
jiǎn yuán zēnɡ xiào
  • downsize staffs and improve efficiency;reduce staff for greater efficiency;increase benefit by reducing staff
  1. 而要建立和完善这一新体系,对于未来路政管理工作而言,必须减员增效。

    In order to set up and improve this system , we must downsize staffs and improve efficiency in our future highway management work .

  2. 减员增效工程的现实思考

    Realistic Thoughts of the Project for Reduction of Personnel and Increase of Benefits

  3. 减员增效和再就业的理论思考

    Thoughts On Employee Reduction For Efficiency Improvement And Re-Employment

  4. 以改革推动减员增效

    Advancing Reducing Employees & Improving Efficiency By Reform

  5. 减法定律:减员增效是合并中的第一场大胜仗。

    Truth of Attrition : Rightsizing is the first big victory in all mergers .

  6. 第一方面说的是减少高等教育的成本,分为两个方面,一是减员增效,二是消除腐败。

    First and foremost , it is a must to reduce the cost of higher education .

  7. 国有企业富余人员过多,原因是多方面的,“下岗分流、减员增效”是国有企业改革的必然选择。

    Laid-off and reduction of staff for great efficiency is the choice of reform of necessity .

  8. 中石化海外上市后,对非上市部分提出改制分流,减员增效的政策要求。

    After SINOPEC got listed abroad , the policy of cutting payroll to improve efficiency is required .

  9. 在加速社会保障体系建设的,加度抓好减员增效。

    During acceleration social security system construction 's , increases dynamics to pay special attention to the downsizing for efficiency .

  10. 鼓励兼并,规范破产,下岗分流,减员增效和实施再就业工程

    Encourage merger of enterprises standardize Bankruptcy procedures , reposition laid-off workers , increase efficiency by downsizing staff and implement re-employment projects

  11. 国有企业改革要坚持减员增效与促进再就业相结合。

    In the course of reform of state-owned enterprises , we should combine the reduction of staff for higher efficiency with the promotion of reemployment .

  12. 这意味着进行全国范围的资本重组、减员增效,将是中国烟草加工业今后发展的重要途径。

    This means that to improve the efficiency of the capital restructuring carried out across the country , will be an important way for future development .

  13. 面对激烈的市场竞争,国有商业银行在实行减员增效的同时,也都在努力构建科学合理高效的绩效管理体系。

    Facing intense market competition , our state-owned commercial banks all try to construct scientific , reasonable and effective achievements management system during implementing downsizing for efficiency .

  14. 以减员增效为主线进行综合配套改革转基因海带配子体的制备与高效增殖

    Taking Depletion of Staff Numbers and Increase of Benefits as the Mainstay and Implementing the Comprehensive Reformation for Completion ; Preparation and Rapid Vegetative Propagation of Transgenic Laminaria Japonica Gametophytes

  15. 为促进学校教务管理的科学化、规范化、信息化,减员增效、保障教学改革的顺利实施提供了有力的支持。

    It has provided a powerfull support with accelerating the scientific , standardization , imformationization , downsizing for efficiency of campus teaching management , and with safeguarding the education annoviation as well .

  16. 通过火电厂燃料输送仿真系统的开发研制,可以提高燃料输送自动控制系统的开发水平,并可对操作员进行模拟培训,达到减员增效的目的。

    A simulation system for the fuel conveyance is developed , by which the level of the development of automatic control system for fuel conveyance can be improved and the operators can be trained by simulation .

  17. 冗余系统架构灵活、编程简单、稳定可靠,在减少停车时间,减员增效等方面作用明显。

    The redundant system architecture is flexible , stable , reliable and easy to program . As all of the characters the effect is obvious in reducing the parking time , and downsizing to improve efficiency .

  18. 承担信息沟通手段的运营商电信企业蓬勃发展,电信业竞争日趋激烈,随着客户规模不断扩张,业务量快速增长,如何实现减员增效,是各运营商必须面对的问题。

    Bear the communications operator of the means of telecommunication enterprise can flourish , telecommunication industry increasingly competitive as customers expanding , rapid increase of business , how to achieve reductions and increasing efficiency are all operators have to face the problem .

  19. 该系统融计算机控制多媒体监控系统、信息管理于一体,实现了生产过程自动化、领导决策信息化、经营管理现代化,大大减少了运行人员和管理人员,达到了减员增效的目的。

    This system combines computer control , multimedia supervisory system with information management and realizes many functions , such as production process automatization , decision-making based on information and management modernization , meanwhile , makes workman much fewer and benefits much more .

  20. 同时,可以实现水泥企业减员增效,提高设备的运转率,节能降耗,降低成本,提高企业的自动化水平。

    At the same time , it can reduce the member of the cement plant and increase the profit , improve the operation rate of the equipment , lower the consumption of energy and the cost and improve the automatic level of the plant .

  21. 20世纪末出现的强强合并大学在管理上面临着校园文化的融合与重构、权力的重新划分、学科的调整以及减员增效等挑战。

    The merge of relevant universities in China in the late 20th century brings about a series of challenges in various aspects such as ferment and restructuring of campus culture , re-division of power , adjustment of specialties and reduction of redundant personnel to raise efficiency .

  22. 要从根本上降低石油化工装置的加工成本,炼化企业就要深化人事制度改革,减员增效,减低人工成本;推行目标成本管理,建立完善的成本控制机制;

    To reduce cost of petrochemical production , it is necessary to deepen the reform in personnel system in petrochemical enterprises , lower the cost of human resources , adopt target cost management , establish and perfect cost control mechanism , and reduce material consumption cost with technical means .