
nínɡ jiāo jì
  • gel-forming agent;gel-forming material
  1. 阿昔洛韦眼用pH敏感原位凝胶剂的制备和评价

    Preparation and evaluation of ophthalmic pH sensitive in-situ gel of acyclovir

  2. 建立了HPLC法测定全缘千里光碱脂质体凝胶剂的含量。

    HPLC method was established for the determination ofintegerrimine liposome gel .

  3. 复方盐酸罂粟碱-甲磺酸酚妥拉明凝胶剂的HPLC测定

    Determination of Compound Papaverine Hydrochloride and Phentolamine Mesylate Gel by HPLC

  4. HPLC法同时测定复方消炎凝胶剂中甲硝唑和氧氟沙星的含量

    Simultaneous determination of metronidazole and ofloxacin in gel by HPLC

  5. 目的:探讨高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定酮洛芬凝胶剂的含量。

    Objective : To determine Ketoprofen gel by HPLC .

  6. HPLC法测定尼尔雌醇阴道用凝胶剂中主药的含量

    Determination of Nilestriol in Nilestriol Vaginal Gel by HPLC

  7. HPLC法测定盐酸布替萘芬凝胶剂的含量

    Determination of Butenafine hydrochloride in gel by HPLC

  8. 目的:建立HPLC法测定姜赤凝胶剂中姜黄素含量。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish a method for determinating curcumin in Jiangchi gel by HPLC .

  9. 加替沙星眼用凝胶剂的HPLC测定

    Determination of Gatifloxacin Ophthalmic Gel by HPLC

  10. 凝胶剂对PVA-PEG-H2O体系凝胶动力学及膜性能的影响

    Effect of Coagulant on the Coagulation Kinetics and Membrane Properties of PVA-PEG-H_2O System

  11. 奥沙普秦凝胶剂的HPLC测定

    Determination of Oxaprozin Gel by HPLC

  12. 以pH值、凝胶剂、果肉重、加糖量、凝胶温度等因素对番茄软糖凝胶作用的影响进行了研究。

    The effects of pH value 、 gelling agent 、 pulp 、 sugar 、 gelling temperature on tomato soft sweets .

  13. 建立了HPLC法测定加替沙星眼用凝胶剂含量及有关物质。

    A HPLC method for determination of gatifloxacin and its related substances in ophthalmic gel was established .

  14. 膜的微观结构表明:在上述凝胶剂中,PVA膜均形成蜂窝状孔。

    The morphology of PVA membranes shows that only cell structure is formed in all coagulants .

  15. 目的研制既具有促组织修复作用又具有抗感染作用的重组人表皮生长因子(recombinanthumanepidermalgrowthfactor,rhEGF)磺胺嘧啶银复方凝胶剂。

    Objective To prepare a gel complex of recombinant human epidermal growth factor ( rhEGF ) combined with silver sulphadiazine for tissue repair and anti-infection .

  16. 目的研究聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)作为凝胶剂基质的药剂学性质。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the pharmaceutical characters of polyacrylamide ( PAM ) as a gel base .

  17. 目的:研究阿西美辛(ACM)脂质体凝胶剂的体外透皮扩散。

    OBJECTIVE To study the transdermal diffusion action of acemetacin liposome gel .

  18. 重组人粒细胞巨噬细胞刺激因子(GM-CSF)凝胶剂治疗深Ⅱ度烧伤创面

    Recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) enhance partial full-thickness burn wound healing

  19. 方法:采用Franz扩散池,进行奥沙普秦凝胶剂体外渗透性和释放度实验。

    METHODS : The permeation and release of oxaprozin gel was measured by using Franz diffusion cell .

  20. 并采用改良Franz扩散池体外经皮渗透实验技术,对丁卡因脂质体凝胶剂及其普通凝胶剂的经皮渗透作用进行了比较。

    The transdermal penetration of tetracaine liposome gel was assessed by modified Franz-diffusion compared with conventional gel .

  21. TF凝胶剂经体外释放过程符合Higuchi方程。

    The in vitro release profiles of TF gel were best described by the Higuchi model .

  22. 外用重组人干扰素α2a凝胶剂研究

    Recombinant Human Interferon ( rhIFN ) α 2a Gelatins for External Use SYNTHESIS OF ANTIVIRAL AGENT FOR EXTERNAL USE & RIODOXOL

  23. 目的制备两种含有鬼臼毒素(PPT)的脂质体凝胶剂并比较两者的性能。

    Objective To prepare two different liposome gels containing podophyllotoxin ( PPT ) and compare their pharmaceutical properties .

  24. 对TF凝胶剂的稳定性进行了初步研究,包括耐热实验、耐寒实验、离心实验。

    The preliminary stability of TF gel was studied by stability test , including heat experiments , cold experiment , centrifugal experiments . 8 .

  25. 鬼臼毒素DPPC脂质体凝胶剂的制备方法及检测

    Preparation and examination of podophyllotoxin DPPC liposome gels

  26. PVA作为巴布膏剂和凝胶剂的高分子基质,既能承载药物,又能改善制剂的使用和工艺性能,是一种优良的药物载体。

    PVA is good polymer matrix for suppositories and gel , because it can not only carry drug but also improve the properties of preparations on application and technology .

  27. 目前国内外上市的前列腺素E1剂型有冰干粉针剂、注射乳剂,外用制剂有乳膏、凝胶剂和尿道栓。

    Now the dosage forms in market are dry powder , emulsion for injection and cream , jellies , urethral suppository for external use .

  28. 布洛芬(IBF)凝胶剂的药理作用

    The pharmacologic effect of ibuprofen ( brufen ) gel

  29. 凝胶剂经离心实验、耐寒实验、室温留样观察(长期实验)、加速实验,外观、含量、pH值、涂展性均无明显变化,稳定性良好。

    Through centrifugation experiment , cold experiment , staying at room temperature observations ( long-term experiment ) and accelerated experiment , the appearance , the content , the pH of the gel had no significant changes . The stability of gel was good .

  30. 结果:发现凝胶剂中加入适量PVP既可增加凝胶的粘结力,又可在一定范围内控制释药速率。

    Results : With the addition and amount of PVP into the gels , the stickiness of gels was increased and the drug releasing rates were controlled over a suitable rate range .