
  • 网络suppression of dust adhesion
  1. 基于CFD的厢式车尾部减尘方法研究

    The method research of suppression of dust adhesion to the end of a van-type truck based on CFD

  2. 采用CFD技术研究厢式车尾部卷尘机理,通过改变车辆外形从而控制尾部气流形态以达到减尘的目的。

    The mechanism of dust adhesion to the end of van-type truck is researched with CFD to control the form of automotive wake in order to reach suppression of dust adhesion via changing automotive shape .

  3. 树林内空气中TSP含量明显低于裸地上空TSP含量,减尘率达79.5%,减尘效果明显。

    The content of TSP in the woods is obviously lower than on the uncovered land and the percentage of reducing dust reaches 79.5 % .

  4. 区域地被植物匮乏,直接影响了城市景观质量,减弱了固土减尘、保护环境的生态效果。

    Shortage region ground cover plants directly decreased the ecological effect for fixing soil .

  5. 本试验以山西农业大学校园为试验区,研究了主要绿化树种的滞尘能力和滞尘机理,并研究了不同绿地类型的减尘效应。

    Dust catching abilities of major afforestation tree species and catching mechanism are studied in Shanxi Agriculture University .

  6. 区域绿期植被简单、花季短促,非绿期植被覆盖度大幅下降,直接影响了固土减尘、保护环境的生态效果。

    The simple structure , short flowering duration of garden vegetation , and low coverage in winter and spring directly decreased the ecological effect for fixing soil .

  7. 公路绿化不仅可以提供安全舒适的交通运输环境,而且对于稳固路基、保护路面、美化环境、减噪降尘、防风防沙以及改善区域生态环境都有重要意义。

    The highway planting can not only provide a safe and comfortable transportation environment , but also have the important meaning in terms of stable roadbed , road surface protection , beautiful environment , sand protection , and windproof against sand as well as the improvement in region ecological environment .