
  1. 论文第三章,分析了新世纪典型宣传的机遇和挑战。

    The third chapter analyzes the opportunities and challenges which the model propaganda encounter in the new century .

  2. 在文章的最后,还将对沈浩的典型宣传与焦裕禄的典型宣传做一个泛化的比较。

    At the end of the article , I will make a generalization compare between the propaganda of Shen Hao and Jiao Yulu .

  3. 融入各项比赛及社会实践活动和先进典型的宣传上;

    The propagandizing of every competition and social practical activity with the advanced representatives ;

  4. 边疆民族地区三个代表教育与党员先进典型学习宣传&兼谈七月彝山礼赞主题电视的成功实践

    On the relationship between education of Three Represents and propaganda of advanced model Party members in the border minority nationality areas : A successful practice of the TV series Chuxiong Yi Nationality Prefecture of July

  5. 75%是来自典型的口头宣传。

    Seventy-five percent typically come from word of mouth .

  6. 我国典型报道的宣传色彩浓厚,政治意图明显。

    The model report has very strong sense of advocacy and its political intention is obvious .

  7. 宣传推广典型,所宣传的典型事迹要真实,切忌包装与炒作;

    Second , the model deeds to be publicized and popularized should be true without image design and hype ;

  8. 在这一部分中首先选取三个具有典型意义的宣传形式即报纸、漫画、广播进行详细介绍,也简单地介绍其他宣传形式中的戏剧和歌曲。

    In this part , first of all , it introduces detailly three typical forms of propaganda such as newspaper , caricature and radio . It also simply introduces other forms of propaganda such as the drama songs .

  9. 它通过对具有代表性和教育性的典型人物、典型事件或典型经验的宣传报道,发挥典型的示范指导作用,引导社会舆论,弘扬社会正气。

    Through representative and educational typical characters , events and experiences , its plays a role of guiding public opinion and promoting healthy social tendencies .