
  1. 于是,如何正确认识和处理好兴国山歌的保护与旅游开发的关系问题,就更具现实意义和紧迫感。

    In such circumstance , how to realize and deal with the relationship between cultural heritage and tourist development correctly has the unprecedented practical and urgent significance .

  2. 文章将兴国山歌划分为散歌、长歌、情歌、民俗歌、杂歌等五种形式,并相应进行阐述,使人们对兴国山歌有一个理性的认识。

    This paper divides Xingguo Fokl Songs into five forms as prose song , long song , emotion song , custom song and other song , which will make people know more about Xingguo Folk song .

  3. 在长期的社会实践和生产劳动中,客家人创造了独具特色的包括音乐在内的客家文化,而兴国山歌则是客家音乐文化中的一朵奇葩。

    During the long period of social practice and work , the Hakka people have created their own distinctive culture including some music forms , which contain the Xingguo folk song & a miracle of music culture of Hakka .

  4. 其实,认真考察兴国山歌的起源,从表现形式、内容和使用功能的文化价值上深入探究兴国山歌的类型及其风格特点,对兴国山歌进一步兴盛和发展无疑具有重要意义。

    ( Actually ), it 's of great importance for the development of Xingguo folk song of which we examine the origin in the ( aspects ) of its form , contents , cultural value , and applicable function and explore the type and stylistic features of it .