除草剂降解的重要途径之一。

    Microbial degradation is one of the most important degradation pathways of sulfonylurea herbicides .

  19. 液相色谱法同时测定13种磺酰脲类除草剂

    Simultaneous Determination of 13 Sulfonylurea Herbicides by HPLC

  20. 磺酰脲类除草剂是当前研究的热点课题之一。

    Sulfonylurea herbicides have become one of fascinating areas of researches in recent years .

  21. 磺酰脲类除草剂开发的新进展

    Recent Advance on the Development of Sulfonylurea Herbicide

  22. 毛细管电泳定量测定稻田土壤中痕量磺酰脲类除草剂残留

    Quantitative Determination of Sulfonylurea Herbicides in a Paddy Soil at Trace Level by Capillary Electrophoresis

  23. 作物保护剂对磺酰脲类除草剂解毒效应述评

    Antidotal Action of Protectants on Sulfonylurea Herbicides

  24. 大豆中磺酰脲类除草剂残留量的检测

    Multiresidue analysis of sulfonylurea herbicides in soybeans

  25. 二甲双胍联合胰岛素治疗经磺酰脲类治疗失效的2型糖尿病病人34例

    Metformin and insulin in treatment of 2 diabetes mellitus with sulphonylureas failure in 34 patients

  26. 复色系:7号。磺酰脲类化合物的合成及活性研究

    Is compound . Synthesis of sulfonylurea herbicides

  27. 磺酰脲类除草剂的合成及其除草活性

    Synthesis and activity of sulfonylurea herbicides

  28. 磺酰脲类农药特性及国内外监测技术研究现状

    Characteristics of Sulfonylureas Chemicals and Status Quo of Research at Home and Abroad of Monitoring Technology

  29. 磺酰脲类除草剂的化学水解

    The Chemical Hydrolysis of Sulfonylurea Herbicide

  30. 磺酰脲类除草剂药害规律的研究

    Study on Phytotoxicity of Sulfonylurea Herbicides