
jiǎn liàng
  • decrement;limit
减量[jiǎn liàng]
  1. 用GPS和随机减量技术对悬索桥实时监测

    On-line monitoring of suspension bridges using the GPS and the random decrement technique

  2. 提出采用随机减量技术和改进ERA方法相结合的方法来识别求大跨径变截面预应力混凝土连续箱梁桥的自振特性。

    It also combines random decrement technology and modified ERA method to identify he natural vibration characteristics of long-span variable cross-section prestressed continuous box girder bridges .

  3. 他们会想,‘如果我慢慢地减量,正如训练一般,’林德逊-郝雷说。

    " They think , ‘ Well , if I gradually reduce , it 's like practice , ' " says Lindson-Hawley .

  4. 这个戒烟率是很有说服力的,考虑到在研究之前,大部分人曾表示,他们宁愿在彻底戒掉之前慢慢减量。

    And the quit rates were particularly convincing given that before the study started , most of the people had said they 'd rather cut down gradually before quitting .

  5. 过去三十年中的减量已经通过减少产品中的糖、盐、脂肪含量或通过替代成分来实现了。

    Many of the reductions over the past 30 years have been achieved either by reducing the amount of sugar , salt or fat in a product , or by finding an alternative ingredient .

  6. 在责任分摊法中,阐述了使用程度分摊法和裁减量分摊法

    The usage based allocation method and the curtailment based allocation method are discuss .

  7. 由于儿童专用药品短缺,很多家长给孩子服用减量的成人用药。

    The lack of ' child-specific ' medication has led many parents to give their children reduced doses of drugs intended for adults .

  8. 基于VISUALBASIC6.0的大衰减量的自动校准

    Automatic Calibration of Large Attenuation Based on Visual Basic 6.0

  9. 方法标本和各类试剂减量5倍,再进行血清C肽检测。

    Methods The volume of sample and each reagent reduced five times , then determined C-peptide in serum .

  10. 涤纶碱减量废水碱性强、COD高,处理难度大。

    Alkali-decrement wastewater is difficult to treat due to its strong alkalinity and high oxygen demand .

  11. 碱减量废水的TA回收研究

    Recycle of terephthalic acid from alkali peeling effluent

  12. 中重度持续性哮喘儿童吸入ICS减量停药的随访研究

    The follow-up study of stepping down inhaled corticosteroids in childhood asthma

  13. 复合式MBR处理涤纶碱减量废水的试验研究

    Hybrid MBR applied to the treatment of terylene weight-loss wastewater

  14. 数字AGC算法主要分为数字检波算法和衰减量控制算法两部分。

    The Digital AGC algorithm includes digital detection algorithm and control algorithm for the attenuation .

  15. 研究纳米氧化锌等量或减量替代间接法氧化锌对NR胶料性能的影响。

    The effect of nano-zine oxide on the properties of NR compound was investigated .

  16. 建立了剩余污泥水解酸化减量的模型和TA生物降解动力学模型。

    The modeling of excess sludge reducing by hydrolysis and the modeling of TA biodegraded kinetic were set up ;

  17. 同时对干洗场所室内空气中四氯乙烯、IP、空气中细菌总数、CO、CO2的净化效果以及不同时间负离子衰减量进行了评价。

    Meanwhile , Purification effect of tetrachloroethylene , IP , bacteria number , CO , CO 2 and reduction of negative ion with time was also assessed .

  18. 以柔性多孔颗粒作为填料组成的复合式膜生物反应器(MBR)处理涤纶碱减量废水。

    Flexible porous particles are put into immersed membranes bioreacter in the treatment of terylene weight-loss wastewater .

  19. 循环经济要求以减量化(Reduce)、再使用(Reuse)、再循环(Recycle)的3R原则为社会经济活动的准则。

    Cycle economy requires that social economic activity follow the three R 's ( Reduce , Reuse , Recycle ) principle as the guideline .

  20. 化学解偶联剂和OSA联合工艺对剩余污泥的减量化作用

    Reduction of Excess Sludge Production by Uncoupling Metabolism of TCS and OSA Process

  21. 试验研究防焦剂CTP减量对轿车子午线轮胎胎圈护胶喷霜的影响。

    The influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated .

  22. 预热定形后,PTT织物的碱减量率比未热定形的织物明显降低;

    After pre-setting at150 ℃, the alkali deweighting ratio of PTT fiber was clearly decreased compared with the fabric without heat-setting .

  23. 本实验在前期实验室研究的基础上,建立了处理污水量为400m3/d的CAS系统的污泥加碱超声波减量化中试工艺。

    Based on previous laboratory studies , we established a sewage treatment capacity of 400 m3 / d of CAS system with the alkali ultrasonic technology .

  24. 研究烟雾干扰毫米波的效能,定量计算其降低毫米波制导(MMW)反坦克导弹杀伤概率的衰减量。

    The efficiency interfering with MMW using graphite-spray was investigated by calculating quantitatively attenuation quantity of the anti-tank missile destroy probability .

  25. 用Jones算法讨论了半波片和偏振片组合衰减装置的一般特性,得出了衰减量控制精度的表达式。

    The general property of an assemble of a half wave plate and polarizers is discussed by Jones algorithm . An expression for attenuation precision of the assemble is given .

  26. 小鼠Leydig肿瘤细胞膜受体LHR减量调节中受体基因转录变化及其机制

    Alteration of LH receptor mRNA level and its mechanism during receptor down regulation in mouse Leydig tumor cells

  27. 耦合生物反应器污泥减量效果好,反应器每千克COD的污泥平均产率为0.068kg。

    The average values of the sludge production rate for the coupling bioreactor in different processes is calculated to be only 0.068 kgMLSS / kgCOD and the sludge reduction effect was excellent .

  28. 与传统印染废水相比,碱减量印染废水具有高得多的有机污染物浓度、色度、pH,含有较高浓度的特征污染物&TA。

    Opened out some intrinsical and diagnostic problem . Compared with traditional dyeing printing industrial wastewater , alkali-minimization dyeing printing wastewater which was characterized with TA as the principal pollutant , had much higher organic concentration , color and pH.

  29. 考马司亮蓝G-250染色法测定羊毛酶减量

    Measuring weight loss of the wool treated by enzyme with Coomassie Brilliant Blue

  30. 研究了冬小麦夏玉米种植体系中减量施N对作物N利用与平衡的影响。

    A field trial on a calcareous soil was carried out at an experimental station of China Agricultural University with the objective of assessing the effect of reduced nitrogen application on N utilization and N balance in a winter wheat-summer maize cropping system .