
jiǎn rànɡ biǎo
  • schedule of concessions
  1. 从WTO相关条款、服务贸易具体承诺减让表及WTO条款之间的联系三个层面,分析了加入WTO对我国高等教育的影响,进而提出了应对之策。

    This paper analyses the impact of entry WTO on Chinese higher education from three aspects and produces some countermeasures .

  2. 此外,WTO成员可诉诸WTO争端解决以保证中国服务贸易减让表中的所有承诺得到实施。

    Moreover , WTO Members would have recourse to WTO dispute settlement to ensure implementation of all commitments in China 's GATS schedule .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,不仅要继续降低关税,而且我国的关税税率还受减让表的约束。

    After accession to WTO , we need to reduce the tariff level continuously ; meanwhile the tariff reduction table restricts the tariff level .

  4. 美国相信,印度征收的附加税和额外附加税超过了印度WTO关税减让表中的承诺。

    The US said that it believed additional and extra additional duties imposed by India are in excess of those listed in India 's WTO Tariff Schedule .

  5. 本文涉及的内容包括三个方面,即我国签订的WTO教育服务贸易减让表;加入WTO对我国财经类高等教育的影响及挑战;财经类高等教育应对加入WTO挑战的对策研究。

    The article covers three aspects after entering WTO : the reducing table in education-service trade ; the influence and challenge on our high-level education in economics ; the countermeasures .

  6. 提供分销服务将依照中国在GATS项下的具体承诺减让表进行。

    Providing distribution services would be done in accordance with China 's Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS .

  7. WTO成员关于服务贸易的义务除了受GATS的规范外,亦取决于其通过具体承诺减让表承担的责任。

    The obligations of every WTO member in respect of service trade are governed by the GATS and at the same time depend on its schedule of specific commitments .

  8. 以上(f)款中和涉及一成员具体承诺的“年度”一词指在该成员减让表中列明的日历年度、财政年度或销售年度。

    " year " in paragraph ( f ) above and in relation to the specific commitments of a Member refers to the calendar , financial or marketing year specified in the Schedule relating to that Member .

  9. 这就使得如何解释GATS和具体承诺减让表成为事关服务贸易市场开放程度和进度的关键问题。

    Hence the interpretation of the GATS and the schedules of specific commitments is a matter that determines the degree and pace of opening service market .

  10. GATS协定构筑了基本的自然人流动法律制度框架,而各成员方的承诺减让表规定了负担义务的实质内容,是自然人流动法律制度的核心组成部分。

    GATS agreement builds a basic framework of the legal system for movement of natural persons , and the Schedule of Specific Commitments of all members which pay obligations , is also a core component of the legal system for movement of natural persons .

  11. 具体承诺减让表构成GATS的组成部分,因此,对其的解释也应该适用条约解释的一般规则,包括相关条款的通常含义、上下文、嗣后惯例及补充手段等。

    Schedules of specific commitments form an integral part of GATS , the rules of interpretation that apply with respect to GATS schedules are the same as the general rules to the conventions , including ordinary meaning , context , subsequent practice and supplementary means .

  12. 在此基础上构造服务贸易壁垒频度检验的Probit模型,对中国服务贸易壁垒进行频度检验,进而评价我国服务贸易减让表的设置是否有效地维护了我国作为发展中国家的利益。

    Thirdly , it formulates the Frequency Test Model of services barriers based on Probit Model . The frequency test of barriers to trade in services in China is performed to evaluate if China maintained the rights as a developing country when setting its Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services .

  13. 此类承诺应列入一成员减让表。

    Such commitments shall be inscribed in a Member 's Schedule .

  14. 服务贸易理事会应为更正或修改减让表制定程序。

    The Council for Trade in Services shall establish procedures for rectification or modification of Schedules .

  15. 第20条具体承诺减让表

    Article XX Schedules of Specific Commitments

  16. 具体承诺减让表七、其他问题

    Schedule of Specific Commitments 68

  17. 具体承诺减让表应附在本协定之后,并应成为本协定的组成部分。

    Schedules of specific commitments shall be annexed to this Agreement and shall form an integral part thereof .

  18. 与限制扩大出口补贴范围有关的承诺均在减让表中列明。

    Commitments relating to limitations on the extension of the scope of export subsidization are as specified in Schedules .

  19. 每一成员应在减让表中列出其根据本协定第三部分作出的具体承诺。

    Each Member shall set out in a schedule the specific commitments it undertakes under Part III of this Agreement .

  20. 第1款不得适用于已列入一成员减让表的任何关于基础电信服务的具体承诺。

    Paragraph 1 shall not apply to any specific commitment on basic telecommunications which is inscribed in a Member 's Schedule .

  21. 因此,其他税费应以该日期实施的水平记录在减让表中。

    " Other duties or charges " shall therefore be recorded in the Schedules at the levels applying on this date .

  22. 根据本条修改或撤销承诺的任何成员应根据此类程序修改其减让表。

    Any member which has modified or withdrawn scheduled commitments under this article shall modify its schedule according to such procedures .

  23. 自然人流动法律制度主要由主体规范、相关附件和承诺减让表构成。

    Legal system for the movement of natural persons consists of subject specifications , related Annex and the Schedule of Specific Commitments .

  24. 他指出,中国的综合支持总量承诺水平列入中国减让表第四部分第1节中。

    He noted that China 's Total AMS Commitment Level was set forth in Part IV , Section I of China 's Schedule .

  25. 减让表所含市场准入减让涉及关税约束和削减,并涉及其中列明的其他市场准入承诺。

    Market access concessions contained in Schedules relate to bindings and reductions of tariffs , and to other market access commitments as specified therein .

  26. 减让表中所列减让和承诺的实施期应按有关减让表相关部分列明的时间执行。

    The staging of concessions and commitments listed in the Schedules shall be implemented as specified in the relevant parts of the relevant Schedules .

  27. 87.工作组成员欢迎中国关于约束其货物贸易市场准入减让表中所有产品关税的决定。

    87 . Members of the Working Party welcomed China 's decision to bind tariffs for all products in its schedule on market access for goods .

  28. 依照《关于有利于最不发达国家措施的部长决定》提交的任何减让表应被视为附在本议定书之后。

    Any schedule submitted in accordance with the Ministerial Decision on measures in favour of least-developed countries shall be deemed to be annexed to this protocol .

  29. (ⅲ)保证任何其他成员的服务提供者不提供该成员减让表中承诺所允许之外的服务。

    ( iii ) to ensure that service suppliers of any other Member do not supply services unless permitted pursuant to commitments in the Member 's Schedule .

  30. 中国代表确认,如此种协议符合中国的具体承诺减让表中的相关股权承诺,则将获得批准。

    The representative of China confirmed that such an agreement would be approved if consistent with the relevant equity commitments in China 's Schedule of Specific Commitments .