
xiū zhù
  • construct;build;put up
修筑 [xiū zhù]
  • [build] 修缮建筑;修建

  • 这里将修筑一条新公路

修筑[xiū zhù]
  1. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。

    It takes a lot of labor to build a railway .

  2. 修筑长城需要几百万的劳工。

    To build the Wall , Chin needed millions of workers .

  3. 我们需要更多的资金来修筑道路、开办医院和学校。

    We need more money for roads , hospitals and schools .

  4. 修筑新的道路可增加交通流量,反过来也是同样的道理:减少道路的数量和规模就意味着减少交通流量。

    Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true : reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic .

  5. 政府已经开始沿东部边境修筑防御工事。

    The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border .

  6. 法国人在从敦克尔刻到杜埃的英吉利海峡沿岸修筑了一系列要塞。

    The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai

  7. 新铁路正在修筑之中。

    The new railway is under construction .

  8. 铁路正在修筑中。

    The railway is in course of construction .

  9. 那条河上正在修筑一座公路桥。

    A highway bridge is being built over the river .

  10. 他们修筑了堤坝来阻挡上涨的洪水

    They built dykes and dam to hold back the rising flood waters .

  11. 丁苯橡胶(SBR)沥青混合料修筑路面的研究与应用

    Test and application of asphalt mixture modified by the SBR for paving road

  12. 为了公路交通安全和资源节约的目的,本课题对嵌入式抗滑表层修筑技术&HotRolledAsphalt(简称HRA)进行了研究。

    For the purpose of traffic security and saving resources , we make a research of Hot Rolled Asphalt ( we call it HRA for short ) .

  13. 最后,介绍了我国第一条UTW路面试验路的修筑情况。

    In the end , first UTW experimental project in China is introduced .

  14. 计算时采用改变EPS铺设位置,模拟路面下多年冻土季节最大融深在路基修筑完工后8a内随时间的变化。

    The maximum thaw depths during the following 8 years in permafrost under the roadbed were simulated by varying the position of EPS .

  15. 市长们已经寻求到环保组织的帮助,环保组织认为围墙的修筑将影响RioGrande河谷中野生动物的自然迁徙活动。

    The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the Rio Grande river valley .

  16. 用GTM法设计的沥青混合料修筑的试验路效果良好,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。

    The test pavement of asphalt mixture designed using GTM method is property good . It possess great economic proficiency and social meaning .

  17. 2006年,巴拿马运河运力几近饱和,时任尼加拉瓜总统恩里克•博拉尼奥斯(EnriqueBola&241;os)也曾寻求恢复修筑运河的计划。

    In 2006 , Enrique Bola & # 241 ; os , then president of Nicaragua , also sought to revive the plan when the Panama Canal was close to capacity .

  18. LCI型路缘石自动成型机是一种利用沥青混合料修筑道路路缘的专用设备。路缘砖机的工作装置及其施工工艺

    Model LCI curb paver is a kind of equipment which produces curb with asphalt mixture . Installation & Construction Technology of Curb Brick Machine

  19. 通过修筑CRCP试验路实体工程,研究并解决了CRCP施工中的关键技术问题一一钢筋的制作、定位与安装,给出了CRCP施工工艺流程、质量控制要求与温度控制措施等。

    This paper presents a nomogram for reliability calculation . Though building the CRCP test road , the key technique ? reinforcement installation is studied and solved successfully .

  20. 空冷凝汽器(ACC)通过向大气释放热量对汽机排汽或汽机旁路的减温过热蒸汽进行冷凝。蒸汽压路机用来修筑道路。

    The air-cooled steam condenser ( ACC ) condenses the turbine exhaust steam or the de-superheated steam from the turbine bypass by rejecting the heat to the atmosphere . A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads .

  21. 同时,还会在隧道出口形成噪声污染,在隧道口修筑缓冲结构是解决这一问题的有效措施。

    Building tunnel hood is efficient method for solving these problems .

  22. 阿尔弗列德国王将其修筑成堡垒,以抵御好战的丹麦人。

    King Alfred turned it into a fortress against belligerent Danes .

  23. 山西公路隧道修筑的关键技术和面临的难题

    The Key Technique and Some Problem of Shanxi Highway Tunnel Construction

  24. 用石灰土或水泥土修筑淤地坝溢洪道的试验研究

    Experiments on Soil-lime and Soil-cement Lining of Spillway of Check Dam

  25. 软土地基上修筑高填土挡土墙施工技术探讨

    Technical Discussion of Constructing Highfill Retaining Wall on Soft Soil Subgrade

  26. 多年冻土地区路基修筑技术及实践

    A Study on Subgrade Construction Technology and Practice in Permafrost Regions

  27. 摊铺机修筑路面基层技术的研究及应用

    Study and apply for construct pavement substratum use by spreading machine

  28. 建筑密集地区修筑地下管道方法初探

    A New Method of Constructing Underground Pile in Densely Built Area

  29. 新压实度标准下路基修筑中的几个问题

    Discussion on the Construction of Subgrade with New Compaction Standard

  30. 沥青路面再生利用技术是一项新的沥青路面修筑技术。

    The technology of recycling old asphalt pavement is new .