
GARP approach can be used to collect data for empirical study of the estimation of green NNP or to interpret the satellite account of SNA with the aim to obtain an accurate estimation of the net welfare generated by economic activity .
In the market economy , economical person is self-interest oriented .
Effects of Exchange Rate of International Trade on Social Welfare
Tax excess burden is a loss of social net welfare in excess of government 's tax .
And so far we have not yet set up a consummated mechanism for the market withdrawal .
While regulatory capture theory addresses the political incentive in government behavior and provides that an economic-based protection may decrease national welfare .
The strategic trade policy suggests the government interfere with the oligopolistic industries that exist excessive profit or technological spillovers to maximize national net welfare .
Under the condition that customers are locked-in , discrimination price tactic can bring more profit than flat price tactic , but does not cause the change of social welfare ;
Network externalities and product compatibility are the main factors that make customers locked-in , and the switching cost leads to the gain of companies ' profit , but the loss of net social welfare ;
In analysis of microeconomic , a couple of unsustainable hypotheses existing in mainstream economic theories were pointed out definitely . Externalities decrease efficiency of resource allocation and damage net society welfare . They are the roots of unsustainable development .
Utilitarian emphasis on encouraging the creation of new works and disseminating to the community to promote public interest in order to achieve maximum net social welfare .