
  • 网络condensation;cold-process
  1. 目前,有机废气的治理方法多种多样,其中主要包括吸附法、冷凝法、膜法和生物法等。

    Treatment methods of VOCs were also various , including adsorption , condensation , membrane and biochemical method , etc.

  2. 氨水吸收湿法磷酸生产尾气中氟化合物的初探冷凝法净化气态污染物

    Absorption of Fluorinated Compound in Tail Gas of Wet-process Phosphoric Acid Product with Ammonia control of gaseous pollutants by condensation

  3. 利用蒸发冷凝法,制备了不同平均粒径的Fe-29wt%Ni合金超细微粒。

    Fe 29wt % Ni alloy ultrafine particles with different average sizes are prepared using evaporation condensation method .

  4. 利用Aspen模拟软件优化冷凝法油气回收工艺

    Optimization of Oil and Gas Condensation Recovery Technology Based on Aspen Software

  5. 采用电阻加热蒸发冷凝法,在N2保护气氛下,制得铜纳米粉末。

    Protected by N2 , copper nanoparticles were produced using resistance heat evaporative cooling method .

  6. 利用蒸汽冷凝法产生的不同粒径DOP(邻苯二甲酸二正辛脂)单分散气溶胶粒子及多分散气溶胶粒子,在滤材测试平台上对三种型号玻璃纤维滤材的过滤效率进行了研究。

    Using monodisperse and polydisperse DOP aerosols generated by the vapor condensation method , the filtration efficiency of three types of glass fibers was studied .

  7. 目前,荧光粉的制备方法有很多,例如沉淀法、热分解法、溶胶-凝胶法、燃烧法、激光蒸发冷凝法、CVD法、水热法、模板组装等等。

    At present , there are a lot of phosphor preparation methods , such as precipitation , thermal decomposition , sol-gel method , emulsion , laser evaporation condensation method , CVD method , hydrothermal method , the template assembly and so on .

  8. 毛纺厂染色车间冷凝法排雾探讨

    Investigation on Condensing Method to Remove Mist Within Wool Dyeing Room

  9. 冷凝法油气回收装置的研究及优化运行

    Study and Optimal Operation of Gasoline Vapor Recovery Unit by Condensation

  10. 采用吸附冷凝法对痕量含硫气体进行富集预处理。

    The trace sulfur gases were enriched with adsorption and condensation method .

  11. 一种水冷的分凝盘管冷凝法油气回收技术中的油气冷凝特性分析

    Condensation Characteristics Analysis of Refueling Gas for Condensation Refueling Gas Recovery Technique

  12. 冷凝法测环境氡

    A Condensed Water Method for Measuring the Atmospheric Radon

  13. 冷凝法回收油气问题的探讨

    Probe into Recovery Oil Gas with Condensing Method

  14. 用蒸馏-多级冷凝法从锑矿石制取高纯度三氯化锑。

    By means of distillation-fractional condensation high purity antimony trichloride was made from antimony sulphide ore.

  15. 介绍了植物挥发物提取的一种简易方法&液氮冷凝法。

    A simple and convenient method for extracting plant volatiles condensates by liquid nitrogen is introduced .

  16. 该发射器采用原位冷凝法同时冷凝25支枪管生成25粒氢或氘丸。

    The in situ condensation is employed in this injector for making 25 pellets in 25 gun barrels simultaneously .

  17. 介绍了常见的4种油气回收技术:吸附法、吸收法、冷凝法和膜分离法。

    Four technologies such as adsorption , absorption , condensation and membrane selective osmosis commonly used for oil vapor recovery were introduced .

  18. 列举了石蜡等制备微胶囊的囊壳材料以及熔化分散冷凝法、锐孔-凝固浴法和喷雾冷却法等三种制备方法,并展望了其应用前景。

    , and introduces three preparation methods of temperature controlling microcapsule , i. e. , melting-dispersion-condension , microhole - freezing , and spray-cooling .

  19. 常用吸收法、吸附法、冷凝法及膜法来回收轻质油品蒸发排放出来的油气。

    The oil vapor emitted from light petroleum products is normally recovered by the methods of adsorption , absorption , condensation and membrane .

  20. 以电炉粗锌为原料,采用精馏-蒸发-冷凝法生产高品质超细活性锌粉。

    High quality super fine zinc dusts are produced with electric furnace crude zinc pig as raw material by using distillation condensation technology .

  21. 冷凝法油气回收装置具有橇装化程度高、变排量控制方便、能耗相对较低等优点,其在油气回收领域的应用前景具有比较大的潜力。

    Gasoline vapor recovery unit by condensation has many advantages , such as high skid-mounted , convenient variable displacement control and low energy consumption .

  22. 通过对目前提氦技术的分析介绍,低温冷凝法较为成熟,但能耗、成本较高;

    Through analysis on the present technologies , this study discovered that low-temperature condensation is a relatively matured method with high cost and highly-consumed energy ;

  23. 汽油蒸气的回收方法主要包括吸收法、吸附法、冷凝法、膜分离法,其中吸附法是一种有效的油气回收技术。

    Gasoline vapour recovery methods mainly include absorption , adsorption , condensation and membrane separation , and adsorption is an effective gasoline vapor recovery technology .

  24. 采用温度梯度冷凝法,用自制滴丸机对中药川芎滴丸的成形工艺条件进行了实验研究。

    The technical conditions to preparing Chuanxiong ( Chinese Traditional Medicine ) dropping pills with self-designed dropping pills machine are studied through temperature gradient condensation .

  25. 本文对有机溶剂的回收方法,如吸附法、吸收法、冷凝法和膜分离法等的研究进展与应用进行了综述。

    The research progress and application of technologies for organic solvent recovery , such as adsorption , absorption ,( condensation ), and membrane technology , are reviewed .

  26. 介绍了冷凝法油气回收装置的工艺原理,并对冷凝法油气回收装置的应用进行了说明。

    The separation mechanism of condensation unit for oil vapor recovery were introduced , and the application technology of condensation unit for oil vapor recovery were described .

  27. 不同质量配比的丙酮溶液的回收率检测结果显示回收丙酮的效率不高,表明冷凝法不适合回收低浓度有机溶剂。

    The recovery rate of different proportion of acetone solution was not satisfying , which indicates that condensation method was not suitable for recovering low concentration organic solvents .

  28. 用离心法、蒸馏法、冷凝法和吸附法从12个绿豆品种和5个棉花品种植株中提取145份挥发物。

    A total of 145 volatile extracts were made from 12 varieties of mung bean and 5 varieties of cotton plants using the centrifugation , distillation , condensation and head-space methods .

  29. 介绍硫酸生产酸洗净化流程中的3种移热方式:间接冷凝法、空气(或空气-尾气)冷却法和稀酸冷却法。

    Tree heat-removing ways for weak acid-scrubbing cleaning process in sulphuric acid production are discussed , indirect condensation method , air and / or tail gas cooling method and weak acid cooling method .

  30. 微波辐照再生活性炭纤维方法设备简单,解吸率高,再生时间短,能耗低,活性炭纤维损耗较小,甲苯气体可利用冷凝法回收,具有很好的应用前景。

    The equipment is simple ; regeneration rate is high and the losing of ACF is little . So , the method of microwave regeneration will be applied more to control the emissions of air pollutants .