
gòng chǎn zhǔ yì
  • communism
共产主义 [gòng chǎn zhǔ yì]
  • [Communism] 一种建立在马克思社会主义基础上的社会和政治学说。或建立在马克思社会主义基础上的社会和政治运动,它说明历史是无情的阶级斗争,最终必然是无产阶级在任何一个地方的胜利,生产资料归社会所有,与此相应的是所有人在社会和经济上的平等,最终导致一个无阶级的社会

共产主义[gòng chǎn zhǔ yì]
  1. 1948年铁托在和斯大林决裂后创建了一种独特的共产主义模式。

    Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948 .

  2. BusinessInsiders的作者很快将对爱字的拘于表达归结于“儒学,或者是20世纪共产主义残留(的影响)”。

    Meanwhile , writers at Business Insiders were quick to attribute the fear of the L word to " Confucian teaching , or the remnants of 20th Century Communism . "

  3. 共产主义社会的分配原则是“各尽所能”,“按需分配”。

    The principle of distribution in communist society is “ from each according to his ability ” and “ to each according to his needs ” .

  4. Thedaypingpongchangedtheworld老美眼中的“乒乓外交”37年前,美国惧怕中国,那时不为人知的远东地区共产主义大国。

    Thirty-seven years ago , America feared China , then the largely unknown Communist giant of the Far East .

  5. 就在肯尼迪遇刺当天,《达拉斯晨报》(DallasMorningNews)整版刊出了一则颇不吉利的黑边广告,将他描绘为“共产主义的同路人”。

    And on the day , the Dallas Morning News published an ominously black-bordered full-page ad portraying him as a communist fellow-traveller .

  6. 对整个后共产主义世界来说,来自金融家乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)的资金至关重要。

    As throughout the post-Communist world , money from financier George Soros was vital .

  7. Koum是在一个有秘密警察的共产主义国家长大的,隐私对他来说尤为重要。

    Privacy was particularly important to Mr. Koum , who grew up in a communist country with a secret police .

  8. 美国前总统卡特(JimmyCarter)周三结束了对古巴为期三天的私人访问。这是自2002年卡特获得诺贝尔和平奖以来第二次访问这个共产主义国家。

    Carter Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Wednesday wrapped up a three-day , private visit to Cuba , his second to the communist-led island since 2002 , the year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize .

  9. 在印尼西部的文化中心日惹市(Yogyakarta),官员们没收了带有共产主义符号的玩具,今年的“乌布作家与读者节”(UbudWritersandReadersFestival)也被禁止讨论1965年发生的事件。

    In the city of Yogyakarta , a cultural centre in western Indonesia , officials have confiscated toys bearing Communist symbols and talks on 1965 were banned at this year 's Ubud Writers and Readers Festival .

  10. 雷小山还列举了一些腾讯(Tencent)、华为(Huawei)和小米等公司的例子。这些案例都表明,共产主义也好,发展中国家背景也罢,同样可以为创新提供肥沃的土壤。

    Such cases - for which Rein gives a few more examples from companies such as Tencent , Huawei or Xiaomi - have to show that a communist or developing country background can be as fertile of a ground for innovation as any other .

  11. 一个加入叛军的荷兰女人操着结结巴巴的西班牙语,给他们讲授共产主义与FARC的历史,以及达尔文的进化论,这些都是梅里达从没在家乡的村庄里学过的。

    A Dutch woman who had joined the fighters and spoke broken Spanish taught lessons on the history of communism , the FARC and Darwin 's theory of evolution , something Melida had never learned in her indigenous village .

  12. 科幻类型的电影倾向于展现理论中的世界和体系,因此特别适合表现社会主义乌托邦。俄国宇航员尤里·加加林(YuriGagarin)进入太空绕地球一周后,更是促进了苏联对于共产主义银河系的梦想。

    With its bent toward theoretical worlds and systems , the genre lent itself extremely well to expressions of socialist utopia , especially after the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin , the first person to orbit Earth , fueled dreams of a Communist galaxy .

  13. 这位同学曾报道过共产主义的覆灭与索马里饥荒。

    He had covered the fall of Communism and the famine in Somalia ;

  14. 其他妇女随后也追随了她的脚步,因为在共产主义统治下,工人们的地位得到了提升。

    Others soon followed her , as workers gained more status under Communist rule .

  15. 古巴是否能证明一个共产主义世外桃源也可以成为一个环保国家呢?

    Does Cuba prove that a communist idyll can also be an environmental one ?

  16. 我是这个世界上唯一的共产主义国家之一。

    I 'm a country that has one of the world 's only communist governments .

  17. 47年前,我们是最后一个确认收到共产主义宣传的国家。

    We are the last nation to acknowledge the Communist propaganda of 47 years ago .

  18. 昨天这个极具神秘主义色彩的共产主义国家释放了一名自从5月份以来一直被关押的美国人。

    Yesterday , the secretive communist country released an American it had held prisoner since May .

  19. 没有理由期望这种复兴正统共产主义的尝试会获得成功。

    There is no reason to expect that this attempt to revive orthodox communism will succeed .

  20. 后来有一段时间我相信共产主义给这个世界带来了最大的希望。

    Later I believed for a while that communism offered the best hope for this world .

  21. 但是,国际共产主义的世界本身亦已为一股猛烈而巨大的力量所动摇

    Yet the world of International Communism has itself been shaken by a fierce and mighty force :

  22. 而拥有庞大军队的共产主义国家韩国却长期陷入经济困境。

    North Korea , a communist state has a giant military , but a chronically struggling economy .

  23. 不管霍布斯鲍姆曾经多么大声地宣扬共产主义教条,他的思想都称得上独立。

    No matter how loudly Hobsbawm proclaimed the communist dogma , his cast of mind was independent .

  24. 意料之中的,中国游客一定会去参观的景点就是共产主义革命家弗拉基米尔·列宁的出生地乌里扬诺夫斯克。

    Unsurprisingly , a must-see attraction for Chinese was Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin 's birthplace in Ulyanovsk .

  25. 我记得当我十多岁的时候我去过华沙,那时还实行严格的共产主义制度。

    I remember as a teenager I went to Warsaw when it was still a strict communist regime .

  26. 人民宫比凡尔赛宫大7倍,大概是欧洲共产主义革命成就的唯一亮点。

    Seven times bigger than Versailles , the People 's Palace was the last word in Communist opulence .

  27. 而东欧国家游说是为了更慷慨的分配,因为他们的共产主义遗留思想和较低的生活水平。

    Eastern European nations have lobbied for more generous allocations because of their communist legacies and lower living standards .

  28. 我们出生在共产主义的中国,那时候,大家在物质上都不富裕。

    We were born into Communist China , at a time when almost nobody had access to material wealth .

  29. 在俄罗斯,自从共产主义瓦解,过去被禁止的企业家就如同雨后春笋一般冒出。

    Since the collapse of communism , entrepreneurs have taken off in places where they were once forbidden , including Russia .

  30. 沈绮颖的祖母悲痛欲绝,从此在家中禁止提起她的丈夫、中国与共产主义。

    Heartbroken , Ms. Sim 's grandmother banned the mention of her husband , China , or Communism in her home .