- 名concrete plan

John Boehner , the Republican Speaker , emerged from a closed-door meeting with party members without any concrete plan to solve the crisis .
Yet within a month , its only concrete plan had been shattered .
The G-20 suffers from its numbers more members means more formal statements and less give-and-take and from the lack of a permanent staff to implement plans .
We 'll known for certain on which days the shows will air when the network presents its upcoming slate , including new series such as Secret Circle , at the Upfronts in May .
People close to the situation said the detailed plans to be announced by Mr Pandit , who took over in December after the departure of Chuck Prince , and other top executives had not yet been finalised and could change .
The group of 20 nations pledged in September to improve their insolvency regimes to make it easier to handle cross-border bank failures , but the UK is one of the first to come forward with a concrete proposal .
I 'll be outlining my plans at the meeting .
Particular plans for the use of the shunting engine .
They held more than thirty discussions without producing a definite plan .
Who is going to mastermind the move to the new building ?
It also develops the detailed planning and suggestion basing on above discoursing .
I wonder what justin 's plan is .
Contained a specific plan for compensated emancipation to which he invited the attention of Congress .
She is holding out for a detailed plan from the board before she makes the next move .
The carrier is also exploring other new destinations in China but has no concrete plans at this stage .
This was a specific plan of left leaning adventurism that caused enormous losses to the Party 's cause .
And the new coalition government has not yet plans for cutting carbon emissions or funding a low-carbon economy .
Her plan includes a bowling alley , a skating rink , a miniature golf course and a library .
Mercedes says it will likely move the technology into other models , but isn 't outlining specific plans .
If the answer is " go ," start me up moves forward with concrete plans for setting up the airline .
Without a concrete plan of the human side of things , mergers and acquisitions too often fail , they told Fortune .
Finally , we bring forward the detailed measures of organization structure , idiographic project and control management to carry out development strategy .
Well , look , two days before Senator McCain outlined his " specific plan ," Barack Obama laid out a six-point detailed plan
SCE is also looking at ways to make its Japan operations more efficient , though no concrete plans have been drawn up .
He talked a lot about the importance of reform , but he didn 't announce any specific plans or dates for change .
Colleges and universities will need to use the data as a guide to find specific courses of action that benefit both them and their students .
The aspiration to " wipe out the enemy before breakfast " is admirable , but it is bad to make concrete plans to do so .
Nicaragua , which for a century has toyed with the idea of a building its own canal , hasn 't disclosed any details of the plan .
Speaking to the House Foreign Affairs Committee , Kerry called for patience on the details of the two-state plan he might develop in the coming months .
Satoshi Kunii , head of Japan 's Fisheries Agency , says they are aware of plans by environmental groups to disrupt the hunt again this year .